Mistry, Malcolm Noshir (2019): A High-Resolution (0.25 degree) Historical Global Gridded Dataset of Climate Extreme Indices (1970-2016) using GLDAS data [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.898014, Supplement to: Mistry, MN (2019): A high resolution global gridded historical dataset of climate extreme indices. Data, 4(1), https://doi.org/10.3390/data4010041
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Published: 2019-02-04 • DOI registered: 2019-03-13
Users are recommended to consult the author (malcolm.mistry@unive.it / malmistry1977@gmail.com) for an updated version which includes more recent years.
71 core and non-core climate extreme indices (CEIs) based on the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI), and the Expert Team on Sector-specific Climate Indices (ET-SCI). The indices are computed using R ClimPACT2 package. The dataset does not include two indices (Heating and Cooling Degree Days) as these are computed separately for various baseline temperature (thresholds) -See 'Historical Global-Gridded Degree-Days: A High Spatio-Resolution Database of CDD and HDD'-. All indices are computed using daily near-surface maximum and minimum temperature (deg C), and near-surface precipitation (mm/day) variables from Global Land Data Acquisation System (GLDAS) ver. 2 (@ 0.25 degree)
Important: GLDAS ver-2 comprises of two sub-versions (ver. 2.0 for period 1970-2010 and ver 2.1 for period 2000-present day). The CEIs computed using the input temperature and precipitation variables may report a break in time-series at a few locations around the years 2010-11. Users are therefore advised caution when using the data for trend analysis for instance. Further details on the merging of the two versions can be found below:
Data are in netCDF-4 format, at a spatial resolution of 0.25 degree by 0.25 degree (latitude by longitude)on a regular lon-lat grid. Some indices have data both at monthly and annual time-steps (as identified by the netCDF file name). Missing values are identified by values '1.e+20f'. Further details of the variables in the individual netCDF files can be checked using either NCO or CDO command line utilites as follows: "ncdump -h netcdf_file_name", "cdo sinfo netcdf_file_name".
The developement of this dataset has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 756194 (ENERGYA).
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | File name | File name | Mistry, Malcolm Noshir | |||
2 | File format | File format | Mistry, Malcolm Noshir | |||
3 | File size | File size | kByte | Mistry, Malcolm Noshir | ||
4 | Uniform resource locator/link to file | URL file | Mistry, Malcolm Noshir |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
356 data points