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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Taboada, Sergi; Riesgo, Ana; Wiklund, Helena; Paterson, Gordon L J; Koutsouveli, Vasiliki; Santodomingo, Nadia; Dale, Andrew C; Smith, Craig R; Jones, Daniel O B; Dahlgren, Thomas G; Glover, Adrian G (2018): Allele matrix of 11 microsatellites in Plenaster craigi for 4 areas and 30 populations [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Taboada, S et al. (2018): Implications of population connectivity studies for the design of marine protected areas in the deep sea: An example of a demosponge from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. Molecular Ecology, 27(23), 4657-4679,

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The excel file has two spread-sheets: (i) "Microsatellites-4Areas" including the information of the 11 microsatellites used in the paper for the four different areas we investigated; (ii) "Microsatellites-30Populations" including the information of the 11 microsatellites used in the paper for the 30 different populations we investigated.
In the two spread-sheets we include the following columns: "Number of individual" from 1 to 168; "Area" with the names of the areas or populations for every individual; "Sample Code" with the name of the sample used in the paper; "1Ple, 3Ple, 11Ple, 13Ple, 12Ple, 14Ple, 16Ple, 5Ple, 19Ple, 10Ple, and 2Ple" the name of each of the 11 microsatellites gentotyped in our study.
In addition to that, we provide a small summary of the "Number of microsatellites", "Number of Individuals", "Number of Areas", "Number of Populations", and "N of individuals per area and population".
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