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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Njinju, Emmanuel A; Atekwana, Estella A; Stamps, D Sarah; Abdelsalam, Mohamed G; Atekwana, Eliot A; Mickus, Kevin L; Fishwick, Stewart; Kolawole, Folarin; Rajaonarison, Tahiry A; Nyalugwe, Victor N (2019): Depth to Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Moho) beneath the Malawi Rift and surroundings generated from spectral analysis of WGM2012 Bouguer gravity anomalies [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Njinju, EA et al. (2019): Lithospheric Structure of the Malawi Rift: Implications for Magma‐Poor Rifting Processes. Tectonics, 38(11), 3835-3853,

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gravity; LAB; Malawi; Moho
Median Latitude: -12.000000 * Median Longitude: 32.000000 * South-bound Latitude: -18.000000 * West-bound Longitude: 26.000000 * North-bound Latitude: -6.000000 * East-bound Longitude: 38.000000
Malawi_rift_area * Latitude Start: -6.000000 * Longitude Start: 26.000000 * Latitude End: -18.000000 * Longitude End: 38.000000 * Location: Africa, Malawi * Method/Device: Satellite remote sensing (SAT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1LATITUDELatitudeNjinju, Emmanuel AGeocode
2LONGITUDELongitudeNjinju, Emmanuel AGeocode
3Mohorovicic Discontinuity depthDepth MohokmNjinju, Emmanuel A
289 data points

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