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Licciulli, Carlo; Bohleber, Pascal; Lier, Josef; Gagliardini, Olivier; Hoelzle, Martin; Eisen, Olaf (2019): Model calculated catchment area and ages of the ice-core KCI at the high-Alpine ice drilling site Colle Gnifetti, Swiss/Italian Alps [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Licciulli, C et al. (2019): A full Stokes ice-flow model to assist the interpretation of millennial-scale ice cores at the high-Alpine drilling site Colle Gnifetti, Swiss/Italian Alps. Journal of Glaciology, 1-14,

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Glacier modelling; Ice dynamics; Mountain glaciers; Paleoclimate
Related to:
Licciulli, Carlo (2018): Full Stokes ice-flow modeling of the high-Alpine glacier saddle Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa: Flow field characterization for an improved interpretation of the ice-core records [dissertation]. Ruperto-Carola University of Heidelberg, Germany, Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences and for Mathematics, 138 pp,
Median Latitude: 45.928856 * Median Longitude: 7.876749 * South-bound Latitude: 45.927750 * West-bound Longitude: 7.876620 * North-bound Latitude: 45.929690 * East-bound Longitude: 7.876930
Date/Time Start: 2005-08-28T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-09-04T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, ice/snow: 3.1 m * Maximum DEPTH, ice/snow: 62.5 m
Colle_Gnifetti_KCI * Latitude: 45.929720 * Longitude: 7.876960 * Date/Time Start: 2005-08-28T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-09-04T00:00:00 * Elevation: 4450.0 m * Recovery: 61.57 m * Location: Colle Gnifetti, Monte Rosa, Swiss Alps * Method/Device: Ice drill (ICEDRILL) * Comment: Institutes involved: Heidelberg University (D) Institute of Environmental Physics (leading institute).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, ice/snowDepth ice/snowmLicciulli, CarloGeocode – firn/ice
2LATITUDELatitudeLicciulli, CarloGeocode – coordinate of the source point
3LONGITUDELongitudeLicciulli, CarloGeocode – coordinate of the source point
4LV03 Easting, Swiss coordinate systemLV03 eastmLicciulli, Carlocoordinate of the source point
5LV03 Northing, Swiss coordinate systemLV03 northmLicciulli, Carlocoordinate of the source point
6UTM Easting, Universal Transverse MercatorUTM eastmLicciulli, Carlocoordinate of the source point
7UTM Northing, Universal Transverse MercatorUTM northmLicciulli, Carlocoordinate of the source point
8UTM Zone, Universal Transverse MercatorUTM ZoneLicciulli, Carlocoordinate of the source point
9Coordinate uncertaintyCoord uncmLicciulli, Carlouncertainty of position of the source point
10AGEAgeka BPLicciulli, CarloGeocode
11Age, errorAge e±Licciulli, Carlo(ka)
238 data points

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