Saderne, Vincent; Baldry, Kimberlee; Anton, Andrea; Agustí, Susana; Duarte, Carlos Manuel (2019): Discrete samples analysis of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity in the coral reef, a seagrass meadow and a mangrove forest in the Red Sea [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Saderne, V et al. (2019): Characterization of the CO2 System in a Coral Reef, a Seagrass Meadow, and a Mangrove Forest in the Central Red Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124(11), 7513-7528,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2019-09-30 • DOI registered: 2020-03-02
Median Latitude: 22.323825 * Median Longitude: 39.045825 * South-bound Latitude: 22.249700 * West-bound Longitude: 38.962500 * North-bound Latitude: 22.397200 * East-bound Longitude: 39.135000
Date/Time Start: 2016-02-08T10:47:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-09-11T12:00:00
RedSea_Coral_reef * Latitude: 22.249700 * Longitude: 38.962500 * Location: Central Red Sea * Comment: Water column approx 3 m depth, 1 m 20 above sediment. Samples were made by snorkeling at the pH sensor heads.
RedSea_Mangrove * Latitude: 22.339200 * Longitude: 39.088600 * Location: Central Red Sea * Comment: Less than a meter depth, 20 cm above sediment. Samples were made by snorkeling at the pH sensor heads.
RedSea_Pelagic_reference_station * Latitude: 22.309200 * Longitude: 38.997200 * Location: Central Red Sea * Method/Device: Bottle, Niskin (NIS) * Comment: 1 m depth niskin sampling
#999 = NA
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | Saderne, Vincent | |||
2 | Area/locality | Area | Saderne, Vincent | |||
3 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Saderne, Vincent | |||
4 | Latitude of event | Latitude | Saderne, Vincent | |||
5 | Longitude of event | Longitude | Saderne, Vincent | |||
6 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Saderne, Vincent | Geocode – Mean Solar Time (MST), UTC +2:36 | ||
7 | Silicate | Si(OH)4 | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Measured in discrete sample | |
8 | Phosphate | [PO4]3- | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Measured in discrete sample | |
9 | Salinity | Sal | Saderne, Vincent | CTD | from CTD | |
10 | Temperature, water | Temp | °C | Saderne, Vincent | CTD | from CTD |
11 | Carbon, inorganic, dissolved | DIC | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Measured in discrete sample | |
12 | Alkalinity, total | AT | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Measured in discrete sample | |
13 | Carbon, inorganic, dissolved | DIC | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Normalised (Friis et al., 2003) | DIC normalised for salinity |
14 | Alkalinity, total | AT | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Normalised (Friis et al., 2003) | TA normalised for salinity |
15 | pH | pH | Saderne, Vincent | pH sensor, Satlantic SeaFET | ||
16 | pH, total scale | pHT | Saderne, Vincent | pH sensor, Satlantic SeaFET | total scale | |
17 | Difference | Diff | Saderne, Vincent | pH difference seafet vs sample | ||
18 | pH, total scale | pHT | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | total scale; discrete samples seacarb | |
19 | Carbon dioxide | CO2 | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | discrete samples seacarb |
20 | Fugacity of carbon dioxide in seawater | fCO2w | µatm | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | discrete samples seacarb |
21 | Carbon dioxide, partial pressure | pCO2 | µatm | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | discrete samples seacarb |
22 | Bicarbonate ion | [HCO3]- | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | discrete samples seacarb |
23 | Carbonate ion | [CO3]2- | µmol/kg | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | discrete samples seacarb |
24 | Aragonite saturation state | Omega Arg | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | discrete samples seacarb | |
25 | Calcite saturation state | Omega Cal | Saderne, Vincent | Calculated from total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) | discrete samples seacarb | |
26 | Error | Error | Saderne, Vincent | error in [H+] (µmol/kg) ±std e. calculated from seacarb | ||
27 | Error | Error | Saderne, Vincent | pH, ±std e. calculated from seacarb | ||
28 | Carbon dioxide, standard error | CO2 std e | ± | Saderne, Vincent | pCO2 (µatm) ±stde | |
29 | Carbon dioxide, standard error | CO2 std e | ± | Saderne, Vincent | (mol/kg) error seacarb | |
30 | Bicarbonate ion, standard error | [HCO3]- std e | ± | Saderne, Vincent | (mol/kg) error seacarb | |
31 | Carbonate ion, standard error | [CO3]2- std e | ± | Saderne, Vincent | (mol/kg) error seacarb | |
32 | Aragonite saturation state, standard error | Omega Arg std e | ± | Saderne, Vincent | error seacarb | |
33 | Calcite saturation state, standard error | Omega Cal std e | ± | Saderne, Vincent | error seacarb |
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