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BGR, Hannover (2020): Seismic reflection profiles across the South China Sea continental margins [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Seismic profiles BGR84-127 and 128 acquired during cruise BGR84 and seismic profile SO49-23 acquired during cruise Sonne49 by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) across the South China Sea continental margins. Seismic images provided have been processed up to poststack time migration
Seismic; South China Sea
Supplement to:
Cameselle, Alejandra L; Ranero, César R; Barckhausen, Udo (2020): Understanding the 3D Formation of a Wide Rift: The Central South China Sea Rift System. Tectonics, 39(12), e2019TC006040,
Median Latitude: 12.702965 * Median Longitude: 116.264218 * South-bound Latitude: 9.372470 * West-bound Longitude: 112.426330 * North-bound Latitude: 19.060480 * East-bound Longitude: 120.000000
Minimum Elevation: 116.2 m * Maximum Elevation: 116.2 m
BGR84-127_128 * Latitude Start: 10.369330 * Longitude Start: 120.000000 * Latitude End: 9.372470 * Longitude End: 117.625470 * Elevation: 116.2 m * Location: Sulu Sea * Campaign: BGR84 * Basis: Explora * Method/Device: Multichannel seismics (MCSEIS) * Comment: Combined profiles BGR84-127 (10.36933; 116.2058 to 11.88692; 115.49579) and BGR84-128 (10.38464; 116.19992; 9.37247; 117.62547). Total length: 4.467 km; sampling rate 4 ms; record length 12.000 ms; Streamer digital - 60 channels
SO49-23 * Latitude Start: 19.060480 * Longitude Start: 112.426330 * Latitude End: 12.009580 * Longitude End: 115.005070 * Location: Sulu Sea * Campaign: SO49 * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: Multichannel seismics (MCSEIS) * Comment: total length: 6.812 km; sampling rate 4 ms; record length 10.000 ms; Streamer digital - 48 channels
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventCameselle, Alejandra L
2File nameFile nameCameselle, Alejandra L
3File formatFile formatCameselle, Alejandra L
4File sizeFile sizekByteCameselle, Alejandra L
5Uniform resource locator/link to fileURL fileCameselle, Alejandra L
8 data points

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