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Lukas, Roger; Karl, David Michael (2003): Solar radiation measurements (PAR) at ALOHA Station during cruise HOT-54 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2003-02-10DOI registered: 2005-03-03

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Related to:
Lukas, Roger; Karl, David Michael (1999): Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (HOT), A decade of interdisciplinary oceanography, 1988-1998. SOEST Technical Report, 99-05, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, CD-ROM,
Latitude: 22.750000 * Longitude: -158.000000
Date/Time Start: 1994-06-18T03:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1994-06-22T23:57:00
ALOHA_Station * Latitude: 22.750000 * Longitude: -158.000000 * Date/Time: 1988-10-30T00:00:00 * Location: Hawaiian Islands, North Central Pacific * Campaign: ST-2 * Basis: Moana Wave * Method/Device: Open ocean station (OOS) * Comment: A Long-term Oligotrophic Habitat Assessment
The measurements of radiation are restricted to the 400 to 700 nm waveband. This waveband is defined as Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) and is the waveband limits for photosynthetically useful light (Booth, 1976). A 2-pi collector was used.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
2Radiation, photosynthetically activePARµmol/m2/sKarl, David MichaelCalculated average/mean values
3Radiation, photosynthetically activePARµmol/m2/sKarl, David MichaelJGOFS/HOT methodshigh
4Radiation, photosynthetically activePARµmol/m2/sKarl, David MichaelJGOFS/HOT methodslow
1809 data points

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