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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Molari, Massimiliano; Guilini, Katja; Lott, Christian; Weber, Miriam; de Beer, Dirk; Meyer, Stefanie; Ramette, Alban; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Martin, Daniel; Vanreusel, Ann; Unger, Boris; Schneider, Matthias; Kuhfuss, Hanna; Boetius, Antje (2017): Biogeochemical investigation of Basiluzzo CO2 vents (Panarea, Italy) during ECO2 cruises from 2011-2013 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Molari, Massimiliano; Guilini, Katja; Lott, Christian; Weber, Miriam; de Beer, Dirk; Meyer, Stefanie; Ramette, Alban; Wegener, Gunter; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Martin, Daniel; Cibic, Tamara; De Vittor, Cinzia; Vanreusel, Ann; Boetius, Antje (2018): CO2 leakage alters biogeochemical and ecological functions of submarine sands. Science Advances, 4(2), eaao2040,

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Subseabed CO2 storage is considered a future climate change mitigation technology. We investigated the ecological consequences of CO2 leakage for a marine benthic ecosystem. For the first time with a multidisciplinary integrated study, we tested hypotheses derived from a meta-analysis of previous experimental and in situ high-CO2 impact studies. For this, we compared ecological functions of naturally CO2-vented seafloor off the Mediterranean island Panarea (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) to those of nonvented sands, with a focus on biogeochemical processes and microbial and faunal community composition. High CO2 fluxes (up to 4 to 7 mol CO2 m−2 hour−1) dissolved all sedimentary carbonate, and comigration of silicate and iron led to local increases of microphytobenthos productivity (+450%) and standing stocks (+300%). Despite the higher food availability, faunal biomass (−80%) and trophic diversity were substantially lower compared to those at the reference site. Bacterial communities were also structurally and functionally affected, most notably in the composition of heterotrophs and microbial sulfate reduction rates (−90%). The observed ecological effects of CO2 leakage on submarine sands were reproduced with medium-term transplant experiments. This study assesses indicators of environmental impact by CO2 leakage and finds that community compositions and important ecological functions are permanently altered under high CO2.
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Molari, Massimiliano; Guilini, Katja; Lott, Christian; Weber, Miriam; de Beer, Dirk; Meyer, Stefanie; Ramette, Alban; Wegener, Gunter; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Martin, Daniel; Cibic, Tamara; De Vittor, Cinzia; Vanreusel, Ann; Boetius, Antje (2018): Bacterial communities in sandy sediment at submarine volcanic vents off Panarea Island (Italy) [dataset]. European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), insdc:PRJEB21026
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 265847: Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems
Median Latitude: 38.663340 * Median Longitude: 15.118789 * South-bound Latitude: 38.662480 * West-bound Longitude: 15.118600 * North-bound Latitude: 38.663800 * East-bound Longitude: 15.119000
Date/Time Start: 2011-06-05T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2017-06-11T09:29:00
43 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Molari, M (2017): Sediment bacterial community in sandy sediment at CO2 natural vents in Basiluzzo (Panarea, Italy): sediment raw ARISA (Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis) data.
  2. Molari, M; Haeckel, M; Meyer, S (2015): Description of elements in porewaters of CO2-vents at Basiluzzo Islet (Panarea, Italy) during cruise ECO2-3.
  3. Molari, M; Merkel, B; Weber, M (2015): Description of elements in sediments of CO2-vents at Basiluzzo Islet (Panarea, Italy) during cruise ECO2-2.
  4. Guilini, K (2014): Grain size composition of sediments during cruise ECO2-2.
  5. Guilini, K (2014): Meiofauna in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-2.
  6. Guilini, K (2014): Nematoda biomass in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-2.
  7. Guilini, K; Vanreusel, A (2015): Nematoda communities in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-2.
  8. Grünke, S; Wenzhöfer, F; Weber, M et al. (2012): Gas geochemistry at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-2 cruise.
  9. Wenzhöfer, F; Boetius, A (2012): Recording current meter at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-2 cruise.
  10. Grünke, S; Wenzhöfer, F; Ramette, A et al. (2013): Chlorophyll at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-3 cruise.
  11. Molari, M (2017): Total organic carbon and nitrogen in sediments of Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3 (2012) and ECO2-8 (2013).
  12. Grünke, S; Wenzhöfer, F; Ramette, A et al. (2013): Extracellular enzymatic activity at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-3 cruise.
  13. Guilini, K (2014): Grain size composition of natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  14. Guilini, K; Martin, D; Vanreusel, A (2014): Macrofauna in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  15. Guilini, K (2014): Meiofauna in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  16. Guilini, K (2014): Meiofauna in sediment transplantation experiments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  17. Guilini, K (2014): Nematoda biomass in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  18. Guilini, K; Vanreusel, A (2015): Nematoda communities in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  19. Meyer, S; Boetius, A (2014): Bacterial communities in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  20. Wenzhöfer, F (2014): Respiration rates and fluid flow in benthic chambers at Panarea CO2 seepage during ECO2-3 cruise.
  21. Italiano, F; Beaubien, S (2013): Gas analysis at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-3 cruise.
  22. de Beer, D (2013): In situ microsensor measurements at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-3 cruise.
  23. de Beer, D (2013): In situ RBR Sensor measurements at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-3 cruise.
  24. Guilini, K (2014): Pigments in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  25. Guilini, K (2014): Porosity in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  26. Grünke, S; Wenzhöfer, F; Ramette, A et al. (2013): Water and porewater geochemistry at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-3 cruise.
  27. Grünke, S; Wenzhöfer, F; Ramette, A et al. (2013): Porosity and bulk densities at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during ECO2-3 cruise.
  28. Guilini, K (2014): Total organic matter in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-3.
  29. Weber, M; Unger, B; Schneider, M et al. (2014): Video documentation of Panarea CO2 seepage (2012) during cruise ECO2-3.
  30. Wenzhöfer, F; Molari, M (2014): Respiration rates and fluid flow in benthic chambers at Panarea CO2 seepage during ECO2-8 cruise.
  31. Molari, M; Weber, M; Beaubien, S (2014): Gas chemistry characterization at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  32. Guilini, K (2014): Grain size composition of natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  33. Guilini, K (2014): Meiofauna in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  34. Guilini, K (2015): Nematoda biomass in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  35. Guilini, K (2017): Nematode communities in sediment transplantation experiments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  36. Guilini, K; Vanreusel, A (2015): Nematoda communities in sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  37. Molari, M (2014): Nutrients and geochemistry of bottom water and porewater at Panarea CO2 seeps during ECO2-8 cruise.
  38. Molari, M (2014): Prokaryotic abundance in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  39. Guilini, K (2014): Pigments in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  40. Guilini, K (2014): Total organic matter, nitrogen, organic carbon and C:N ratio in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  41. Molari, M (2014): Recording current meter at Panarea CO2 seepage during cruise ECO2-8.
  42. Molari, M (2014): Sedimentary phytopigments and sediment porosity at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8.
  43. Molari, M (2014): Marble tiles dissolution experiment at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps from 2012-2013.