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Bamber, Jonathan L; Westaway, Richard M; Marzeion, Ben; Wouters, Bert (2018): A new synthesis of annual land ice mass trends 1992 to 2016 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Bamber, JL et al. (2018): The land ice contribution to sea level during the satellite era. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6), 063008,

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We have assessed and synthesised land ice mass trend results published, primarily, since the IPCC AR5 (2013) to produce a consistent estimate of land ice mass trends during the satellite era (1992 to 2016). Our resulting synthesis is both consistent and rigorous, drawing on i) the published literature, ii) expert assessment of that literature, and iii) a new analysis of Arctic glacier and ice cap trends combined with statistical modelling.
In the associated paper (Bamber et al 2018) we present annual and pentad (five-year mean) time series for the East, West Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets and glaciers separately and combined. When averaged over pentads, covering the entire period considered, we obtain a monotonic trend in mass contribution to the oceans, increasing from 0.31±0.35 mm of sea level equivalent for 1992-1996 to 1.85±0.13 for 2012-2016. Our integrated land ice trend is lower than many estimates of GRACE-derived ocean mass change for the same periods. This is due, in part, to a smaller estimate for glacier and ice cap mass trends compared to previous assessments. We discuss this, and other likely reasons, for the difference between GRACE ocean mass and land ice trends.
Date/Time Start: 1992-06-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2016-06-01T00:00:00
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeBamber, Jonathan LGeocode
2Mass balanceMBGt/aBamber, Jonathan LMass balance GrIS (dM GrIS): Weighted mean annual (Jan to Dec) mass change for Greenland ice sheet (unit=Gt)
3Standard deviationStd dev±Bamber, Jonathan LStdev GrIS: 1-sigma uncertainty associated with the weighted mean annual mass change, estimated as mean error divided by vn, where n is the number of datasets that provided an annual mass change for that year (unit=Gt)
4Mass balanceMBGt/aBamber, Jonathan LMass balance WAIS (dM WAIS): Weighted mean annual (Jan to Dec) mass change for West Antarctic ice sheet (unit=Gt)
5Standard deviationStd dev±Bamber, Jonathan LStdev WAIS: 1-sigma uncertainty associated with the weighted mean annual mass change, estimated as mean error divided by vn, where n is the number of datasets that provided an annual mass change for that year (unit=Gt)
6Mass balanceMBGt/aBamber, Jonathan LMass balance EAIS (dM EAIS): Weighted mean annual (Jan to Dec) mass change for East Antarctic ice sheet (unit=Gt)
7Standard deviationStd dev±Bamber, Jonathan LStdev EAIS: 1-sigma uncertainty associated with the weighted mean annual mass change, estimated as mean error divided by vn, where n is the number of datasets that provided an annual mass change for that year (unit=Gt)
8Mass balanceMBGt/aBamber, Jonathan LMass balance GIC (dM GIC): Annual (Sep yyyy-1 to Sep yyyy) mass change from our updated synthesis of GIC (unit=Gt)
9Standard deviationStd dev±Bamber, Jonathan LStdev GIC: 1-sigma uncertainty associated with the annual mass change, partitioned in proportion to the data source (unit=Gt)
10Mass balanceMBGt/aBamber, Jonathan LMass balance Total (dM Total): Annual total global land ice mass change based on this synthesis (unit=Gt)
11Standard deviationStd dev±Bamber, Jonathan LStdev Total: 1-sigma uncertainty expressed as the square root of the summed squares of the errors of the four components (EAIS, WAIS, GrIS, GIC) for each year (unit=Gt)
250 data points

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