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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Park, Eunmi; Hefter, Jens; Fischer, Gerhard; Iversen, Morten Hvitfeldt; Ramondenc, Simon; Nöthig, Eva-Maria; Mollenhauer, Gesine (2019): Fractional abundances and concentrations of GDGT collected by sediment trap moored in two latitude regions of the Atlantic Ocean: in the eastern Fram Strait (FEVI16) and in the Antarctic Polar Front (PF3) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Park, E et al. (2019): Seasonality of archaeal lipid flux and GDGT-based thermometry in sinking particles of high-latitude oceans: Fram Strait (79° N) and Antarctic Polar Front (50° S). Biogeosciences, 16(11), 2247-2268,

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This is the temperature lipid proxy (GDGT) data measured in sinking particles collected using a sediment trap mooring system in the eastern Fram Strait and in the Antarctic Polar Front of the Atlantic sector. In the eastern Fram Strait (FEVI16), particles were collected at 1296 m water depth. In the Antarctic Polar Front (PF3), particles were collected at 614 m and 3196 m water depth. Using this dataset, TEX86-derived temperatures and OH-GDGTs-derived temperatures can be calculated.
Median Latitude: 14.448040 * Median Longitude: 5.090260 * South-bound Latitude: -50.126700 * West-bound Longitude: 4.347220 * North-bound Latitude: 79.022780 * East-bound Longitude: 5.833300
Date/Time Start: 1900-01-21T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-06-30T00:00:00
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