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Schiebel, Ralf (1992): Live benthic foraminifera counts in the upper 6 cm surface sediments of the shelf and upper slope from the Gulf of Guinea [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Schiebel, R (1992): Rezente benthische Foraminiferen in Sedimenten des Schelfes und oberen Kontinentalhanges im Golf von Guinea (Westafrika). Berichte-Reports, Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Kiel, 51, 126 pp,

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Median Latitude: 5.487333 * Median Longitude: -5.429333 * South-bound Latitude: 4.520000 * West-bound Longitude: -16.396667 * North-bound Latitude: 9.748333 * East-bound Longitude: 3.655000
Date/Time Start: 1988-01-16T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1988-02-06T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.03 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.03 m
GIK16752-1 * Latitude: 9.748333 * Longitude: -16.396667 * Date/Time: 1988-01-16T00:00:00 * Elevation: -82.5 m * Recovery: 0.1 m * Location: off Guinea * Campaign: M6/5 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG)
GIK16792-1 * Latitude: 4.630000 * Longitude: -6.416667 * Date/Time: 1988-01-27T00:00:00 * Elevation: -71.0 m * Location: off Cote d Ivoire * Campaign: M6/5 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG)
GIK16793-1 * Latitude: 4.590000 * Longitude: -6.393333 * Date/Time: 1988-01-27T00:00:00 * Elevation: -98.0 m * Recovery: 0.6 m * Location: off Cote d Ivoire * Campaign: M6/5 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: Giant box corer (GKG)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEventSchiebel, Ralf
2Latitude of eventLatitudeSchiebel, Ralf
3Longitude of eventLongitudeSchiebel, Ralf
4Elevation of eventElevationmSchiebel, Ralf
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmSchiebel, RalfGeocode
6Depth, top/minDepth topmSchiebel, Ralf
7Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmSchiebel, Ralf
8Foraminifera, benthicForam benth#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractiontotal counts
9Hyperammina sp.Hyperammina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
10Lituotuba lituiformisL. lituiformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
11Reophax calcareusR. calcareus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
12Reophax cf. difflugiformisR. cf. difflugiformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
13Reophax fusiformisR. fusiformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
14Reophax subfusiformisR. subfusiformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
15Reophax scorpiurusR. scorpiurus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
16Nouria polymorphinoidesN. polymorphinoides#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
17Nouria polymorphinoidesN. polymorphinoides#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
18Labrospira jeffreysiiL. jeffreysii#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
19Cribrostomoides scitulumC. scitulum#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
20Cribrostomoides subglobosusC. subglobosus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
21Labrospira triangularisL. triangularis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
22Ammoscalaria foliaceaA. foliacea#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
23Ammoscalaria pseudospiralisA. pseudospiralis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
24Textularia pseudogramenT. pseudogramen#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
25Spiroplectinella sagittulaS. sagittula#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
26Tetragonostomina rhombiformisT. rhombiformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
27Bigenerina nodosariaB. nodosaria#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
28Pseudobolivina sp.Pseudobolivina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractionsp. 339-6
29Siphotextularia carolinianaS. caroliniana#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
30Siphotextularia bermudeziS. bermudezi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
31Trochammina globigeriniformisT. globigeriniformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
32Trochammina griseaT. grisea#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
33Tritaxis conicaT. conica#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
34Eggerelloides arcticaE. arctica#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
35Eggerelloides scaberE. scaber#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
36Liebusella goesiL. goesi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractiongenus questionable
37Amphicoryna scalarisA. scalaris#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
38Buliminella mississippiensisB. mississippiensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
39Bolivina albatrossiB. albatrossi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
40Bolivina dilatataB. dilatata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
41Bolivina pseudoplicataB. pseudoplicata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
42Bolivina pacificaB. pacifica#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
43Bolivina striatulaB. striatula#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
44Bolivina subaenariensisB. subaenariensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
45Bolivina subspinescensB. subspinescens#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
46Bolivina tongiB. tongi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
47Bolivina compactaB. compacta#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
48Evolvocassidulina bradyiE. bradyi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
49Bulimina aculeataB. aculeata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
50Bulimina striataB. striata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
51Bulimina subulataB. subulata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
52Globobulimina turgidaG. turgida#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
53Globobulimina sp.Globobulimina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractionsp. 324
54Uvigerina auberianaU. auberiana#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
55Rectuvigerina bononiensisR. bononiensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
56Rectuvigerina phlegeriR. phlegeri#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
57Rectuvigerina cylindricaR. cylindrica#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
58Hopkinsina glabraH. glabra#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
59Trifarina angulosaT. angulosa#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
60Trifarina fornasiniiT. fornasinii#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
61Gavelinopsis praegeriG. praegeri#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
62Gavelinopsis translucensG. translucens#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
63Epistominella exiguaE. exigua#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
64Epistominella pusillaE. pusella#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
65Epistominella rugosaE. rugosa#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
66Cancris auriculusC. auriculus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
67Gyroidinoides perlucidaG. perlucida#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractiongenus questionable
68Spirillina viviparaS. vivipara#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
69Elphidium advenumE. advenum#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
70Planulina ariminensisP.a ariminensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
71Cibicides lobatulusC. lobatulus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
72Planorbulina mediterranensisP. mediterranensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
73Fursenkoina fusiformisF. fusiformis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
74Cassidulina crassaC. crassa#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
75Cassidulina laevigataC. laevigata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
76Ehrenbergina undulataE. undulata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
77Chilostomella ovoideaC. ovoidea#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
78Nonion asterizansN. asterizans#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
79Nonionella grateloupiN. grateloupi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
80Nonionella stellaN. stella#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
81Gyroidina umbonataG. umbonata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
82Cibicidoides kullenbergiC. kullenbergi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
83Cibicidoides robertsonianusC. robertsonianus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
84Hanzawaia concentricaH. concentrica#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
85Hanzawaia rhodiensisH. rhodiensis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
86Melonis barleeanusM. barleeanus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
87Hoeglundina elegansH. elegans#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
88Thurammina papillataT. papillata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
89Uvigerina sp.Uvigerina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractionsp. 221
90Quinqueloculina seminulumQ. seminulum#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
91Ammodiscus catinusA. catinus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
92Hanzawaia soleiH. solei#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
93Trochammina squamataT. squamata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
94Trochammina sp.Trochammina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractionsp. 1
95Bolivina spathulataB. spathulata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
96Ammobaculites sp.Ammobaculites sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractionsp. 1
97Ammoscalaria runianaA. runiana#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
98Cribrostomoides bradyiC. bradyi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
99Crithionina sp.Crithionina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractionsp. 1
100Reophax cylindricusR. cylindricus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
101Hemisphaerammina bradyiH. bradyi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
102Nouria polymorphinoidesN. polymorphinoides#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
103Trochammina discorbisT. discorbis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
104Trochammina sp.Trochammina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractionsp. 2
105Spiroloculina arenilegaS. arenilega#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
106Labrospira wiesneriL. wiesneri#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
107Fissurina laevigataF. laevigata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
108Seabrookia earlandiS. earlandi#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
109Astacolus planulatusA. planulatus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
110Cancris auriculusC. auriculus#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
111Cassidulina teretisC. teretis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
112Cassidulina minutaC. minuta#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
113Rosalina sp.Rosalina sp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
114Fissurina biancaeF. biancae#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
115Fissurina truncataF. truncata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
116Lagena hispidulaL. hispidula#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
117Lagena laevisL. laevis#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
118Lagena striataL. striata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
119Nonionella turgidaN. turgida#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
120Alliatina primitivaA. primitiva#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
121Trifarina pauperataT. pauperata#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
122Miliolinella subrotundaM. subrotunda#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
123Spiroloculina lanceaS. lancea#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fractiongenus questionabel
124Spiroloculina spp.Spiroloculina spp.#Schiebel, RalfCounting 63-250 µm fraction
1190 data points

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