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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Oliveira, Ana (2019): Temperature percentiles thresholds in Naples, Italy, for the base period 1961-1990 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Oliveira, A (2019): Extreme Temperature Indices Time Series - Yearly summary ET-SCI Indices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 software at 5 Southern European Cities [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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coldwave indices; correlation; E-OBS; heatwave indices; Southern European cities; trends
Latitude: 40.950000 * Longitude: 14.250000
EOB-S_Naples_Italy (Naples/Capodichino) * Latitude: 40.950000 * Longitude: 14.250000 * Location: Italy * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT) * Comment: ECAD&D Reference Station ID: 2093
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Day of the yearDOYdayOliveira, AnaCALENDAR DAY OF THE YEAR (base period 1961-1990)
2Temperature, airTTT°COliveira, AnaTM50: Mean Temperature
3Temperature, airTTT°COliveira, AnaTX90p: Maximum Temperature 90th percentile
4Temperature, airTTT°COliveira, AnaTX10p: Maximum Temperature 10th percentile
5Temperature, airTTT°COliveira, AnaTN90p: Minimum Temperature 90th percentile
6Temperature, airTTT°COliveira, AnaTN10p: Minimum Temperature 10th percentile
2190 data points

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