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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Reavie, Euan D; Alexson, Elizabeth E; Axler, Richard P; Yemets, Sergiy V; Edlund, Mark B; Pillsbury, Robert W; Desotelle, Diane; Nurse, Andrea M; Ladwig, Jammi L; Yost, Chad L (2018): Pollen biovolume in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake Superior, Minnesota, USA [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Reavie, ED et al. (2018): Paleolimnological data from the St. Louis River Estuary [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Median Latitude: 46.700800 * Median Longitude: -92.160200 * South-bound Latitude: 46.654000 * West-bound Longitude: -92.237000 * North-bound Latitude: 46.732000 * East-bound Longitude: -92.065000
Date/Time Start: 2014-01-10T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2014-03-18T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.005 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.835 m
Billings_Park (Billings Park Bay, St. Louis River) * Latitude: 46.710000 * Longitude: -92.147000 * Date/Time: 2014-01-10T00:00:00 * Location: Douglas, Wisconsin, USA * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC) * Comment: Lake water depth 2.67
Clough_Island (North of Clough Island, St. Louis River) * Latitude: 46.713000 * Longitude: -92.181000 * Date/Time: 2014-03-18T00:00:00 * Location: Saint Louis, Minnesota, USA * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC) * Comment: Lake water depth 1.92
Fond_du_Lac (Fond du Lac Bay, St. Louis River) * Latitude: 46.654000 * Longitude: -92.237000 * Date/Time: 2014-01-11T00:00:00 * Location: Saint Louis, Minnesota, USA * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC) * Comment: Lake water depth 1.68
Pollen biovolume is measured per dry weight of sediment.
TRSHR - Trees & shrubs group
UPHRB - Upland herbs group
WETEM - Wetland emergents group
AQUAT - Aquatics group
PTERI - Pteridophytes group
SPORE - Spore group
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventReavie, Euan D
2Sample code/labelSample labelReavie, Euan D
3DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmReavie, Euan DGeocode
4AgeAgea AD/CEReavie, Euan D
5CharcoalCharcoal#/cm2/aReavie, Euan D>40µm2
6PinusPinus#/cm2/aReavie, Euan Dundifferentiated; TRSHR
7Pinus strobus, fluxP. strobus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
8Pinus banksiana, fluxP. banksiana flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
9Pinus resinosa, fluxP. resinosa flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
10Picea, fluxPicea flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
11AbiesAbies#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
12Tsuga, fluxTsuga flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
13Larix, fluxLarix flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
14Cupressaceae, fluxCupressaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan Dundifferentiated; TRSHR
15Populus, fluxPopulus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
16Betula, fluxBetula flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
17Ostrya/Carpinus, fluxOstrya/Carpinus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
18Fraxinus pennsylvanica/nigra, fluxF. pennsylvanica/nigra flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
19Fraxinus americana, fluxF. americana flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
20Quercus, fluxQuercus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
21Tilia, fluxTilia flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
22Ulmus, fluxUlmus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
23Acer, fluxAcer flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan Dundifferentiated; TRSHR
24Acer rubrum, fluxA. rubrum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
25Acer saccharum, fluxA. saccharum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
26Juglans, fluxJuglans flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
27Carya, fluxCarya flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
28Platanus, fluxPlatanus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
29Castanea, fluxCastanea flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
30Liquidambar, fluxLiquidambar flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
31Salix, fluxSalix flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
32Corylus, fluxCorylus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
33Alnus, fluxAlnus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan Dundifferentiated; TRSHR
34Rhamnus, fluxRhamnus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
35Cornus, fluxCornus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
36Ilex/Nemopanthus, fluxIlex/Nemopanthus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
37Ericaceae, fluxEricaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
38Rosaceae, fluxRosaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
39Ephedra, fluxEphedra flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
40Caprifoliaceae, fluxCaprifoliaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
41Viburnum, fluxViburnum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
42Shepherdia, fluxShepherdia flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
43Rhus, fluxRhus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
44Morus, fluxMorus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
45Vitis, fluxVitis flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
46Myrica, fluxMyrica flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
47Celtis occidentalis, fluxC. occidentalis flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DTRSHR
48Ambrosia, fluxAmbrosia flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
49Rumex, fluxRumex flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
50Chenopodium, fluxChenopodium flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
51Amaranthus, fluxAmaranthus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
52Plantago, fluxPlantago flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
53ArtemisiaArtemisia#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
54Asteraceae, fluxAsteraceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan Dlow spine; UPHRB
55Asteraceae, fluxAsteraceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan Dhigh spine; UPHRB
56Taraxacum, fluxTaraxacum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
57PoaceaePoaceae#/cm2/aReavie, Euan Dundifferentiated; UPHRB
58PoaceaePoaceae#/cm2/aReavie, Euan D>20 µm; UPHRB
59Andropogon, fluxAndropogon flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
60Zea mays, fluxZ. mays flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
61Fabaceae, fluxFabaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
62Ranunculaceae, fluxRanae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
63Urticaceae, fluxUrticaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
64Caryophyllaceae, fluxCaryoph flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
65Apiaceae, fluxApiaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
66Polygonaceae, fluxPolygonaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
67Saxifragaceae, fluxSaxifragaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
68Brassicaceae, fluxBrassicaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
69Liliaceae, fluxLiliaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
70Thalictrum, fluxThalictrum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
71Impatiens, fluxImpatiens flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
72Galium, fluxGalium flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
73Clusiaceae, fluxClusiaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
74Sedum, fluxSedum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
75Gentianaceae, fluxGentianaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
76Scrophulariaceae, fluxScrophulariaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
77Primula, fluxPrimula flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
78Stachydeae, fluxStachydeae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
79Lamiaceae, fluxLamiaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
80Oxytropis, fluxOxytropis flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
81Menyanthes, fluxMenyanthes flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
82Linum, fluxLinum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
83Solanum, fluxSolanum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
84Sanguisorba, fluxSanguisorba flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
85Viola, fluxViola flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
86Iris, fluxIris flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
87Oxalis, fluxOxalis flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
88Orchidaceae, fluxOrchidaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
89Hypericum, fluxHypericum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DUPHRB
90Typha, fluxTypha flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
91Sagittaria, fluxSagittaria flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
92Sparganium, fluxSparganium flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
93Cyperaceae, fluxCyperaceae flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
94Aracea-like, fluxAracea-like flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
95Zizania palustris, fluxZ. palustris flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
96Phragmites/Calamagrostis, fluxPhragmites/Calamagrostis flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
97Elymus, fluxElymus flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
98Juncus-type, fluxJuncus-type flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
99Triglochin, fluxTriglochin flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
100Utricularia, fluxUtricularia flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
101Comarum, fluxComarum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DWETEM
102Lemna, fluxLemna flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
103Potamogeton, fluxPotamogeton flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
104Hippuris, fluxHippuris flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
105Isoetes, fluxIsoetes flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
106Nuphar, fluxNuphar flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
107Myriophyllum, fluxMyriophyllum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
108Nymphaea, fluxNymphaea flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
109Callitriche, fluxCallitriche flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
110Brasenia, fluxBrasenia flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
111Crassula, fluxCrassula flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DAQUAT
112Sphagnum, fluxSphagnum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
113Equisetum, fluxEquisetum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
114Osmunda, fluxOsmunda flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
115Pteridium, fluxPteridium flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
116Lycopodium, fluxLycopodium flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
117Dryopteris, fluxDryopteris flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
118Selaginella, fluxSel fluxspores/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
119Woodsia, fluxWoodsia flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
120Adiantum, fluxAdiantum flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
121Athyrium, fluxAthyrium flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
122Botrychium, fluxBotrychium flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
123Ulota, fluxUlota flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DPTERI
124Spores, monolete, fluxmonolete flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DSPORE
125Spores, trilete, fluxtrilete flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan DSPORE
126Pollen indeterminata, fluxPollen indet flux#/cm2/aReavie, Euan D
127Pollen, fluxFlux pollen#/cm2/aReavie, Euan D
13125 data points

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