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Janout, Markus A; Hoppmann, Mario (2019): Ocean temperature and salinity, sea level pressure and sea ice drift from Drifter "IceTetherBaro_01" deployed during POLARSTERN cruise PS118 to the northwestern Weddell Sea in 2019 [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2019-11-13DOI registered: 2019-12-19

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A modified Pacific Gyre SVP Drifter with a 400 m long tether and a bottom weight was deployed during Polarstern expedition PS118 (9 February - 10 April 2019) on the western Weddell Sea shelf. The drifter was deployed from ~2m-thick sea ice through an ice hole following a CTD profile. The inductive tether was equipped with two SBE37IM (CTD) and one SBE39IMplus (T). The surface buoy included a sensor to measure sea level pressure and temperature right above the sea ice. The surface unit sampled the sensors each 15-30 minutes, and subsequently transmitted the data via iridium to the Pacific Gyre data server.
The drifter was deployed on 8 March 2019 and terminated the communication on May 2019.
drifter; ocean temperature; Salinity; sea ice drift; Weddell Sea
Related to:
Dorschel, Boris (2019): The Expedition PS118 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN to the Weddell Sea in 2019. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 735, 149 pp,
Median Latitude: -64.341188 * Median Longitude: -55.791192 * South-bound Latitude: -65.380961 * West-bound Longitude: -57.684100 * North-bound Latitude: -62.750172 * East-bound Longitude: -52.267003
Date/Time Start: 2019-03-08T18:10:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-05-18T01:40:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 14.650 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 348.593 m
IceTetherBaro_01 * Latitude Start: -62.750172 * Longitude Start: -52.821050 * Latitude End: -65.365603 * Longitude End: -57.635689 * Date/Time Start: 2019-05-18T01:40:00 * Date/Time End: 2019-03-08T18:10:00 * Location: Weddell Sea * Campaign: PS118 * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Drifter (DRIFT)
Note 1: The ice-based surface unit drifted across regions with variable water depth, often shallower than the 400m long tether, so that the bottom weight and lower sensors were pulled along the seafloor, which was characterized by muddy/sandy sediments. This likely resulted in a plugged conductivity cell (hence bad salinity data) of the lower SEB37, which is flagged by the 37IMSalinity2-flag.
Note 2: Ocean currents and/or ice drift resulted in lifting of the tether and instruments, which resulted in strongly variable sampling depths, in particular of the two lower instruments, as can be inferred from the pressure records.
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#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeJanout, Markus AGeocode
2Pressure, atmosphericPPPPhPaJanout, Markus ASea level pressure in mb
3Battery terminal voltageVbatVJanout, Markus AVoltage of surface unit
4IdentificationIDJanout, Markus ACommId
5Quality flagQFJanout, Markus AGps Quality
6LATITUDELatitudeJanout, Markus AGeocode
7LONGITUDELongitudeJanout, Markus AGeocode
8CommentCommentJanout, Markus ASubmergedBoolean: Surface unit in water (true) or on ice (false)
9Temperature, airTTT°CJanout, Markus ATemperature0cm: Surface temperature on surface unit (i.e. air temperature if not submerged)
10Temperature, waterTemp°CJanout, Markus ATemperature logger, SEA-BIRD SBE 39-IMplusTemperature Pod1: Temperature Pod1: Temperature (°C) at the base of the tether at 390m (see comment note 2).
11Time in secondsTimesJanout, Markus ATime To First 3D Fix
12ConductivityCondmS/cmJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, upper unitConductivity1
13ConductivityCondmS/cmJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, lower unitConductivity2
14Pressure, waterPressdbarJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, upper unitPressure1
15Pressure, waterPressdbarJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, lower unitPressure2
16DEPTH, waterDepth watermJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, upper unitGeocode – calculated from Pressure1
17DEPTH, waterDepth watermJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, lower unitGeocode – calculated from Pressure2
18SalinitySalJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, upper unitSalinity1
19SalinitySalJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, lower unitSalinity2
20Temperature, waterTemp°CJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, upper unitTemperature1
21Temperature, waterTemp°CJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, lower unitTemperature1
22Quality flagQFJanout, Markus ACTD, SEA-BIRD SBE 37-IM, lower unitSalinity2-flag: Data flag for corrupted data (99=bad data)
97274 data points

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