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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Yarushina, Viktoriya; Podladchikov, Yury; Wang, Lawrence Hongliang (2019): 2D porosity wave code with new viscoplastic rheology [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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This package contains the 2D matlab code for porous wave with viscoplastic rheology. It can be used to produce the 2D models result for the paper of Yarushina et al 2020.
dilation pressure; plastic failure; porosity wave; viscoplastic
Related to:
Yarushina, Viktoriya; Podladchikov, Yury; Wang, Lawrence Hongliang (2020): Model for (De)Compaction and Porosity Waves in Porous Rocks Under Shear Stresses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(8),
8.9 kBytes

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