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Searle, R C (1986): Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from the Great Meteor Seamount (RRS Charles Drawin Cruise 9B) [dataset]. Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley, PANGAEA,

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The cruise represented a continuation of our DoE research programme on oceanic radioactive waste disposal. A new instrument to be tried this time was the IOS deep-towed sonar TOBI. This instrument had been under development for some time, and cruise 9B was to be its first full operational test. WASP camera runs were to be made over an abyssal hill, in order to delineate the field of manganese nodules discovered there on Piscovery cruise 153, and over the line of a deep trawl (D10972/5) carried out earlier by IOS biologists, which had apparently recovered manganese nodules from the abyssal plain.
Related to:
Searle, R C (1986): RRS Charles Drawin Cruise 9B/85: 6 December 1985 - 6 January 1986. Geology and geophysics of the Great Meteor East area, Madeira Abyssal Plain. Cruise Report, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley, United Kingdom, 182, 45 pp,
Grant, John Bruce; Moore, Carla J; Alameddin, George; Chen, Kuiying; Barton, Mark (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Further details:
Warnken, Robin R; Virden, William T; Moore, Carla J (1992): The NOAA and MMS Marine Minerals Bibliography. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
Median Latitude: 31.311667 * Median Longitude: -25.180416 * South-bound Latitude: 31.008333 * West-bound Longitude: -25.288333 * North-bound Latitude: 31.426667 * East-bound Longitude: -24.951667
Date/Time Start: 1985-12-11T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1985-12-21T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
CD9B-6  * Latitude: 31.415000 * Longitude: -25.273333 * Date/Time: 1985-12-11T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5283.0 m * Location: Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: CD9B * Basis: Charles Darwin * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
CD9B-7  * Latitude: 31.426667 * Longitude: -25.288333 * Date/Time: 1985-12-12T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5269.0 m * Location: Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: CD9B * Basis: Charles Darwin * Method/Device: Kasten corer (KAL)
CD9B-20  * Latitude: 31.396667 * Longitude: -25.208333 * Date/Time: 1985-12-17T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5218.0 m * Location: Atlantic Ocean * Campaign: CD9B * Basis: Charles Darwin * Method/Device: Photo/Video (PV)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
PositionPositionVisual description
Deposit typeDeposit type
Quantity of depositQuantity
20 data points


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Depth sed [m]


Deposit type


CD9B-6 CD9B-6-10SurfaceMn nodule3On Mn nodule field. 60 cm core with three nodules on the surface.
CD9B-7 CD9B-7-10SurfaceMn noduleSeveralOn Mn nodule field. Successful: 1 m core.
CD9B-20 CD9B-20-10SurfaceMn noduleManyThe processed film revealed that the WASP had photographed the target revealing a variety of manganese nodules lying on the sea floor.
CD9B-29 CD9B-29-10SurfaceMn noduleSeveralCover the line of station D11261/58, where earlier in the year IOS biologists had dredged manganese nodules. Successful.