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Sorem, Ronald K; Banning, Davey Lee (1976): Detailed examination of individual manganese nodules from R/V Oceanographer Cruise RP-6-OC-75 in the DOMES, Site C area [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Sorem, RK; Banning, DL (1976): Microfeatures of typical manganese nodules from six box cores from NOAA Cruise RP6-OC-75. in: Bischoff, J.L. (Ed.), Deep Ocean Mining Environmental Study, N.E. Pacific Nodule Province, Site C, Geology and Geochemistry, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report. U.S. Geological Survey, 167-216, sorem_DomesC.pdf

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Median Latitude: 15.311333 * Median Longitude: -125.983667 * South-bound Latitude: 14.241667 * West-bound Longitude: -126.771667 * North-bound Latitude: 16.011667 * East-bound Longitude: -124.975000
Date/Time Start: 1975-05-20T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1975-05-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
RP6OC75-11-53  * Latitude: 16.011667 * Longitude: -126.771667 * Date/Time: 1975-05-29T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4603.0 m * Recovery: 0.4 m * Location: DOMES Site C, Pacific Ocean * Campaign: RP6OC75 * Basis: Oceanographer * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
RP6OC75-15B-50  * Latitude: 15.760000 * Longitude: -126.008333 * Date/Time: 1975-05-25T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4552.0 m * Recovery: 0.38 m * Location: DOMES Site C, Pacific Ocean * Campaign: RP6OC75 * Basis: Oceanographer * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
RP6OC75-16B-49  * Latitude: 15.778333 * Longitude: -126.186667 * Date/Time: 1975-05-24T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4692.0 m * Recovery: 0.4 m * Location: DOMES Site C, Pacific Ocean * Campaign: RP6OC75 * Basis: Oceanographer * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventSorem, Ronald K
Latitude of eventLatitudeSorem, Ronald K
Longitude of eventLongitudeSorem, Ronald K
Elevation of eventElevationmSorem, Ronald K
Date/Time of eventDate/TimeSorem, Ronald K
Method/Device of eventMethod/DeviceSorem, Ronald K
Sample IDSample IDSorem, Ronald K
Sample code/labelSample labelSorem, Ronald K
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmSorem, Ronald KGeocode
10 PositionPositionSorem, Ronald K
11 Deposit typeDeposit typeSorem, Ronald K
12 Quantity of depositQuantitySorem, Ronald K
13 SizeSizeSorem, Ronald K
14 Dry massDry mgSorem, Ronald K
15 ShapeShapeSorem, Ronald K
16 Color descriptionColor descSorem, Ronald K
17 TextureTextureSorem, Ronald K
18 CoreCoreSorem, Ronald K
19 DescriptionDescriptionSorem, Ronald K
20 Uniform resource locator/link to imageURL imageSorem, Ronald K
136 data points


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RP6OC75-11-53 16.0117-126.7717-46031975-05-29Box corerRP6OC75-11-53-1SR-59-23NP 59-230SurfaceMn nodule12.2x1.7x0.9 cm3.3Elongate discoidDark grayHemispherical botryoids on both top and bottomDendritic extrenal rind zone (left and right sides)Nodule fragment core, and internal fractures.NP59-23.jpg
RP6OC75-11-5316.0117-126.7717-46031975-05-29Box corerRP6OC75-11-53-1SR-59-24NP 59-240SurfaceMn nodule13.2x1.9x0.9 cm6.1Flat ellipsoidBottom dark gray to black. Top dark grayDensely packed minute microbotryoids on both top and bottom. Bottom forms somewhat dendriticCore complex, includes nodule and rock fragmentsNP59-24.jpg
RP6OC75-15B-50 15.7600-126.0083-45521975-05-25Box corerRP6OC75-15B-50-1SR-60-3NP 60-30SurfaceMn nodule14.6x4.3x2.7 cm44.5Irregular discoidDark gray to black top and sides, bottom lighter colorTop features coarser than bottom, suggesting nodule disturbance during collectionNo coreComplex growth history shown by truncated and wedging layersNP60-3.jpg
RP6OC75-15B-5015.7600-126.0083-45521975-05-25Box corerRP6OC75-15B-50-1SR-60A-1NP 60A-10SurfaceMn nodule14.8x4.2x2.2 cm46.9Discoid with bottom relatively flat, top sub-roundTop gray to black, bottom blackClosely packed hemispherical microbotryoids on top. Height slightly greater along lines of old healed fracturesNo coreDense structure of top rind zone contrast with porous zone at bottomNP60A-1.jpg
RP6OC75-15B-5015.7600-126.0083-45521975-05-25Box corerRP6OC75-15B-50-1SR-60A-10NP 60A-100SurfaceMn nodule17.5x5.0x2.9 cm123.1Irregular discoidDark gray top. Bottom blackDensely packed very small hemispherical microbotryoids. Many sinuous black worm tubes on top. Bottom covered with minute dendritic clustersRemains of older Mn noduleStructure of rind zone at top is clearly more dense than at bottomNP60A-10.jpg
RP6OC75-16B-49 15.7783-126.1867-46921975-05-24Box corerRP6OC75-16B-49-1SR-61-1NP 61-10SurfaceMn nodule12.6x2.3x1.4 cmDiscoidCross-section of rind zone shows thin relatively dense structure at top in contrast with thicker complex dendritic features along bottomCore is old nodule fragmentMost fragile structures probably mark sediment-water contact at time of collection. Bottom sediment intact shows drying cracks.NP61-1.jpg
RP6OC75-16B-4915.7783-126.1867-46921975-05-24Box corerRP6OC75-16B-49-1SR-61-5NP 61-50SurfaceMn nodule12.9x1.8x1.4 cmElongate discoidCross-sections of rind zone show little difference in top and bottom surface layersOlder nodule as coreBottom sediment intact shows drying cracksNP61-5.jpg
RP6OC75-16B-4915.7783-126.1867-46921975-05-24Box corerRP6OC75-16B-49-1SR-61-13NP 61-130SurfaceMn nodule15.0x3.6x2.5 cm45.6Broken discoidTop gray to dark gray. Bottom dark gray to blackTop covered with minute hemispherical microbotryoids. Bottom and equatorial zone have abundant dendritic formsHalf of older nodule coreMajor structure is half of older nodule, with most recent oxides (crustal zone) extending over major fracture and entering fracture at topNP61-13.jpg
RP6OC75-23B-30 14.7650-125.9767-48601975-05-20Box corerRP6OC75-23B-30-1SR-62-1NP 62-10SurfaceMn nodule14.0x3.5x2.1 cm30.4DiscoidTop gray to dark gray. Bottom blackBoth top and bottom (as collected) have dendritic-type microbotryoids, those on top somewhat largerCore of older nodule fragmentNote secondary oxides and clay in old fractures visible on both top and bottomNP62-1.jpg
RP6OC75-23B-3014.7650-125.9767-48601975-05-20Box corerRP6OC75-23B-30-1SR-62-2NP 62-20SurfaceMn nodule11.7x1.7x1.0 cmAppears discoid and imbedded deeeply in sedimentNodule appears to be relatively rough on top surfaceNo coreSediment almost completely surrounds nodule. Rind zone structure similar at top and bottom, everywhere typical of dendritic surface textures.NP62-2.jpg
RP6OC75-25-51 14.2417-124.9750-46961975-05-27Box corerRP6OC75-25-51-1SR-64-3NP 64-30SurfaceMn nodule14.2x3.8x1.7 cm25.7Wedge-shaped broken discoidDark gray to blackMuch of nodule surface obscured by clay. Microbotryoids on top and bottom similar in size, but bottom generally smootherCore is fragmentedDendritic forms well-developed only in equatorial zone. Note fragments in rind zone, and oxides and clay in fractures.NP64-3.jpg