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Zhou, Yuxin; McManus, Jerry F; Jacobel, Allison W; Costa, Kassandra M; Wang, Shouyi; Caraveo, Blanca Alvarez (2020): IRD flux and supporting data on two cores in the western North Atlantic [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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A series of catastrophic iceberg discharges termed Heinrich events punctuated the last ice age in the North Atlantic. During Heinrich events, coarse terrigenous debris released from the drifting icebergs and preserved in deep-sea sediments serves as an indicator of their passage. Quantifying the vertical flux of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in pelagic sediments can resolve questions regarding the timing and variation in ice sheet calving intensity. In this study, 230Thxs-based IRD flux was measured throughout the last glacial period in a deep-sea sediment core from the western North Atlantic (EW9303-37JPC, 43.68°N, 46.28°W, 3981 m), and complemented during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-3 by measurements from DY081-GVY01 (50.16°N, 45.51°W, 3721m) in the Labrador Sea. The cores are downstream from the Hudson Strait, a leading candidate for the conduit of the icebergs from the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS). We compare our results with the directly equivalent existing data in the eastern North Atlantic, and show that EW37JPC and DY001GVY have higher IRD fluxes during all Heinrich events, notably including 3 and 6. This study demonstrates that the Laurentide played a role in all Heinrich events and raises the likelihood that a single mechanism can account for their genesis.
Heinrich event; IRD flux; thorium normalization; Western North Atlantic
Supplement to:
Zhou, Yuxin; McManus, Jerry F; Jacobel, Allison W; Costa, Kassandra M; Wang, Shouyi; Caraveo, Blanca Alvarez (2021): Enhanced iceberg discharge in the western North Atlantic during all Heinrich events of the last glaciation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 564, 116910,
Median Latitude: 46.644723 * Median Longitude: -45.926899 * South-bound Latitude: 43.680000 * West-bound Longitude: -46.280000 * North-bound Latitude: 50.159200 * East-bound Longitude: -45.508300
Date/Time Start: 1993-07-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-07-08T11:24:00
22 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Ca/Sr ratios of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  2. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Coarse fraction of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  3. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Density of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  4. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): IRD of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  5. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Mass and IRD accumulation rates of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  6. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Magnetic susceptibility measurement of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  7. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Neogloboquadrina pachyderma abundances in sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  8. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Thorium excess of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  9. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): U and Th of sediment core DY081_GVY01.
  10. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Ca/Sr ratios of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  11. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Coarse fraction of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  12. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Stable oxygen isotope record of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  13. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Density of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  14. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Radiocarbon ages of sediment cores EW9303-37JPC and DY081_GVY01.
  15. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Additional age control point of sediment cores EW9303-37JPC and DY081_GVY01.
  16. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): IRD of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  17. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Mass and IRD accumulation rates of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  18. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Leaching experiments of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  19. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Magnetic susceptibility measurement of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  20. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Neogloboquadrina pachyderma abundances in sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  21. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): Thorium excess of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.
  22. Zhou, Y; McManus, JF; Jacobel, AW et al. (2020): U and Th of sediment core EW9303-37JPC.