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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Pérez-Portela, Rocío; Bumford, Alexandra; Coffman, Brian; Wedelich, Shelby; Davenport, Megan; Fogg, Alex; Swenarton, Mary Kate; Coleman, Felicia; Johnston, Michelle A; Crawford, Douglas L; Oleksiak, Marjorie F (2018): 1,220 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of the invasive lionfish across the Northwestern Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Pérez-Portela, R et al. (2018): Genetic homogeneity of the invasive lionfish across the Northwestern Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico based on Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. Scientific Reports, 8(1),

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1,220 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of the invasive lionfish across the Northwestern Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico.
The zip file below contains the dataset in different formats:
1. "Lionfish_1220_SNPs_162_taxa.gen". A text file in genepop format, including 162 taxa and 1220 SNPs.
2. "Lionfish_1220_SNPs_162_taxa.vcf". A text file in vcf format, including 162 taxa and 1220 SNPs.
3. "Lionfish_1220_162_taxa_coverage.hmc.txt". A text file including the coverage information of 1220 SNPs for 163 taxa.
558.8 kBytes

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