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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Rutishauser, This; Jeanneret, François; Brügger, Robert; Auchmann, Renate; Brugnara, Yuri; Röthlisberger, Christian; Portenier, Céline; Villiger, Leonie; Lehmann, Daria; Meyer, Lukas; Messerli, Bruno; Brönnimann, Stefan (2019): The BernClim flag data set from the Canton of Bern (Switzerland) 1970-2018 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Rutishauser, This; Jeanneret, François; Brügger, Robert; Brugnara, Yuri; Röthlisberger, Christian; Bernasconi, August; Bangerter, Peter; Portenier, Céline; Villiger, Leonie; Lehmann, Daria; Meyer, Lukas; Messerli, Bruno; Brönnimann, Stefan (2019): The BernClim plant phenological data set from the canton of Bern (Switzerland) 1970 - 2018. Earth System Science Data, 11(4), 1645-1654,

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Berne; Climate change; climate impact; plant phenology; Seasonality; Switzerland
Latitude: 46.880000 * Longitude: 7.550000
BernClim * Latitude: 46.880000 * Longitude: 7.550000 * Location: Switzerland * Comment: Average coordinates from all specified coordinates
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