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Mourier, Brice; Labadie, Pierre; Desmet, Marc; Grosbois, Cécile; Raux, Julie; Debret, Maxime; Copard, Yoann; Pardon, Patrick; Budzinski, Hélène; Babut, Marc (2019): Spatial and temporal trends of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in bed sediments of a section of the Rhône River [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Mourier, B et al. (2019): Combined spatial and retrospective analysis of fluoroalkyl chemicals in fluvial sediments reveal changes in levels and patterns over the last 40 years. Environmental Pollution, 253, 1117-1125,

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bed sediment; Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances; Rhône River; Sediment core; spatial trend; temporal trend
Median Latitude: 45.679806 * Median Longitude: 4.882321 * South-bound Latitude: 45.471117 * West-bound Longitude: 4.773872 * North-bound Latitude: 45.849456 * East-bound Longitude: 5.213294
Ain_A1 * Latitude: 45.816406 * Longitude: 5.213294 * Location: Ain, France, Europe * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Bourbre_B1 * Latitude: 45.772881 * Longitude: 5.186297 * Location: Bourbre, France, Europe * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Giers_G1 * Latitude: 45.586978 * Longitude: 4.773872 * Location: Giers, France, Europe * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventMourier, Brice
2SiteSiteMourier, BriceH = wet flood deposit, D = dry flood deposit; otherwise: bed sediment (Eckman grab)
3RiverRiverMourier, Brice
4LATITUDELatitudeMourier, BriceGeocode
5LONGITUDELongitudeMourier, BriceGeocode
6Perfluorobutanoic acidPFBAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.81
7Perfluoropentanoic acidPFPeAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.32
8Perfluorohexanoic acidPFHxAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.8
9Perfluorobutane sulfonic acidPFBSng/gMourier, BriceLD = 0.01
10Perfluoroheptanoic acidPFHpAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.02
11Perfluorooctanoic acidPFOAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.1
12Perfluorononanoic acidPFNAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.03
13Perfluorodecanoic acidPFDAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.06
14Perfluoroundecanoic acidPFUnDAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.06
15Perfluorododecanoic acidPFDoDAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.02
16Perfluorotridecanoic acidPFTrDAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.49
17Perfluorotetradecanoic acidPFTeDAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.08
18Perfluorohexane sulfonic acidPFHxSng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.02
19Perfluoroheptane sulfonic acidPFHpSng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.03
20Perfluorooctane sulfonic acidPFOSng/gMourier, Bricetotal; LoR = 0.01
21Henicosalfluorodecane sulfonic acidPFDSng/gMourier, BriceLD = 0.01
226:2 fluorotelomer sulfonic acid6:2 FTSAng/gMourier, BriceLD = 0.02
23N-methyl perfluorooctane sulphonamido acetic acidMeFOSAAng/gMourier, BriceLD = 0.01
24N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamido acetic acidEtFOSAAng/gMourier, BriceLD = 0.01
25Perfluoroocatane sulfonamideFOSAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.03
26N-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamideMeFOSAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.03
27N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamideEtFOSAng/gMourier, BriceLoR = 0.03
600 data points

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