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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Xiao, Xi; Agustí, Susana; Lin, Fang; Xu, Caicai; Yu, Yan; Pan, Yaoru; Li, Ke; Wu, Jiaping; Duarte, Carlos Manuel (2019): Dataset on the specific growth rate of seaweed growing in experimental and aquaculture conditions at various biomass densities, irradiation and nutrient concentrations [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Xiao, X et al. (2019): Resource (Light and Nitrogen) and Density-Dependence of Seaweed Growth. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6,

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Published: 2019-10-10DOI registered: 2020-04-09

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We searched the published literature for data on the density-dependence of seaweed growth under different nutrient levels. The search was based on the Web of Science®, accessed in May 2019, using a combination of keywords including "seaweed & remediation", "seaweed & bioremediation", "seaweed & nitrogen removal" and "seaweed & phosphorous removal". These searches yielded a total of 164 papers reporting growth rates and biomass density for seaweed. We retrieved the growth rates, biomass density, concentration of the dominant forms of inorganic nutrients - ammonia, nitrate and phosphate - and incident irradiance, and recorded the taxa (chlorophyta, phaeophyta or rhodophyta). This generated a raw dataset containing a total of 1729 experimental assessments. For all the assessments, we further converted all growth rates to units of % day-1 and biomass density (i.e. the seaweed biomass per unit habitat volume) to g FW L-1.
biomass density; growth rate; irradiation
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1SpeciesSpeciesXiao, Xi
2PhylumPhylumXiao, Xi
3Ammonium[NH4]+µmol/lXiao, XiCulture medium condition
4Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lXiao, XiCulture medium condition
5BiomassBiomg/lXiao, XiStocking density
6IrradianceEµmol/m2/sXiao, Xi
7Nitrate[NO3]-µmol/lXiao, XiCulture medium condition
8Specific growth rateSGR%/dayXiao, Xi
9523 data points

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