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Neuber, Roland; Schmidt, Lukas Valentin; Ritter, Christoph; Mech, Mario (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during the ACLOUD campaign [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute - Research Unit Potsdam, PANGAEA,

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During the ACLOUD (Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day) campaign conducted in May / June 2017, the Airborne Mobile Aerosol Lidar (AMALi) was used to measure the cloud top altitude of clouds below the aircraft Polar 5. The data set provides cloud top altitude along the flight tracks of 14 flights performed by the Polar 5 aircraft in 5 Hz resolution.
ACLOUD; airborne lidar; clouds; cloud top altitude
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German Research Foundation (DFG), grant/award no. 268020496: TRR 172: ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms
Median Latitude: 79.393471 * Median Longitude: 10.534550 * South-bound Latitude: 77.817000 * West-bound Longitude: 0.000000 * North-bound Latitude: 82.017000 * East-bound Longitude: 19.450000
Date/Time Start: 2017-05-25T08:43:20 * Date/Time End: 2017-06-26T15:00:06
The altitude of the highest detected cloud top between the aircraft Polar 5 and ground is given, based on a temporal data resolution of 5 s and a vertical resolution of 7.5 m. Together with the GPS altitude resolution the overall uncertainty of the cloud top height is estimated to be about ±10 m. For the cloud top detection in the lidar data a simple threshold is applied to the attenuated backscatter variable at 532 nm. For each vertical profile, the first value meeting the threshold criterion is considered a cloud top, if it is followed by at least two more valid values. By this approach artifacts by signal noise are effectively avoided. The distance between the detected cloud top and the aircraft is subtracted from the flight altitude given by the on board GPS receiver. The measured distance is corrected for the roll motions of the aircraft. Cloud top altitudes higher than 100 m below the aircraft and lower than 30 m above the ground are not considered. If no cloud top could be determined for a profile, the cloud top height value is set invalid (empty).
21 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1705250701.
  2. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1705270801.
  3. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1705291001 (02).
  4. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1705291001 (03).
  5. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706021201 (01).
  6. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706021201 (03).
  7. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706021201 (04).
  8. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706051301.
  9. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706081401.
  10. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706131601.
  11. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706161801.
  12. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706171901.
  13. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706182001.
  14. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706202101 (01).
  15. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706202101 (03).
  16. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706232201 (06).
  17. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706232201 (07).
  18. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706252301 (01).
  19. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706252301 (02).
  20. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706262401 (01).
  21. Neuber, R; Schmidt, LV; Ritter, C et al. (2019): Cloud top altitudes observed with airborne lidar during flight P5_206_ACLOUD_2017_1706262401 (02).