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Armonies, Werner; Asmus, Harald (2002): Granulometric composition of surface sdiments in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surroundings (2001-08) [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute - Wadden Sea Station Sylt, PANGAEA,, In: Armonies, Werner; Asmus, Harald; Buschbaum, Christian (2017): Macrozoobenthos and sediments in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" (North Sea) between August 2001 and August 2003 [dataset publication series]. Alfred Wegener Institute - Wadden Sea Station Sylt, PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Armonies, Werner; Asmus, Harald (2002): Fachgutachten Makrozoobenthos im Rahmen der UVS und FFH-VP für den Offshore-Bürgerwindpark "Butendiek" westlich von Sylt im Auftrag der OSB-Offshore Bürgerwindpark "Butendiek" GmbH & Co KG. Abschlussbericht zur Rasterkartierung 2001/2002. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
Median Latitude: 54.968470 * Median Longitude: 7.766655 * South-bound Latitude: 54.891700 * West-bound Longitude: 7.750000 * North-bound Latitude: 55.047200 * East-bound Longitude: 7.783300
Date/Time Start: 2001-08-12T08:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-08-12T17:05:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
UT01-08_P01  * Latitude: 55.047200 * Longitude: 7.766700 * Date/Time Start: 2001-08-12T08:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-08-12T08:20:00 * Location: off Sylt, North Sea * Campaign: UT01-08 * Basis: Uthörn * Method/Device: Box corer (modified Reineck, 0.02 m**2) (BCR002)
UT01-08_P02  * Latitude: 55.036100 * Longitude: 7.783300 * Date/Time Start: 2001-08-12T08:25:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-08-12T08:45:00 * Location: off Sylt, North Sea * Campaign: UT01-08 * Basis: Uthörn * Method/Device: Box corer (modified Reineck, 0.02 m**2) (BCR002)
UT01-08_P03  * Latitude: 55.033300 * Longitude: 7.750000 * Date/Time Start: 2001-08-12T08:55:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-08-12T09:15:00 * Location: off Sylt, North Sea * Campaign: UT01-08 * Basis: Uthörn * Method/Device: Box corer (modified Reineck, 0.02 m**2) (BCR002)
The surface sediments of 20 stations have been analysed by dry sieving. Given are the percentages by dry weight of the sieve fractions.
140 data points


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Depth sed [m]


>1 mm [%]

1-0.5 mm [%]

500-250 µm [%]
250-125 µm [%]
125-63 µm [%]
<63 µm [%]
UT01-08_P01 2001-08-12T08:0055.04727.7667013.9058.1935.662.130.140.00
UT01-08_P02 2001-08-12T08:2555.03617.7833010.7448.8143.766.310.440.05
UT01-08_P03 2001-08-12T08:5555.03337.7500010.8615.5270.0412.820.720.05
UT01-08_P04 2001-08-12T09:1055.02227.7833010.624.0868.9625.310.940.09
UT01-08_P05 2001-08-12T09:3555.01677.7500013.5022.8964.378.693.320.07
UT01-08_P06 2001-08-12T09:5055.01257.76670137.2727.9330.214.350.590.03
UT01-08_P07 2001-08-12T10:2055.00007.75000121.9219.1348.588.930.380.03
UT01-08_P08 2001-08-12T10:5054.99727.78330151.6530.1214.953.090.240.03
UT01-08_P09 2001-08-12T11:2054.97927.7500010.723.7214.0665.0116.290.14
UT01-08_P10 2001-08-12T11:5054.97507.7833010.251.047.8668.0522.590.21
UT01-08_P11 2001-08-12T12:3054.95837.7500010.548.9162.1326.791.630.00
UT01-08_P12 2001-08-12T13:0054.95837.7833010.300.4610.4269.0319.740.20
UT01-08_P13 2001-08-12T13:3054.94177.7500010.707.9431.4155.234.700.00
UT01-08_P14 2001-08-12T14:0054.94177.7833010.181.018.1870.2120.290.13
UT01-08_P15 2001-08-12T14:3054.92507.7500010.383.0821.1364.4611.060.00
UT01-08_P16 2001-08-12T15:0054.92507.7833010.020.647.3674.5617.290.08
UT01-08_P17 2001-08-12T15:3554.90837.7500010.362.5620.2269.727.110.03
UT01-08_P18 2001-08-12T16:0554.90837.7833010.110.8113.6075.859.480.14
UT01-08_P19 2001-08-12T16:3554.89177.7500010.331.7819.8872.405.440.03
UT01-08_P20 2001-08-12T17:0554.89177.7833010.160.6914.4773.8310.330.09