Leo, Elettra; Dahlke, Flemming; Storch, Daniela; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Mark, Felix Christopher (2018): Morphological and physiological parameters of developing embryos of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) incubated under Ocean Acidification and Warming conditions [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.884124, In supplement to: Leo, E et al. (2018): Impact of Ocean Acidification and Warming on the bioenergetics of developing eggs of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus. Conservation Physiology, 6(1), https://doi.org/10.1093/conphys/coy050
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Published: 2018-01-22 • DOI registered: 2018-10-23
To study the effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on the embryonic development of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), fertilized eggs were incubated to three temperatures (6-10-14°C) and two PCO2 (400 and 110 µatm) until hatch. At the 50% eye pigmentation stage, we measured whole-embryo oxygen consumption rates (MO2) and mitochondrial respiration (ETS and the relative contribution of Complex I and Complex II to it). At hatch, we measured hatching success, larval size and deformities.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Individual code | Individual code | Leo, Elettra | Female | ||
2 | Treatment: temperature | T:temp | °C | Leo, Elettra | ||
3 | Treatment: partial pressure of carbon dioxide | T:pCO2 | µatm | Leo, Elettra | ||
4 | Electron transport system capacity, maximum per egg | ETS max | nmol/#/h | Leo, Elettra | ||
5 | Enzymatic Complex I, capacity per egg | CI cap | nmol/#/h | Leo, Elettra | ||
6 | Enzymatic Complex II, capacity per egg | CII cap | nmol/#/h | Leo, Elettra | ||
7 | Enzymatic Complex I, relative contribution | CI/ETS | Leo, Elettra | |||
8 | Enzymatic Complex II, relative contribution | CII/ETS | Leo, Elettra | |||
9 | Fertilization success rate | Fert success | % | Leo, Elettra | ||
10 | Egg hatching success | Egg hatch success | % | Leo, Elettra | ||
11 | Larval deformity rate | Larval def rate | % | Leo, Elettra | ||
12 | Hatching time | Hatching time | days | Leo, Elettra | days post fertilization | |
13 | Oxygen consumption per individual | O2 con/ind | nmol/#/h | Leo, Elettra | whole-embryo oxygen consumption rates | |
14 | Hatchling length | Hatchling l | mm | Leo, Elettra |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
252 data points