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Leite-Filho, Argemiro Teixeira: Percentage of deforestation and total annual rainfall for the Amazon arc of deforestation (1980 to 2012) [dataset]. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, PANGAEA, (dataset in review)

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Annual Precipitation data for Amazon arc of deforestation: We aggregated the monthly precipitation dataset comes from Brazil Gridded Meteorological Data from 1980-2013 Project (Xavier et al., 2015, doi:10.1002/joc.4518) to annual time scale. These data are a gridded time series of monthly millimeters of rainfall from 3625 rain gauge and 735 weather stations across Amazon arc of deforestation at high‐resolution grids of 0.25∘ × 0.25∘ spatial resolution (approximately 28 km at the equator).
Percentage of deforestation for the Amazon arc of deforestation: We used the longest agricultural land use database currently available for the region, the Brazilian Historical Agricultural Land Use database (BHALU; Dias et al., 2016) (available at http:// These maps were originally constructed at 30 m spatial resolution (~1 km × 1 km). The final data are in hectares of each land use category per pixel, which for our database were converted into percentages of deforested land per pixel.
Files "Prec_sum_YYYY.tif": Total annual rainfall
Files "LU_YYYY.tif": Annual percentage of deforestation
where YYYY is the year from 1980 to 2012.
Amazonia; annual rainfall; Arc-of-deforestation; percentage of deforestation
Latitude: -7.000000 * Longitude: -65.000000
Date/Time Start: 1980-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-01-01T00:00:00
Amazon_basin * Latitude: -7.000000 * Longitude: -65.000000 * Location: Brasil
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DATE/TIMEDate/TimeLeite-Filho, Argemiro TeixeiraGeocode
File contentContentLeite-Filho, Argemiro Teixeira
File formatFile formatLeite-Filho, Argemiro Teixeira
File sizeFile sizekByteLeite-Filho, Argemiro TeixeiraLU
Uniform resource locator/link to fileURL fileLeite-Filho, Argemiro TeixeiraLU
File sizeFile sizekByteLeite-Filho, Argemiro TeixeiraPrec sum
Uniform resource locator/link to fileURL fileLeite-Filho, Argemiro TeixeiraPrec sum
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) (License comes into effect after moratorium ends)
202 data points


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(Prec sum)

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(Prec sum)
1980Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1980TIF419.254LU_1980.tif733.797Prec_sum_1980.tif
1981Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1981TIF423.652LU_1981.tif731.299Prec_sum_1981.tif
1982Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1982TIF425.766LU_1982.tif730.373Prec_sum_1982.tif
1983Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1983TIF427.566LU_1983.tif732.920Prec_sum_1983.tif
1984Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1984TIF429.203LU_1984.tif732.727Prec_sum_1984.tif
1985Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1985TIF431.047LU_1985.tif727.115Prec_sum_1985.tif
1986Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1986TIF432.514LU_1986.tif733.225Prec_sum_1986.tif
1987Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1987TIF433.500LU_1987.tif730.625Prec_sum_1987.tif
1988Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1988TIF435.146LU_1988.tif735.412Prec_sum_1988.tif
1989Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1989TIF436.080LU_1989.tif732.402Prec_sum_1989.tif
1990Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1990TIF437.762LU_1990.tif736.557Prec_sum_1990.tif
1991Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1991TIF438.816LU_1991.tif738.436Prec_sum_1991.tif
1992Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1992TIF439.938LU_1992.tif729.191Prec_sum_1992.tif
1992Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1992, 23 km resolutionTIF6.195LU_1992_23km.tif
1993Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1993TIF441.033LU_1993.tif732.506Prec_sum_1993.tif
1994Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1994TIF441.471LU_1994.tif732.486Prec_sum_1994.tif
1995Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1995TIF442.516LU_1995.tif729.652Prec_sum_1995.tif
1996Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1996TIF444.516LU_1996.tif728.248Prec_sum_1996.tif
1997Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1997TIF446.037LU_1997.tif732.625Prec_sum_1997.tif
1998Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1998TIF448.049LU_1998.tif731.508Prec_sum_1998.tif
1999Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 1999TIF447.625LU_1999.tif733.146Prec_sum_1999.tif
2000Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2000TIF449.475LU_2000.tif730.326Prec_sum_2000.tif
2001Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2001TIF460.525LU_2001.tif732.395Prec_sum_2001.tif
2002Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2002TIF472.102LU_2002.tif737.008Prec_sum_2002.tif
2003Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2003TIF482.215LU_2003.tif737.252Prec_sum_2003.tif
2004Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2004TIF492.436LU_2004.tif731.676Prec_sum_2004.tif
2005Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2005TIF499.951LU_2005.tif732.703Prec_sum_2005.tif
2006Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2006TIF505.311LU_2006.tif732.678Prec_sum_2006.tif
2007Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2007TIF510.361LU_2007.tif732.432Prec_sum_2007.tif
2008Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2008TIF514.664LU_2008.tif730.691Prec_sum_2008.tif
2009Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2009TIF517.174LU_2009.tif731.748Prec_sum_2009.tif
2010Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2010TIF521.408LU_2010.tif731.137Prec_sum_2010.tif
2011Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2011TIF524.525LU_2011.tif730.906Prec_sum_2011.tif
2012Annual precipitation (Prec sum) and Percentage of deforestation (LU) for 2012TIF526.908LU_2012.tif731.840Prec_sum_2012.tif