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Dhal, Paltu Kumar (2018): Environmental parameters and nutrient concentrations of marine water, Matla River and Thakuran River of Maipith coastal areas in the Indian Sundarban mangroves areas [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2018-05-07DOI registered: 2018-06-30

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Physiochemical parameters (salinity and pH) of the each 18 collected samples were measured using the Eureka 2 Manta multiprobe (Eureka Environmental Engineering, Texas, USA) at ZMT. The inorganic nutrient that includes the combined nitrate and nitrite (NOx), phosphate (PO4), silicate (Si), total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were analyzed in this investigation. Total 50mL of each sample was filtered through a 0.7μm syringe filter and poisoned with 200μL of a 3.5 g/100mL HgCl2 solution for further analysis using a continuous flow analyzer (Flowsys by Unity Scientific, Brookfield, USA). For measurements of total organic carbon (TOC), 30mL samples were filtered through 0.45μm pore GF/F filters (Whatman GF/F, GE Healthcare, Pittsburgh, USA) followed by acidification with concentrated HCl (pH below 2) and analyzed by high-temperature oxic combustion (HTOC) method using a TOC-VCPH TOC analyzer (Shimadzu, Mandel, Canada). Seawater standards (Hansell laboratory, RSMAS University Miami, USA) for calibration and quality control artificial and ultrapure water as blanks were used.
Macro-nutrients; mangrove
Median Latitude: 21.832617 * Median Longitude: 88.514624 * South-bound Latitude: 21.789620 * West-bound Longitude: 88.505340 * North-bound Latitude: 21.857059 * East-bound Longitude: 88.536580
Minimum DEPTH, water: m * Maximum DEPTH, water: m
Sundarban_BL1 (Baithbhagi) * Latitude: 21.789620 * Longitude: 88.505340 * Location: Bay of Bengal * Method/Device: Water sample (WS)
Sundarban_KL1 (Kalash Deep) * Latitude: 21.851895 * Longitude: 88.511685 * Location: Bay of Bengal * Method/Device: Water sample (WS)
Sundarban_KL2 (Kalash Deep Nadi) * Latitude: 21.817200 * Longitude: 88.536580 * Location: Bay of Bengal * Method/Device: Water sample (WS)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventDhal, Paltu Kumar
2Optional event labelEvent 2Dhal, Paltu Kumar
3Latitude of eventLatitudeDhal, Paltu Kumar
4Longitude of eventLongitudeDhal, Paltu Kumar
5Sample code/labelSample labelDhal, Paltu Kumar
6Station labelStationDhal, Paltu Kumar
7DEPTH, waterDepth watermDhal, Paltu KumarGeocode
8SalinitySalDhal, Paltu Kumar
9pHpHDhal, Paltu Kumar
10Carbon, organic, totalTOCµmol/lDhal, Paltu Kumar
11Nitrogen, totalTNµmol/lDhal, Paltu Kumar
12Carbon/Nitrogen ratioC/NDhal, Paltu Kumar
13Nitrogen oxideNOxµmol/lDhal, Paltu Kumar
14Nitrate[NO3]-µmol/lDhal, Paltu Kumar
15Nitrogen, inorganic, dissolvedDINµmol/lDhal, Paltu Kumar
16Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lDhal, Paltu Kumar
17SiliconSiµmol/lDhal, Paltu Kumar
216 data points

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