Abbaspour, Karim; Ashraf Vaghefi, Saeid (2019): Global Land Cover for SWAT "Global Landuse GlobCover " [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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The GlobCover is a European Space Agency initiative to develop global composites and land cover maps using as input observations from the 300-m MERIS sensor on board the ENVISAT satellite mission. The GlobCover map covers the period of December 2004 to June 2006 and was derived by automatic and regionally-tuned classification of a MERIS full resolution surface reflectance time series. The GlobCover map contains 23 land cover types.
The databases for the above two global landuse maps are supported by the table crop in the SWAT2012.mdb database and the lookup tables “Lookup_Landuse_Globcover.txt” and Lookup_Landuse_USGS.txt which could be found in
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