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Perner, Kerstin; Moros, Matthias; De Deckker, Patrick (2020): Planktic foraminifera fauna from sediment core MD03-2611G [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: De Deckker, Patrick; Moros, Matthias; Blanz, Thomas; Schneider, Ralph R; Barrows, Timothy T; Perner, Kerstin (2020): Multidataset for sediment cores MD03-2611 and SS0206-GC15 taken offshore southern Australia [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Foraminifer faunal analysis; Last Glacial Maximum; Leeuwin Current; Marine isotopic Stages; modern analogue technique; Moraines; Oceanic fronts; Palaeoceanography; sea-surface temperature
Supplement to:
De Deckker, Patrick; Moros, Matthias; Perner, Kerstin; Blanz, Thomas; Wacker, Lukas; Schneider, Ralph R; Barrows, Timothy T; O'Loingsigh, T; Jansen, Eystein (2020): Climatic evolution in the Australian region over the last 94 ka - spanning human occupancy -, and unveiling the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 249, 106593,
Latitude: -36.729800 * Longitude: 136.548300
Date/Time Start: 2003-02-27T06:25:00 * Date/Time End: 2003-02-27T06:25:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 11.940 m
MD03-2611G (MD032611G) * Latitude: -36.729800 * Longitude: 136.548300 * Date/Time: 2003-02-27T06:25:00 * Elevation: -2420.0 m * Recovery: 11.97 m * Location: Southern Ocean * Campaign: MD131 (AUSCAN) * Basis: Marion Dufresne (1995) * Method/Device: Gravity corer (GC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmDe Deckker, PatrickGeocode
3AGEAgeka BPDe Deckker, PatrickGeocode
4Globigerina bulloidesG. bulloides%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
5Globigerina inflataG. inflata%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
6Truncorotalia truncatulinoidesT. truncatulinoides%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
7Globigerinella siphoniferaG. siphonifera%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
8Globigerinoides ruberG. ruber%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
9Globigerinoides rubescensG. rubescens%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
10Globoturborotalita tenellaG. tenella%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
11Neogloboquadrina incomptaN. incompta%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
12Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistralN. pachyderma s%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
13Turborotalia quinqueloba dextralT. quinqueloba d%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
14Turborotalia quinqueloba sinistralT. quinqueloba s%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
15Globigerinita glutinataG. glutinata%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
16Globigerina scitulaG. scitula%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
17Globorotalia hirsutaG. hirsuta%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
18Globorotalia menardiiG. menardii%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
19Orbulina universaO. universa%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
20Truncorotalia crassaformisT. crassaformis%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
21Globigerinella adamsiG. adamsi%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
22Globigerina calidaG. calida%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
23Globigerinoides sacculiferG. sacculifer%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
24Globigerina falconensisG. falconensis%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
25Globigerinoides trilobusG. trilobus%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
26Globigerinoides conglobatusG. conglobatus%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
27Turborotalita quinquelobaT. quinqueloba%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
28Foraminifera, planktic, tropicalForam plankt tropical%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
29Foraminifera, planktic, subpolarForam plankt subpolar%De Deckker, PatrickCounting, foraminifera, planktic
14066 data points

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