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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Ohkouchi, Naohiko; Kawamura, Kenji; Taira, Asahiko (1997): (Table 1) Age determination of sediment core KH92-15cBX [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Ohkouchi, N et al. (1997): Fluctuations of terrestrial and marine biomarkers in the western tropical Pacific during the last 23,300 years. Paleoceanography, 12(4), 623-630,

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A sediment core collected from Caroline Basin, western tropical Pacific was analyzed for lipid class compounds (aliphatic hydrocarbons, long-chain alkenones, fatty alcohols, sterols, and fatty acids) to reconstruct changes in paleoenvironments during the last 23.3 kyr. Around the boundary between the glacial and deglacial periods (19 ka), mass accumulation rates of terrestrial biomarkers, C25-C35 n-alkanes, C24-C28 fatty alcohols, and C23-C34 fatty acids, were found to decrease significantly and stayed in low levels during the deglaciation, suggesting a reduction of atmospheric transport of continental materials during that time. In the same period, mass accumulation rates of C17-C20 n-alkanes, pristane, cholesterol, and dinosterol which are thought to be mainly derived from marine organisms also decreased, suggesting a significant drop of marine biological productivity. The decreased biological productivity in the western tropical Pacific may be caused by a reduced supply of nutrients from upwelling which is associated with decreased wind velocity and/or caused by a shift of upwelling zone.
Latitude: 3.533000 * Longitude: 141.867000
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.00 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.30 m
KH92-1-5cBX * Latitude: 3.533000 * Longitude: 141.867000 * Elevation: -2282.0 m * Recovery: 0.30 m * Location: Caroline Basin, western tropical Pacific * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
14C ages were calculated with a 5568-year half-life.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmOhkouchi, NaohikoGeocode
2Age, datedAge datedkaOhkouchi, NaohikoAge, 14C AMS
3Age, dated standard errorAge std e±Ohkouchi, NaohikoAge, 14C AMS
4Calendar ageCal ageka BPOhkouchi, NaohikoAge, 14C calibrated
5Sedimentation rateSRcm/kaOhkouchi, NaohikoCalculated
6CommentCommentOhkouchi, Naohiko
17 data points

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