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Knaeps, Els; Doxaran, David; Dogliotti, Ana I; Nechad, Bouchra; Ruddick, Kevin; Raymaekers, Dries; Sterckx, Sindy (2018): Suspended matter and turbidity measurements gathered at three turbid estuarine sites (Gironde, La Plata, Scheldt) [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Knaeps, E et al. (2018): The SeaSWIR dataset [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Knaeps, Els; Dogliotti, Ana I; Raymaekers, Dries; Ruddick, Kevin; Sterckx, Sindy (2012): In situ evidence of non-zero reflectance in the OLCI 1020nm band for a turbid estuary. Remote Sensing of Environment, 120, 133-144,
Knaeps, Els; Ruddick, Kevin; Doxaran, David; Dogliotti, Ana I; Nechad, Bouchra; Raymaekers, Dries; Sterckx, Sindy (2015): A SWIR based algorithm to retrieve total suspended matter in extremely turbid waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 168, 66-79,
Median Latitude: 27.390238 * Median Longitude: -13.417317 * South-bound Latitude: -34.560830 * West-bound Longitude: -58.398890 * North-bound Latitude: 51.233622 * East-bound Longitude: 4.397420
Date/Time Start: 2010-07-15T08:40:00 * Date/Time End: 2013-08-16T14:40:00
Gironde_river * Latitude: 45.200000 * Longitude: -0.720000 * Location: Gironde, France, Europe * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Rio_de_la_Plata * Latitude: -34.560000 * Longitude: -58.400000 * Location: Rio de la Plata * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Scheldt_river * Latitude: 51.230000 * Longitude: 4.400000 * Location: Belgium * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventKnaeps, Els
2CampaignCampaignKnaeps, Els
3Station labelStationKnaeps, Els
4LocationLocationKnaeps, Els
5LATITUDELatitudeKnaeps, ElsGeocode
6LONGITUDELongitudeKnaeps, ElsGeocode
7Date/Time localDate/Time localKnaeps, Elswater sample, local time
8DATE/TIMEDate/TimeKnaeps, ElsGeocode – water sample, UTC
9Suspended matter, totalTSSmg/lKnaeps, Els
10PercentagePerc%Knaeps, ElsTSS stdev
11Turbidity (Formazin nephelometric unit)TurbidityFNUKnaeps, Els
12PercentagePerc%Knaeps, ElsTurbidity stdev
953 data points

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