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Dhal, Paltu Kumar (2018): Microbial communities at Sundarban Mangrove forest water samples [dataset]. Jadavpur University, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2018-06-05DOI registered: 2018-07-04

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Microbial community of world largest Sundarban mangrove areas strongly effected by contaminated surface waters of its upstream regions. This investigation identifies microbial communities of marine water samples from India mangrove forest through 16S rRNA gene-based amplicon sequencing approach targeting V3-V5 hypervariable regions. Total eighteen samples from two spatially separated sampling stations with varied physiochemical properties selected in this study. Total nine marine water samples from one pristine island of mangrove forest with lower nutrient load showed unique microbial assembles. In comparison to that, we observed a shift of bacterial community in open marine water columns (three nine samples represents Station 2 with an elevated nutrient load. Not much change in Archaeal communities was observed.
Latitude: 21.851000 * Longitude: 88.511000
Sundarban_Mangrove * Latitude: 21.851000 * Longitude: 88.511000 * Location: India * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
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