Quock, Melinda; Schmidt, Amanda H; Corbett, Lee B; Bierman, Paul R; Hidy, Alan J; Caffee, Marc W (2019): Sample preparation and laboratory measurement values for fine-grain meteoric Beryllium 10 concentrations before and after Hurricane Maria in Dominica and the percent difference between the two time periods [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.910547, In: Quock, M et al. (2019): Detrital in situ and meteoric Beryllium 10 measurements from samples taken before and after Hurricane Maria in Dominica [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.910131
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2019 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2022-02-19
Related to:
Quock, Melinda; Schmidt, Amanda H; Corbett, Lee B; Bierman, Paul R; Hidy, Alan J; Caffee, Marc W (2022): Hurricanes alter 10Be concentrations in tropical river sediment but do not change regional erosion rate estimates. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5310
Further details:
Nishiizumi, Kunihiko; Imamura, Mineo; Caffee, Marc W; Southon, John R; Finkel, Robert C; McAninch, Jeffrey (2007): Absolute calibration of 10Be AMS standards. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 258(2), 403-413, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2007.01.297
Median Latitude: 15.417736 * Median Longitude: -61.345056 * South-bound Latitude: 15.276270 * West-bound Longitude: -61.456610 * North-bound Latitude: 15.585270 * East-bound Longitude: -61.255590
Date/Time Start: 2017-07-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2018-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: 250.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 877.0 m
DM-05 * Latitude: 15.559170 * Longitude: -61.456610 * Elevation: 435.0 m * Location: Dominica Island, Lesser Antilles * Method/Device: Sediment sample (SES)
1) “Fine-grain” refers to sediment grain size <63 μm.
2) July 2017 refers to samples collected before Hurricane Maria and January 2018 refers to samples collected after Hurricane Maria.
3) Samples were measured at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Ratios were normalized against standard 07KNSTD3110 with an assumed ratio of 2.85 x 10^12 (Nishiizumi et al., 2007).
4) Measured ratios were corrected for backgrounds using the average of blanks and 1SD: 6.61 ± 0.70 x 10^-15 (average ± 1SD). See doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.918099.
5) Percent difference equals (after-hurricane measurement – before-hurricane measurement)/((after-hurricane measurement + before-hurricane measurement)/2)*100.
Change history:
2022-08-30T08:12:26 – The values of Latitude and Longitude were corrected on request of the authors.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
221 data points
1 Event (Site) | 2 Comment (*: sample sites replicable un...) | 3 Date/Time (See comment 2)) | 4 Mass [g] (Sediment mass) | 5 Mass [µg] (Mass of 9Be Added) | 6 Comment (AMS Cathode Number) | 7 10Be/9Be (Uncorrected; See comment 3)) | 8 10Be/9Be unc [±] (Uncorrected; See comment 3)) | 9 10Be/9Be (Background-Corrected; See com...) | 10 10Be/9Be unc [±] (Background-Corrected; See com...) | 11 10Be [109 atoms/g] | 12 10Be unc [±] | 13 Diff [%] (See comment 5)) |
DM-05 | 2017-07 | 0.463 | 498 | BE44372 | 1.25E-12 | 1.68E-14 | 1.24E-12 | 1.68E-14 | 8.91E7 | 1.21E6 | 7 | |
DM-05 | 2018-01 | 0.453 | 498 | BE44373 | 1.30E-12 | 1.75E-14 | 1.29E-12 | 1.75E-14 | 9.49E7 | 1.29E6 | 7 | |
DM-08 | 2017-07 | 0.490 | 498 | BE44374 | 1.48E-12 | 1.99E-14 | 1.48E-12 | 1.99E-14 | 1.00E8 | 1.35E6 | 93 | |
DM-08 | 2018-01 | 0.463 | 497 | BE44375 | 2.70E-12 | 3.02E-14 | 2.69E-12 | 3.02E-14 | 1.93E8 | 2.17E6 | 93 | |
DM-10 | 2017-07 | 0.469 | 496 | BE44142 | 2.56E-12 | 5.35E-14 | 2.55E-12 | 5.35E-14 | 1.80E8 | 3.78E6 | -22 | |
DM-10 | 2018-01 | 0.501 | 499 | BE44158 | 2.11E-12 | 3.17E-14 | 2.10E-12 | 3.17E-14 | 1.40E8 | 2.11E6 | -22 | |
DM-11 | 2017-07 | 0.482 | 499 | BE44378 | 3.79E-12 | 4.46E-14 | 3.79E-12 | 4.46E-14 | 2.62E8 | 3.09E6 | 10 | |
DM-11 | 2018-01 | 0.499 | 497 | BE44380 | 4.36E-12 | 3.67E-14 | 4.35E-12 | 3.67E-14 | 2.89E8 | 2.44E6 | 10 | |
DM-14 | 2017-07 | 0.454 | 498 | BE44379 | 2.35E-12 | 2.58E-14 | 2.34E-12 | 2.58E-14 | 1.71E8 | 1.89E6 | 27 | |
DM-14 | 2018-01 | 0.507 | 498 | BE44381 | 3.33E-12 | 2.96E-14 | 3.33E-12 | 2.96E-14 | 2.18E8 | 1.94E6 | 27 | |
DM-15 | 2017-07 | 0.469 | 502 | BE44154 | 2.47E-12 | 4.00E-14 | 2.46E-12 | 4.00E-14 | 1.76E8 | 2.86E6 | -17 | |
DM-15 | 2018-01 | 0.457 | 498 | BE44170 | 2.01E-12 | 2.74E-14 | 2.00E-12 | 2.74E-14 | 1.46E8 | 1.99E6 | -17 | |
DM-16 | * | 2017-07 | 0.447 | 492 | BE44376 | 1.94E-12 | 2.44E-14 | 1.94E-12 | 2.44E-14 | 1.42E8 | 1.80E6 | -1 |
DM-16 | 2018-01 | 0.461 | 498 | BE44377 | 1.95E-12 | 2.53E-14 | 1.95E-12 | 2.53E-14 | 1.40E8 | 1.83E6 | -1 | |
DM-17 | 2017-07 | 0.493 | 496 | BE44141 | 7.14E-13 | 1.13E-14 | 7.07E-13 | 1.13E-14 | 4.76E7 | 7.62E5 | 14 | |
DM-17 | 2018-01 | 0.551 | 496 | BE44157 | 9.06E-13 | 1.70E-14 | 9.00E-13 | 1.70E-14 | 5.41E7 | 1.02E6 | 14 | |
DM-24L | 2017-07 | 0.446 | 503 | BE44151 | 8.23E-13 | 1.58E-14 | 8.16E-13 | 1.58E-14 | 6.15E7 | 1.19E6 | -76 | |
DM-24L | 2018-01 | 0.209 | 498 | BE44167 | 9.88E-14 | 2.75E-15 | 9.22E-14 | 2.84E-15 | 1.47E7 | 4.52E5 | -76 | |
DM-25R | 2017-07 | 0.452 | 496 | BE44152 | 8.30E-13 | 1.40E-14 | 8.24E-13 | 1.41E-14 | 6.04E7 | 1.03E6 | -82 | |
DM-25R | 2018-01 | 0.465 | 499 | BE44168 | 1.98E-13 | 5.01E-15 | 1.91E-13 | 5.06E-15 | 1.37E7 | 3.63E5 | -82 | |
DM-25L | 2017-07 | 0.444 | 501 | BE44153 | 2.13E-12 | 2.88E-14 | 2.12E-12 | 2.88E-14 | 1.60E8 | 2.17E6 | -77 | |
DM-25L | 2018-01 | 0.516 | 497 | BE44169 | 4.58E-13 | 8.60E-15 | 4.51E-13 | 8.63E-15 | 2.90E7 | 5.55E5 | -77 |