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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Van Damme, Martin; Clarisse, Lieven; Whitburn, Simon; Hadji-Lazaro, Juliette; Hurtmans, Daniel; Clerbaux, Cathy; Coheur, Pierre-François (2018): Level 2 dataset and Level 3 oversampled average map of the IASI/Metop-A ammonia (NH3) morning column measurements (ANNI-NH3-v2.1R-I) from 2008 to 2016 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2018-09-24DOI registered: 2018-10-30

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Related to:
Van Damme, Martin; Whitburn, Simon; Clarisse, Lieven; Clerbaux, Cathy; Hurtmans, Daniel; Coheur, Pierre-François (2017): Version 2 of the IASI NH3 neural network retrieval algorithm: near-real-time and reanalysed datasets. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10(12), 4905-4914,
The zip-folder contains two files: (1) "" includes daily files (Level 2) of the reanalyzed IASI/Metop-A ammonia (NH3) morning column measurements (2008-2016) retrieved using the algorithm described in Van Damme et al. (2017); (2) "" file is the 9-year oversampled high-resolution (0.01°x0.01°) average map (Level 3) of the Level 2 data presented in Van Damme et al. (2018).
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