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Oliveira, Ana (2019): Extreme Temperature ET-SCI Indices - Annual time-series - Athens, Greece [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Oliveira, A (2019): Extreme Temperature Indices Time Series - Yearly summary ET-SCI Indices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 software at 5 Southern European Cities [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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climPACT2; coldwave indices; correlation; E-OBS; ET-SCI; heatwave indices; Southern European cities; trends
Further details:
Alexander, Lisa V; Herold, Nicholas (2016): ClimPACT2: Indices and software., hdl:10013/epic.94f52968-eeed-4766-9285-5c3466c98932
Cornes, Richard C; van der Schrier, Gerard; van den Besselaar, Else J M; Jones, Philip D (2018): An Ensemble Version of the E-OBS Temperature and Precipitation Data Sets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(17), 9391-9409,
Latitude: 38.050000 * Longitude: 23.750000
Date/Time Start: 1950-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-12-31T00:00:00
EOB-S_Athens_Greece (Athens) * Latitude: 38.050000 * Longitude: 23.750000 * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT) * Comment: ECAD&D Reference Station ID: 378
We acknowledge the E-OBS dataset from the EU-FP6 project UERRA ( and the Copernicus Climate Change Service, and the data providers in the ECA&D project (
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeOliveira, AnaGeocode – Year
2Summer daysSUdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_SU
3Tropical nightsTRdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_TR
4Temperature, air, annual maximum, daily maximumTXx°COliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_TXx
5Warm spell duration indicatorWSDIdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_WSDI
6Hot daysTX90p%Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_TX90p
7Warm nightsTN90p%Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_TN90p
8Heatwave numberHWN#Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_HWN
9Heatwave frequencyHWFdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_HWF
10Heatwave durationHWDdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_HWD
11Heatwave magnitudeHWM°C2Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_HWM
12Heatwave amplitudeHWA°C2Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_HWA
13Cooling degree daysCDDOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_CDD
14Temperature, air, annual minimum, daily minimumTNn°COliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_TNn
15Cold spell duration indicatorCSDIdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_CSDI
16Amount of cool daysTX10p%Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_TX10p
17Amount of cold nightsTN10p%Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_TN10p
18Coldwave numberCWN#Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_CWN
19Coldwave frequencyCWFdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_CWF
20Coldwave durationCWDdaysOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_CWD
21Coldwave magnitudeCWM°C2Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_CWM
22Coldwave amplitudeCWA°C2Oliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_CWA
23Heating degree daysHDDOliveira, AnaIndices calculated from E-OBS v17.e dataset, with ClimPACT2 softwareAT_HDD
1192 data points

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