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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Stuhr, Marleen; Cameron, Louise P; Blank-Landeshammer, Bernhard; Reymond, Claire E; Westphal, Hildegard; Sickmann, Albert; Ries, Justin B (2019): Physiological responses of Amphistegina lobifera to the combined effects of ocean acidification and warming [dataset bundled publication]. PANGAEA,

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The large benthic foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera, collected from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, in Eilat, Israel, were cultured under three pCO2 conditions (492, 963, 3182 ppm) crossed with two temperature conditions (28°C, 31°C) for two months. Patterns in protein abundance (supplementary tables of publication) were linked to the organisms' physiological responses (i.e. mortality frequency, growth rates, coloration on the L*a*b* color scale, chlorophyll a content, average pore size, pH at the foraminiferal surface during dark and light compared to seawater pH, and the resulting ∆[H+]).
Amphistegina; Bleaching; calcification; CO2; Foraminifera; global change; large benthic foraminifera; microsensor; Ocean acidification; ocean warming; physiology; thermal stress
Supplement to:
Stuhr, Marleen; Cameron, Louise P; Blank-Landeshammer, Bernhard; Reymond, Claire E; Doo, Steve S; Westphal, Hildegard; Sickmann, Albert; Ries, Justin B (2021): Divergent Proteomic Responses Offer Insights into Resistant Physiological Responses of a Reef-Foraminifera to Climate Change Scenarios. Oceans, 2(2), 281-314,
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