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Armonies, Werner; Reise, Karsten (2003): Macrozoobenthos of the tidal channels in the Sylt-Rømø Bight in the Northern Wadden Sea (North Sea) in September 1996 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Armonies, W; Reise, K (2003): Empty habitat in coastal sediments for populations of macrozoobenthos. Helgoland Marine Research, 56(4), 279-287,

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Median Latitude: 54.986353 * Median Longitude: 8.449814 * South-bound Latitude: 54.939700 * West-bound Longitude: 8.395800 * North-bound Latitude: 55.045000 * East-bound Longitude: 8.516700
Date/Time Start: 1996-09-02T08:40:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-09-24T08:10:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.015 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.238 m
Mya_996-track * Latitude Start: 55.009200 * Longitude Start: 8.453300 * Latitude End: 54.964700 * Longitude End: 8.496700 * Date/Time Start: 1996-09-02T08:40:00 * Date/Time End: 1996-09-24T08:10:00 * Location: Sylter Wattenmeer * Campaign: Mya_996 * Basis: Mya * Method/Device: Multiple investigations (MULT)
Lister Ley, the largest of 3 tidal channels in Sylt-Rømø bight, was sampled by 270 box cores (0.02 m²) in a stratified random sampling design. The cores were evaluated for Macrozoobenthos (species and abundance) and sediment granulometry. Sampling occurred twice, in September 1996 and again in March 1997 in the same sites.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelArmonies, Werner
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeArmonies, WernerGeocode
3LATITUDELatitudeArmonies, WernerGeocode
4LONGITUDELongitudeArmonies, WernerGeocode
5LocationLocationArmonies, WernerRegion
6LocationLocationArmonies, WernerSubregion
7Depth, bathymetricBathy depthmArmonies, Werner
8DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmArmonies, WernerGeocode
9Aphelochaeta marioniA. marioni#Armonies, WernerCounting
10Aricidea minutaA. minuta#Armonies, WernerCounting
11Capitella capitataC. capitata#Armonies, WernerCounting
12Capitella minimaC. minima#Armonies, WernerCounting
13Eteone longaE. longa#Armonies, WernerCounting
14Eumida sanguineaE. sanguinea#Armonies, WernerCounting
15Heteromastus filiformisH. filiformis#Armonies, WernerCounting
16Lagis koreniL. koreni#Armonies, WernerCounting
17Lanice conchilegaL. conchilega#Armonies, WernerCounting
18Magelona johnstoniM. johnstoni#Armonies, WernerCounting
19Malacoceros tetracerusM. tetracerus#Armonies, WernerCounting
20Myrianida brachycephalaM. brachycephala#Armonies, WernerCounting
21Mysta pictaM. picta#Armonies, WernerCounting
22Nephtys spp.Nephtys spp.#Armonies, WernerCounting
23NereidinaeNereidinae#Armonies, WernerCounting
24Ophelia limacinaO. limacina#Armonies, WernerCounting
25Phyllodoce mucosaP. mucosa#Armonies, WernerCounting
26Polydora cornutaP. cornuta#Armonies, WernerCounting
27Polynoidae juvenilePolynoidae juv#Armonies, WernerCounting
28Pygospio elegansP. elegans#Armonies, WernerCounting
29Scolelepis squamataS. squamata#Armonies, WernerCounting
30Scoloplos armigerS. armiger#Armonies, WernerCounting
31Spio symphytaS. symphyta#Armonies, WernerCounting
32BathyporeiaBathyporeia#Armonies, WernerCounting
33CorophiidaeCorophiidae#Armonies, WernerCounting
34Gammaropsis nitidaG. nitida#Armonies, WernerCounting
35GammaridaeGammaridae#Armonies, WernerCounting
36Microprotopus maculatusM. maculatus#Armonies, WernerCounting
37Pariambus typicusP. typicus#Armonies, WernerCounting
38Urothoe poseidonisU. poseidonis#Armonies, WernerCounting
39Bodotria scorpioidesB. scorpioides#Armonies, WernerCounting
40Lamprops fasciatusL. fasciatus#Armonies, WernerCounting
41Carcinus maenasC. maenas#Armonies, WernerCounting
42Crangon crangonC. crangon#Armonies, WernerCounting
43Pagurus bernhardusP. bernhardus#Armonies, WernerCounting
44Cerastoderma eduleC. edule#Armonies, WernerCounting
45Ensis leeiE. leei#Armonies, WernerCounting
46Kurtiella bidentataK. bidentata#Armonies, WernerCounting
47Limecola balthicaL. balthica#Armonies, WernerCounting
48Macomangulus tenuisM. tenuis#Armonies, WernerCounting
49Mya arenariaM. arenaria#Armonies, WernerCounting
50Mytilus edulisM. edulis#Armonies, WernerCounting
51Petricola pholadiformisP. pholadiformis#Armonies, WernerCounting
52Tellimya ferruginosaT. ferruginosa#Armonies, WernerCounting
53Venerupis corrugataV. corrugata#Armonies, WernerCounting
54Lepidochitona cinereaL. cinerea#Armonies, WernerCounting
55Crepidula fornicataC. fornicata#Armonies, WernerCounting
56Peringia ulvaeP. ulvae#Armonies, WernerCounting
57Retusa obtusaR. obtusa#Armonies, WernerCounting
14310 data points

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