Greinert, Jens; Schoening, Timm; Köser, Kevin; Rothenbeck, Marcel (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV tracks during SONNE cruises SO239 and SO242/1 [dataset publication series]. GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Schoening, Timm; Köser, Kevin; Greinert, Jens (2018): An acquisition, curation and management workflow for sustainable, terabyte-scale marine image analysis. Scientific Data, 5, 180181,
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Published: 2017-10-30 • DOI registered: 2017-11-27
Optical imaging is a common technique in ocean research. Diving robots, towed cameras, drop-cameras and TV-guided sampling gear: all produce image data of the underwater environment. Technological advances like 4K cameras, autonomous robots, high-capacity batteries and LED lighting now allow systematic optical monitoring at large spatial scale and shorter time but with increased data volume and velocity. Volume and velocity are further increased by growing fleets and emerging swarms of autonomous vehicles creating big data sets in parallel. This generates a need for automated data processing to harvest maximum information. Systematic data analysis benefits from calibrated, geo-referenced data with clear metadata description, particularly for machine vision and machine learning. Hence, the expensive data acquisition must be documented, data should be curated as soon as possible, backed up and made publicly available. Here, we present a workflow towards sustainable marine image analysis. We describe guidelines for data acquisition, curation and management and apply it to the use case of a multi-terabyte deep-sea data set acquired by an autonomous underwater vehicle.
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Gazis, Iason-Zois; Schoening, Timm; Alevizos, Evangelos; Greinert, Jens (2018): Quantitative mapping and predictive modeling of Mn nodules' distribution from hydroacoustic and optical AUV data linked by random forests machine learning. Biogeosciences, 15(23), 7347-7377,
Greinert, Jens (2015): RV SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO242-1: JPI OCEANS Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining, DISCOL Revisited, Guayaquil - Guayaquil (Equador), 28.07.-25.08.2015. GEOMAR Report (N. Ser.), 26, 290 pp,
Martínez Arbizu, Pedro; Haeckel, Matthias (2015): RV SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO239: EcoResponse assessing the ecology, connectivity and resilience of polymetallic nodule field systems, Balboa (Panama) - Manzanillo (Mexico) 11.03.-30.04.2015. GEOMAR Report (N. Ser.), 25, 204 pp,
Peukert, Anne; Schoening, Timm; Alevizos, Evangelos; Köser, Kevin; Kwasnitschka, Tom; Greinert, Jens (2018): Understanding Mn-nodule distribution and evaluation of related deep-sea mining impacts using AUV-based hydroacoustic and optical data. Biogeosciences, 15(8), 2525-2549,
JPI Oceans - Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining (JPIO-MiningImpact)
Median Latitude: 5.050100 * Median Longitude: -108.520016 * South-bound Latitude: -7.126669 * West-bound Longitude: -130.137146 * North-bound Latitude: 18.822014 * East-bound Longitude: -88.443016
Date/Time Start: 2015-03-21T19:19:58 * Date/Time End: 2015-08-19T13:54:35
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
21 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_19-1_AUV2 (Abyss_168) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_28-1_AUV3 (Abyss_169) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_65-1_AUV6 (Abyss_172) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_79-1_AUV7 (Abyss_173) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_98-1_AUV8 (Abyss_174) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_115-1_AUV9 (Abyss_175) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_130-1_AUV10 (Abyss_176) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_166-1_AUV15 (Abyss_181) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_172-1_AUV16 (Abyss_182) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_188-1_AUV17 (Abyss_183) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_193-1_AUV18 (Abyss_184) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO239_201-1_AUV19 (Abyss_185) during SONNE cruise SO239.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_25-1_AUV03 (Abyss_189) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_33-1_AUV04 (Abyss_190) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_41-1_AUV05 (Abyss_191) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_83-1_AUV10 (Abyss_196) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_88-1_AUV11 (Abyss_197) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_94-1_AUV12 (Abyss_198) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_102-1_AUV13 (Abyss_199) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_107-1_AUV14 (Abyss_200) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.
- Greinert, J; Schoening, T; Köser, K et al. (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV track SO242/1_113-1_AUV15 (Abyss_201) during SONNE cruise SO242/1.