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Camill, Philip (2018): Age determination of Joey_core12 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Camill, Philip (2018): Geochemistry of Joey_core12 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip; Barry, Ann; Williams, Evie; Andreassi, Christian; Limmer, Jacob; Solick, Donald (2009): Climate-vegetation-fire interactions and their impact on long-term carbon dynamics in a boreal peatland landscape in northern Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114(G4),
Further details:
Camill, Philip (2018): Age determination of Joey_core2 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Age determination of Joey_core5 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Age determination of Joey_core7 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Age determination of Joey_core15 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Age determination of Joey_core17 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Geochemistry of Joey_core2 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Geochemistry of Joey_core5 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Geochemistry of Joey_core7 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Geochemistry of Joey_core15 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Camill, Philip (2018): Geochemistry of Joey_core17 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Loisel, Julie; Yu, Zicheng; Beilman, David W; Camill, Philip; Alm, Jukka; Amesbury, Matthew J; Anderson, David; Andersson, Sofia; Bochicchio, Christopher; Barber, Keith; Belyea, Lisa R; Bunbury, Joan; Chambers, Frank M; Charman, Dan J; De Vleeschouwer, Francois; Fialkiewicz-Koziel, Barbara; Finkelstein, Sarah A; Gałka, Mariusz; Garneau, Michelle; Hammarlund, Dan; Hinchcliffe, William; Holmquist, James R; Hughes, Paul; Jones, Miranda C; Klein, Eric S; Kokfelt, Ulla; Korhola, Atte; Kuhry, Peter; Lamarre, Alexandre; Lamentowicz, Mariusz; Large, William G; Lavoie, Martin; MacDonald, Glen M; Magnan, Gabriel; Mäkilä, Markku; Mallon, Gunnar; Mathijssen, Paul J H; Mauquoy, Dmitri; McCarroll, Julia; Moore, Tim R; Nichols, Jonathan; O'Reilly, Benjamin; Oksanen, Pirita O; Packalen, Maara; Peteet, Dorothy M; Richard, Pierre J H; Robinson, S; Ronkainen, Tiina M; Rundgren, Mats; Sannel, A Britta K; Tarnocai, Charles; Thom, Tim; Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina; Turetsky, Merritt; Väliranta, Minna; van der Linden, Marjolein; van Geel, Bas; van Bellen, Simon; Vitt, Dale H; Zhao, Yan; Zhou, Weijian (2014): A database and synthesis of northern peatland soil properties and Holocene carbon and nitrogen accumulation. The Holocene, 24(9), 1028-1042,
Latitude: 55.470000 * Longitude: -98.150000
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.585 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1.505 m
Joey_core12 * Latitude: 55.470000 * Longitude: -98.150000 * Elevation: 214.0 m * Recovery: 155 cm * Location: Canada * Method/Device: Peat corer (PEATC) * Comment: Coring year: 2001; peatland type: permafrost bog; basal age depth: 150.5 cm; basal age: 7145 uncal.; basal age: 6564 calBP; n dates: 8; core microtopography: n/a; carbon rate site: Y2; peat properties site: Y; peat properties sample size: 4 cm^3
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Age, commentCommCamill, Philip
2DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmCamill, PhilipGeocode
3Sample thicknessSamp thickcmCamill, Philip
4Age, datedAge datedkaCamill, PhilipUncalibrated date
5Age, uncertaintyAge unc±Camill, PhilipLab uncertainty
6Age, dated materialDated materialCamill, Philip
7Laboratory code/labelLab labelCamill, Philip
48 data points

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