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Eguía, Manuel; Colegio Nacional (1889): Temperature and precipitation measurements in Buenos Aires, Argentina from January 1856- December 1888 (gaps 1823-1830, 1835-1855), digitized version [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Domínguez-Castro, Fernando; Vaquero, José Manuel; Gallego, María Cruz; Farrona, Ana María Marín; Antuña-Marrero, Juan Carlos; Cevallos, Elizabeth; García-Herrera, Ricardo; de la Guía, Cristina; Mejía, Raúl David; Naranjo, José; Prieto, Maria del Rosario; Ramos Guadalupe, Luis Enrique; Seiner, Lizardo; Trigo, Ricardo M; Villacís, Marcos (2017): Early meteorological records from Latin-America and the Caribbean during the 18th and 19th centuries. Scientific Data, 4, 170169,

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Related to:
Davis, Gualterio G (1889): Ligeros apuntes sobre el clima de la República Argentina. Por el Director de la Oficina Meteorológica Argentina. Imprenta de Pablo E. Coni e Hijos Buenos Aires
Latitude: -34.610000 * Longitude: -58.380000
Date/Time Start: 1856-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1888-12-01T00:00:00
ARGBUA7 * Latitude: -34.610000 * Longitude: -58.380000 * Location: Argentina * Method/Device: Weather station/meteorological observation (WST) * Comment: different places for different observers
Temperature recorded at observational times 7h, 14h, 21h. Observers: Eguia 1856-1875, and Colegio Nacional 1876-1887
The data of this dataset might have been revised during the review process. This might therefore be an old version. To be sure, please check the respective dataset at doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.871480
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeEguía, ManuelGeocode
2Latitude of eventLatitude
3Longitude of eventLongitude
4Temperature, air, monthly maximumTTT month max°CEguía, Manuel
5Temperature, air, monthly minimumTTT month min°CEguía, Manuel
6Precipitation, monthly totalPrecip m totalmmEguía, Manuel
7Days, cumulatedDays cumdayEguía, Manuelwith rainfall (1877 onwards)
8Days, cumulatedDays cumdayEguía, Manuelwith light rainfall (until 1877)
9Days, cumulatedDays cumdayEguía, Manuelwith heavy rainfall (until 1877)
1630 data points

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