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Menicucci, Anthony J (2019): Diatom δ¹⁸O data from sediment trap samples from the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Menicucci, Anthony J; Thunell, Robert C; Spero, Howard J (2019): 220 year diatom δ¹⁸O reconstruction of the Guaymas Basin thermocline using microfluorination. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,

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Published: 2019-08-23Last updated: 2019-10-14DOI registered: 2019-11-12

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diatoms; Guaymas Basin; Microfluorination; Oxygen isotopes
Related to:
Davis, Catherine V; Fuqua, Lauren; Pride, Carol; Thunell, Robert C (2019): Foraminifera Flux and species composition in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (1991-1997) [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Wejnert, Katherine; Pride, Carol; Thunell, Robert C (2010): The oxygen isotope composition of planktonic foraminifera from the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Seasonal, annual, and interspecies variability. Marine Micropaleontology, 74(1-2), 29-37,
Latitude: 27.880000 * Longitude: -111.670000
Date/Time Start: 1996-10-27T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-08-24T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -485.0 m * Maximum Elevation: -485.0 m
GOC_trap * Latitude: 27.880000 * Longitude: -111.670000 * Elevation: -485.0 m * Location: Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California * Method/Device: Trap, sediment (TRAPS) * Comment: Thunell Sediment Trap Project
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample IDSample IDMenicucci, Anthony J
Device typeDeviceMenicucci, Anthony J
DATE/TIMEDate/TimeMenicucci, Anthony JGeocode
Diatoms, δ18ODiatoms δ18O‰ SMOWMenicucci, Anthony Jafter equilibration in -8.2‰ solutionrelative to VSMOW
Diatoms, δ18ODiatoms δ18O‰ SMOWMenicucci, Anthony Jafter equilibration in +94.4‰ solutionrelative to VSMOW
Mass changeMass chn%Menicucci, Anthony JMass loss calculated on samples during vacuum dehydroxylation
29 data points


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Sample ID



Diatoms δ18O [‰ SMOW]
(relative to VSMOW, after equi...)

Diatoms δ18O [‰ SMOW]
(relative to VSMOW, after equi...)

Mass chn [%]
(Mass loss calculated on sampl...)
STS-0Sediment Trap1996-10-2731.3-10.3
STS-1Sediment Trap1996-11-1032.235.9-13.0
STS-2Sediment Trap1996-12-2232.5-10.8
STS-3Sediment Trap1997-02-0232.8-14.3
STS-4Sediment Trap1997-04-0632.1-15.0
STS-5Sediment Trap1997-06-0131.3-10.7
STS-6Sediment Trap1997-08-2432.0-13.6