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Hawkes, Nickolas; Korabik, Michelle; Beazley, Lindsay; Rapp, Hans Tore; Xavier, Joana R; Kenchington, Ellen L (2019): (Table S1) List of 95 epibenthic megafauna recorded from five photo-transects collected in Emerald Basin [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Hawkes, N et al. (2019): Glass sponge grounds on the Scotian Shelf and their associated biodiversity. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 614, 91-109,

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Horizon 2020 (H2020), grant/award no. 679849: Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic
Median Latitude: 44.100000 * Median Longitude: -62.850000 * South-bound Latitude: 43.900000 * West-bound Longitude: -63.100000 * North-bound Latitude: 44.300000 * East-bound Longitude: -62.600000
HUD-2011-010_transects * Latitude Start: 44.300000 * Longitude Start: -62.600000 * Latitude End: 43.900000 * Longitude End: -63.100000 * Location: off Nova Scotia * Campaign: HUD2011-010 * Basis: Hudson
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
PhylumPhylumHawkes, Nickolas
Taxon/taxaTaxaHawkes, Nickolas
CommentCommentHawkes, Nickolas
DescriptionDescriptionHawkes, Nickolas
TaxaTaxa%Hawkes, Nickolastransect 5
Number of individualsInd No#Hawkes, Nickolastransect 5
TaxaTaxa%Hawkes, Nickolastransect 18
Number of individualsInd No#Hawkes, Nickolastransect 18
TaxaTaxa%Hawkes, Nickolastransect 19
10 Number of individualsInd No#Hawkes, Nickolastransect 19
11 TaxaTaxa%Hawkes, Nickolastransect 20
12 Number of individualsInd No#Hawkes, Nickolastransect 20
13 TaxaTaxa%Hawkes, Nickolastransect 21
14 Number of individualsInd No#Hawkes, Nickolastransect 21
1270 data points


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AnnelidaSabellidae sp. 1Short erect tube with small white to purple plume.
AnnelidaSerpulidae spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsCalcareous tubes with a white plume at the end occasionally visible. Observed singly or in large clusters on rock or horizontally across soft sediment.8.924923.618810.56126.248016.9178
ArthropodaCancer borealis0.
ArthropodaCancer irroratus0.
ArthropodaInachidae sp. 1Species of arrow crab found on Vazella pourtalesi. Body is orangered in colour and ~1 cm in size. Eight, long, striped legs. Stripes are beige and a darker red-orange than body.
ArthropodaMalacostraca spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsTaxon encompasses several species of shrimp, with many individuals belonging to Family Pandalidae.2.7764.0322.91663.02347.276
ArthropodaPycnogonida spp.Sea spiders with eight, long legs, and red- orange in colour.
BryozoaBryozoa sp. 1constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsErect fan-shaped bryozoan with thin, dichotomous branches. Tan to white in colour.0.002.1170.000.7512.527
BryozoaBryozoa sp. 2Fan-shaped bryozoan, with white relatively thick branches. Branching is dichotomous.
BryozoaBryozoa sp. 4Flattened, white bryozoan with iridescent branches. Single main stem anchored in soft sediment.
BryozoaBryozoa sp. 5Bushy bryozoan found on soft sediment. White in colour with thin dichotomous branches.
ChordataAscidiacea spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsOblong-shaped ascidians found on rocks or soft sediment. Siphons, when visible, are usually small. Surface often covered in debris.0.4120.320.7390.2170.77
ChordataDidemnidae sp. 1constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsColonial tunicate. White to off-white in colour; growth is typically more lateral than vertical. Punctate surface, with visible siphons that are sometimes "chimney-like".
ChordataGadus morhua0.
ChordataPollachius virens0.
Chordatacf. Leptoclinus maculatus0.
Chordatacf. Lumpenus lampretaeformis0.
Chordatacf. Lycodes vahliiconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.000.320.000.000.910
Chordatacf. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus0.
ChordataSebastes spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsRedfish with alternating bands of dark and light pink. Large dorsal fin with orange and black at the tip.
CnidariaActiniaria sp. 8Large anemone with multiple rows of fleshy tentacles that curl towards their tips. Pink-orange in colour. Possibly from the genus Stomphia.
CnidariaActiniaria sp. 9constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsSmall anemone with numerous semi-translucent tentacles. Tentacles long relative to oral disc and short column. Usually found on rocks.21.86120.000.3190.5370.00
CnidariaActiniaria sp. 28Medium-sized anemone with three rows of long tentacles. Oral disc is dark pink and wide. Each row of tentacles, moving outwards, is a lighter shade of pink.
CnidariaActiniaria spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsTaxon encompasses all non-distinct anemones. Usually small to medium in size, ranging in colour from orange to pale pink.22.46292.82218.4107040.431320.77
CnidariaActiniaria/Cerianthidae sp. 1Large anemone or cerianthid on soft sediment. Small dark red oral disc and very long, thin, semi-translucent tentacles. No apparent column, oral disc and tentacles rest directly on soft sediment.
CnidariaActiniaria/Cerianthidae sp. 2constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsMedium-sized anemone or cerianthid with no apparent column. Purple oral disc with pale tentacles that are often sediment covered. Tentacles long relative to oral disc.0.250.320.000.020.00
CnidariaBolocera tuediae0.
CnidariaPachycerianthus borealisconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.000.000.3170.3220.77
CnidariaFlabellum macandrewiconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.
CnidariaZoanthidae spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsTaxon encompasses all colonial zoanthids.0.1222.41789.95734.33363.739
CnidariaPennatula aculeataconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.120.650.000.000.55
CnidariaHydrozoa sp. 1constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsErect stem with thin branches in a single plane. Tan or sediment-coloured. Main stem thicker than branches.0.3100.000.5270.170.22
EchinodermataHenricia sp. 1Long-rayed, yellow sea star. Small central disc with 5 long arms that curl upwards at the tips. Surface smooth.
EchinodermataHenricia sp. 2constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsWhite, long-rayed sea star with a small central disc and 5 long arms.
EchinodermataPteraster cf. pulvillusShort-rayed sea star with robust central disc, 5 short arms. Mostly sediment-coloured with tips of the arms slightly lighter in colour. Pteraster militaris also present in area, and given the sediment cover on these specs a cf. designation was given0.
EchinodermataConocrinus lofotensisconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.000.000.4220.2150.00
EchinodermataOphiuroidea spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsTaxon encompasses all non-distinct and partially buried brittle stars.0.122.1170.7390.2120.910
EchinodermataOphiopholis aculeataconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.000.000.3190.1100.22
EchinodermataOphiopholis aculeata/ Ophiacantha bidentata0.
MolluscaAstarte sp. 1Bivalve with a rounded-triangular shape. Concentric growth rings with a lighter umbo.
MolluscaAnomiidae sp. 1constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsOvate shell attached mainly to rocks. Surface has a slight sheen and often lighter spots.2.2610.324.02326.14702.527
MolluscaGastropoda sp. 1Long, narrow, white gastropod with many whorls.
NemerteaNemertea spp.constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsRelatively short and thick, fleshy worm. No segmentation observed and appears relatively flat. Redpink in colour.0.370.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 1constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsThin, grey-translucent sponge encrusted on rock. Surface "dotted" in appearance.0.6171.2100.8460.3270.22
PoriferaPorifera sp. 3constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsWhite, spherical sponge. Surface appears soft and covered in small oscula.0.000.320.000.000.00
PoriferaPorifera sp. 4constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsOpaque white cushion sponge encrusted on rock. Oscula, flat or with "chimneys", sometimes visible.8.22294.0323.72144.13191.415
PoriferaPorifera sp. 8constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsThick cushion sponge, white to off-white and semi-translucent in colour. Surface tuberculated with the appearance of white speckles. Small oscula visible.0.370.001.6930.8580.00
PoriferaPorifera sp. 12Grey sponge encrusted on rock. Surface conulate with small oscula occasionally visible. May have oscular chimneys.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 14constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsYellow cushion sponge on rock with one large osculum. Some individuals appear conulated and others appear smooth. This is thought to be due to image quality and view, but more than one species might be present.0.8220.000.2120.6460.77
PoriferaPorifera sp. 16constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsWhite-grey, thick cushion encrusted on rock. Oscula of varying sizes with raised edges are visible. Irregularly shaped, surface smooth with striation lines that appear to form a starburst like pattern.0.3100.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 21constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsCushion sponge encrusted on rock. Oscula visible. White in colour with a green tinge.0.3100.000.7390.3240.55
PoriferaPorifera sp. 22constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsGrey and sheet-like encrusted on rock. Small oscula visible and often quite numerous.2.6730.001.1660.9680.00
PoriferaPorifera sp. 25constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsRelatively thick cushion sponge. Oscula have slightly raided edges. Surface smooth and white in colour.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 26constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsWhite globular sponge found on a clump of dead Vazella pourtalesi, but likely not one because lack of spicules. A few oscula are visible.0.5150.000.150.3270.00
PoriferaPorifera sp. 39constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsWhite-grey cushion sponge. Tuberculated surface with fairly large oscular chimneys.0.4120.001.6950.2170.22
PoriferaPorifera sp. 40White to tan globular sponge. Occasionally sediment covered.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 44constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsThin encrusting sponge and white, semi-translucent in colour. Surface appears striated.0.370.000.000.3270.00
PoriferaPorifera sp. 45White cushion sponge with a conulate surface. Large spicules protrude from the cones.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 46Bright orange cushion sponge with visible oscula. Surface appears wrinkled.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 48constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsCushion sponge with numerous ostia visible. Ranging from white to orange in colour.0.4120.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 49constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsRigid arborescent sponge. White in colour with distinct pores. Branches are irregular in form and truncated at the end. Mostly found on or in close proximity to Vazella pourtalesi. Possibly a species of Hamacantha.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 58Small (~1 cm) stalked sponge with a single osculum at the terminal end.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 60Small, tubular-shaped sponge attached to spicules. Surface smoother than Vazella pourtalesi.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 61constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsYellow-green cushion sponge encrusted on rock. Ostia or pore sieves appear to be visible.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 62constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsCushion sponge encrusted on rock. Light yellow in colour. Surface appears slightly soft or fuzzy. Small oscula visible.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 63Large cushion to massive sponge encrusted on rock. White to pale blue in colour and partially sediment-covered. Surface uneven forming small mounds. Oscula present.
PoriferaPorifera sp. 64constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsCushion sponge on rock. Completely sediment covered, only oscula with raised edges visible. Shape irregular.0.250.650.2100.3241.415
PoriferaPorifera sp. 65Large branching erect sponge w. several prominent tubular growths stemming from central body. Oscular openings visible at apical ends, outlined by a flared, thin rim of tissue. Surface is soft in appearance w. visible pores. Possibly a sp. of Schaudinnia0.
PoriferaHymedesmiidae sp. 1constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsThin to thick, almost globular in morphology, cushion encrusting on rock. Bright blue-green in colour. Surface covered in large circular pore sieves with raised edges. Some observed in the process of closing or closed.0.5150.000.7394.53497.276
PoriferaHymedesmiidae sp. 4constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsWhite cushion encrusted on rock. Often partially sediment covered. Surface covered in large circular pore sieves with raised edges.3.61020.323.21884.93803.032
PoriferaHymedesmiidae sp. 5constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsSurface always covered in sediment and relatively even. Covered in large circular pores with raised edges. Very thin, almost sheet-like.3.0850.320.3170.8580.00
PoriferaPolymastia andricaconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.
PoriferaPolymastia cf. uberrimaconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics0.
PoriferaStylocordyla borealis0.
PoriferaVazella pourtalesiconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statistics5.31493.7297.74486.55004.649
Porifera/ ChordataPorifera/Ascidiacea sp. 1Grey and oblong with a distinct round opening on top. Resembles both a sponge and ascidian.
Porifera/ ChordataPorifera/Didemnidae sp. 1constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsWhite, globular to lobose in morphology. Resembles both a sponge and didemnid ascidian.0.000.650.3150.020.22
UnidentifiedUnidentified 21constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsSmall erect branching organism. Sediment coloured with all branches extending from axial stalk. Possible foraminiferan.1.3372.1170.6370.3274.649
UnidentifiedUnidentified 22constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsTubes on Vazella pourtalesi.1.7491.8153.21882.62024.446
UnidentifiedUnidentified 3Gconstitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsSediment covered white colonial organism. Possible zoanthid, but no tentacles are visible.0.001.2100.000.000.02
UnidentifiedUnidentified 32Small, orange, thin worm- or tentacle-like organism. Partially sediment covered. Could be a Nemertea.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 33constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsThin erect stalk with a curled tip. Similar in appearance to a question mark.7.320524.819721.112264.333420.4214
UnidentifiedUnidentified 54White flat disc-shaped organism. Protruding from rock.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 82White rock-shaped organism with specks that could be oscula. Possible sponge.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 86Light blue organism found on soft sediment. Slightly dome-shaped with a distinct lighter patch in the middle. Possible nudibranch.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 87constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsSediment coloured sac-shaped organism. Possibly a sponge or tunicate.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 114constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsSediment covered thick tubeshaped object on rock. Possibly a worm from family Terebellidae.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 142constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsVery thin, sediment-covered organism in a spiral arrangement.0.4120.000.000.4320.00
UnidentifiedUnidentified 169constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsGlobular encrusting organism on rock. Small openings possibly seen.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 199Transparent organism approximately 2 cm. Concentration of pigments in "head" region.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 2G7Small, red object in Vazella pourtalesi spicules. Possible bivalve.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 209constitutes >= 0.25% of the total abundance of any one transect; analyzed in multivariate statisticsPale beige encrusting organism. Possible sponge.0.4120.000.170.2171.415
UnidentifiedUnidentified 226Red-pink, tube-like encrusting organism approximately 2 cm. Found on rock adjacent to a spicule mat.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 275Polychaete- or nematode-like organism, roughly 1 cm in length. White-pink in colour.
UnidentifiedUnidentified 285Possible brachiopod.