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Yu, Zicheng (2018): Geochemistry of Nuikluk_coreNL10-1 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Hunt, Stephanie; Yu, Zicheng; Jones, Miriam C (2013): Lateglacial and Holocene climate, disturbance and permafrost peatland dynamics on the Seward Peninsula, western Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, 63, 42-58,
Yu, Zicheng (2018): Age determination of Nuikluk_coreNL10-1 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Further details:
Loisel, Julie; Yu, Zicheng; Beilman, David W; Camill, Philip; Alm, Jukka; Amesbury, Matthew J; Anderson, David; Andersson, Sofia; Bochicchio, Christopher; Barber, Keith; Belyea, Lisa R; Bunbury, Joan; Chambers, Frank M; Charman, Dan J; De Vleeschouwer, Francois; Fialkiewicz-Koziel, Barbara; Finkelstein, Sarah A; Gałka, Mariusz; Garneau, Michelle; Hammarlund, Dan; Hinchcliffe, William; Holmquist, James R; Hughes, Paul; Jones, Miranda C; Klein, Eric S; Kokfelt, Ulla; Korhola, Atte; Kuhry, Peter; Lamarre, Alexandre; Lamentowicz, Mariusz; Large, William G; Lavoie, Martin; MacDonald, Glen M; Magnan, Gabriel; Mäkilä, Markku; Mallon, Gunnar; Mathijssen, Paul J H; Mauquoy, Dmitri; McCarroll, Julia; Moore, Tim R; Nichols, Jonathan; O'Reilly, Benjamin; Oksanen, Pirita O; Packalen, Maara; Peteet, Dorothy M; Richard, Pierre J H; Robinson, S; Ronkainen, Tiina M; Rundgren, Mats; Sannel, A Britta K; Tarnocai, Charles; Thom, Tim; Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina; Turetsky, Merritt; Väliranta, Minna; van der Linden, Marjolein; van Geel, Bas; van Bellen, Simon; Vitt, Dale H; Zhao, Yan; Zhou, Weijian (2014): A database and synthesis of northern peatland soil properties and Holocene carbon and nitrogen accumulation. The Holocene, 24(9), 1028-1042,
Yu, Zicheng (2018): Age determination of Nuikluk_coreNL10-2 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Yu, Zicheng (2018): Geochemistry of Nuikluk_coreNL10-2 peat core [dataset]. PANGAEA,
Latitude: 64.830000 * Longitude: -163.450000
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.0125 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.3700 m
Nuikluk_coreNL10-1 * Latitude: 64.830000 * Longitude: -163.450000 * Elevation: 18.0 m * Recovery: 242 cm * Location: United States of America * Method/Device: Peat corer (PEATC) * Comment: Coring year: 2010; core length: 242 cm; peatland type: permafrost peat plateau; basal age depth: 192 cm; basal age: 6349 calBP; n dates: 6; core microtopography: n/a; carbon rate site: Y3; peat properties site: Y; peat properties sample size: 1 cm^3
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmYu, ZichengGeocode
AGEAgeka BPYu, ZichengGeocode – Loisel et al. 2014
Density, dry bulkDBDg/cm3Yu, Zicheng
Organic matterOM%Yu, Zicheng
Density, organic matterOM densg/cm3Yu, Zicheng
Density, organic carbonCorg densg/cm3Yu, Zicheng
Peat typePeat typeYu, Zicheng
Peat typePeat typeYu, ZichengLoisel et al. 2014
258 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:

Depth sed [m]

Age [ka BP]
(Loisel et al. 2014)

DBD [g/cm3]

OM [%]

OM dens [g/cm3]

Corg dens [g/cm3]

Peat type

Peat type
(Loisel et al. 2014)
0.01250.30090.22273.50.1630.080Woody peat3
0.03750.90280.35254.70.1930.094Woody peat3
0.06251.80560.35761.70.2200.108Woody peat3
0.08752.40750.20274.90.1520.074Woody peat3
0.11252.77050.39644.90.1780.087Woody peat3
0.14003.13350.38743.90.1700.083Woody peat3
0.16503.37550.44135.60.1570.077Sedge peat2
0.19253.73850.49124.10.1190.058Sedge peat2
0.22254.04100.54514.90.0810.040Sedge peat2
0.24504.34350.40631.60.1280.063Sedge peat2
0.27254.70650.28585.10.2430.119Sedge peat2
0.29754.72880.21584.20.1810.089Sedge peat2
0.32254.76210.36151.00.1840.090Sedge peat2
0.34754.78440.41058.70.2410.118Sedge peat2
0.37254.81780.36238.20.1380.068Sedge peat2
0.39754.84560.51818.00.0930.046Sedge peat2
0.42254.87340.19778.90.1550.076Sedge peat2
0.45254.90680.17489.50.1560.076Sedge peat2
0.47254.92900.12491.00.1130.055Sedge peat2
0.49754.95130.12390.50.1110.054Sedge peat2
0.52254.98470.18291.60.1670.082Sedge peat2
0.54755.00690.14391.20.1300.064Sedge peat2
0.57255.04030.13892.20.1270.062Sedge peat2
0.59755.06260.16992.80.1570.077Sedge peat2
0.86505.36300.11088.30.0970.047Sedges+Woody peat3
0.94005.45200.15387.40.1340.065Sedges+Woody peat3
1.03005.59660.33341.40.1380.067Sedges+Woody peat3
1.09505.69310.34923.80.0830.041Sedges+Woody peat3
1.14005.77340.25622.10.0570.028Sedges+Woody peat3
1.21005.88590.13129.10.0380.019Sedges+Woody peat3
1.28505.99840.15141.90.0630.031Sedges+Woody peat3
1.36006.12690.43519.90.0870.042Sedges+Woody peat3
1.44006.25550.64021.60.1380.068Sedges+Woody peat3
1.51506.27010.52823.50.1240.061Sedges+Woody peat3
1.59006.28470.59423.00.1360.067Sedges+Woody peat3
1.70506.30720.63022.30.1410.069Sedges+Woody peat3
1.83006.33150.60124.40.1470.072Sedges+Woody peat3
1.92006.34910.45223.70.1070.052Sedges+Woody peat3
2.14001.2118.80.1060.052Sedges+Woody peat3
2.26000.29725.50.0760.037Sedges+Woody peat3
2.37000.62524.90.1560.076Sedges+Woody peat3