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O'Connell, Michael; Molloy, Karen (2018): Pollen profile SHE III, Lough Sheeauns, Co. Galway [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: O'Connell, M; Molloy, K (2018): Lough Sheeauns, Co. Galway (profile SHE III): a detailed record of the Elm Decline and Neolithic Landnam in north-west Connemara [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Molloy, Karen (1989): Palaeoecological investigations towards the reconstruction of prehistoric human impact in N.W. Connemara, western Ireland [dissertation]. Department of Botany, UCG (NUIG), Galway, 192 pp
Molloy, Karen; O'Connell, Michael (1987): The nature of the vegetational changes at about 5000 B.P. with particular reference to the Elm Decline: fresh evidence from Connemara, western Ireland. New Phytologist, 106, 203-220
Molloy, Karen; O'Connell, Michael (1988): Neolithic agriculture - fresh evidence from Cleggan, Connemara. Archaeology Ireland, 2, 67-70
Molloy, Karen; O'Connell, Michael (1991): Palaeoecological investigations towards the reconstruction of woodland and land-use history at Lough Sheeauns, Connemara, western Ireland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 67, 75-113
O'Connell, Michael; Molloy, Karen (2001): Farming and woodland dynamics in Ireland during the Neolithic. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 101, 99-128
O'Connell, Michael; Molloy, Karen; Bowler, M (1988): Post-glacial landscape evolution in Connemara, western Ireland with particular reference to woodland history. In: Birks, HH, Birks, HJB, Kaland, PE and Moe, D (eds.), The Cultural Landscape - Past, Present and Future.Cambridge University Press., 487-514
Latitude: 53.556860 * Longitude: -10.076080
Date/Time Start: 1984-09-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1984-09-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.02 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.82 m
SHE_III (Lough Sheeauns) * Latitude: 53.556860 * Longitude: -10.076080 * Date/Time: 1984-09-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 15.0 m * Method/Device: Livingstone corer (LIVC) * Comment: The small lake, Lough Sheeauns, near Cleggan, Connemara, provides a record of woodland dynamics and human impact that spans most of the Holocene. The record is based on detailed pollen data and geochemical analyses and has a radiocarbon-derived chronology. Basin size:120 x 90 m, 0.9 ha. Estimated size/area in 1839 (1 ed. OS map): 190 x 116 m (2.2 ha). Sampled using 5 cm diameter Livingstone corer in 1 m drives from raft anchored near the centre of the lake. SHE I: 1-6 m collected; top 50 cm collected separately. Top sediment only analysed - results presented separately (3 spectra). Length of core (Holocene only) 6m (uppermost 2 m not collected). Spans from ca. AD 500 to early Holocene (short LG sequence in final drive, i.e. 5-6 m; not analysed). Organic-rich brown gyttja.
Pollen analyst: Karen Molloy. Sampling density: variable; mainly 4 cm intervals; Elm Decline and Neolithic continuous sampling; samples 1 cm thick. No. of spectra: 90. 442-402: continuous sampling (41 samples in this part of profile). Lycopodium spore suspension of know concentration added; acetolysis, mounted in glycerine. Cereal-type pollen differentiated using Beug (1961) criteria (37 um taken as cutoff point; but only pollen grains 40 um and greater included in cereal-type). Pollen nomenclature generally follows Moore et al. 1991. <1 = recorded outside the pollen counts (most samples searched for additional taxa). Distinction between Myrica and Corylus made. Charcoal particles ≥37 um counted during routine pollen counting.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmO'Connell, MichaelGeocode – wrt to top to sediment/water interface
2AgeAgea AD/CEO'Connell, Michael
3AGEAgeka BPO'Connell, MichaelGeocode
4--O'Connell, MichaelPAZs
5CommentCommentO'Connell, MichaelMain features
6PinusPin#O'Connell, MichaelPINE
7QuercusQue#O'Connell, MichaelOAK
8BetulaBet#O'Connell, MichaelBIRCH
9CorylusCor#O'Connell, MichaelHAZEL
10UlmusUlm#O'Connell, MichaelELM
11FraxinusFrx#O'Connell, MichaelASH
12AlnusAln#O'Connell, MichaelALDER
13SalixSal#O'Connell, MichaelWILLOW
14TaxusTax#O'Connell, MichaelYEW
15TiliaTil#O'Connell, Michael
16FagusFag#O'Connell, MichaelBEECH
17IlexIle#O'Connell, MichaelHOLLY
18SorbusSor#O'Connell, Michael
19HederaHed#O'Connell, MichaelIVY
20LoniceraLon#O'Connell, Michael
21JuniperusJun#O'Connell, Michael
22Prunus-typePrn-T#O'Connell, Michael
23RubusRub#O'Connell, Michael
24Fern spores, monoleteMon.f.s#O'Connell, Michaelperine
25Polypodium vulgarePpd.v#O'Connell, Michael
26PteridiumPtd#O'Connell, MichaelBRACKEN
27OsmundaOsmu#O'Connell, Michael
28Dryopteris dilatataDrp.d#O'Connell, Michael
29Dryopteris filix-mas-typeDrp.f-mT#O'Connell, Michael
30Asplenium-typeApl-T#O'Connell, Michael
31Athyrium filix-feminaAth.f-f#O'Connell, Michael
32PoaceaePoac#O'Connell, Michael
33Plantago lanceolataPla.l#O'Connell, Michael
34Plantago coronopusPla.c#O'Connell, Michael
35LigulifloraeLigae#O'Connell, Michael
36Aster-typeAst-T#O'Connell, Michael
37Bidens-typeBid-T#O'Connell, Michael
38FilipendulaFlp#O'Connell, Michael
39Trifolium repensTri.r#O'Connell, Michael
40Trifolium-typeTri-T#O'Connell, Michael
41Vicia-typeVic-T#O'Connell, Michael
42Vicia cracca-typeVic.c-T#O'Connell, Michael
43Vicia sylvatica-typeVic.s-T#O'Connell, Michael
44FabaceaeFabae#O'Connell, Michaelp.p.
45Lotus-typeLot-T#O'Connell, Michael
46Apiaceae-typeApiaceae-T#O'Connell, Michaeltype II
47CaryophyllaceaeCphae#O'Connell, Michaelp.p.
48Cerastium-typeCer-T#O'Connell, Michael
49Stellaria holosteaSte.h#O'Connell, Michael
50Dianthus-typeDia-T#O'Connell, Michael
51Potentilla-typePti-T#O'Connell, Michael
52Ranunculus-typeRan-T#O'Connell, Michael
53RosaceaeRosae#O'Connell, Michaelp.p.
54RubiaceaeRubae#O'Connell, Michael
55Rumex-typeRum-T#O'Connell, MichaelDOCK
56SuccisaSuc#O'Connell, Michael
57UrticaUrt#O'Connell, MichaelNETTLE
58Viola arvensis-typeVio.a-T#O'Connell, Michael
59MelampyrumMel#O'Connell, Michael
60CircaeaCra#O'Connell, Michael
61GeraniumGer#O'Connell, Michael
62Hypericum perforatum-typeHyp.p-T#O'Connell, Michael
63JasioneJas#O'Connell, Michael
64Cereal-typeCereal-T#O'Connell, Michael
65ChenopodiaceaeCheae#O'Connell, Michael
66ArtemisiaArt#O'Connell, MichaelMUGWORT
67BrassicaceaeBraae#O'Connell, Michael
68Plantago major/mediaPla.m/m#O'Connell, Michael
69Polygonum avicularePol.i#O'Connell, Michael
70CallunaCal#O'Connell, MichaelLING
71Erica tetralixEri.t#O'Connell, Michael
72Vaccinium-typeVac-T#O'Connell, Michael
73CyperaceaeCypae#O'Connell, Michaelp.p.
74CladiumCla#O'Connell, MichaelSAW SEDGE
75MyricaMyr#O'Connell, MichaelBOG MYRTLE
76Anagallis-typeAna-T#O'Connell, Michael
77PedicularisPed#O'Connell, Michael
78Potamogeton sect. EupotamogetonPot.Se.E#O'Connell, Michael
79Typha/SparganiumTyp/Spa#O'Connell, Michael
80Menyanthes trifoliataMey.t#O'Connell, Michael
81Myriophyllum alterniflorumMyo.a#O'Connell, Michael
82NupharNup#O'Connell, Michael
83NymphaeaNym#O'Connell, Michael
84CalthaClh#O'Connell, Michael
85Alisma-typeAli-T#O'Connell, Michael
86Mentha-typeMen-T#O'Connell, Michael
87SphagnumSph#O'Connell, Michael
88Pediastrum boryanumPed.b#O'Connell, Michael
89Erica tetralixEri.t#O'Connell, MichaelHdV-68: E. tetralix seed epidermal cells
90Tilletia sphagniTil.s#O'Connell, MichaelHdV-27: Tilletia sphagni
91GelasinosporaGel#O'Connell, MichaelHdV-1: Gelasinospora 1
92Pollen, corrodedPollen corroded#O'Connell, Michael
93UnknownUnknown#O'Connell, Michael
94CharcoalCharcoal#O'Connell, Michael>37 µm
95Sample volumeSamp volcm3O'Connell, Michael
96Lycopodium (added)Lyc(ad)#O'Connell, Michael
97Lycopodium (counted)Lyc(ct)#O'Connell, Michael
10910 data points

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