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Schade, Franziska M; Raupach, Michael R; Wegner, K Mathias (2016): Macroparasite infection of fish species in the Sylt-Rømø-Bight, North Sea, in 2011 and 2012 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Schade, FM et al. (2016): Seasonal variation in parasite infection patterns of marine fish species from the Northern Wadden Sea in relation to interannual temperature fluctuations. Journal of Sea Research, 113, 73-84,

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Latitude: 54.961200 * Longitude: 8.454100
Date/Time Start: 2011-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-12-31T00:00:00
Sylt-Rømø-Bight * Latitude: 55.040000 * Longitude: 8.460000 * Location: German Bight Wadden Sea
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1IdentificationIDWegner, K Mathiasidentifier of the caught and dissected fish
2DATE/TIMEDate/TimeWegner, K MathiasGeocode – year of sampling
3SeasonSeasonWegner, K Mathiasseason of catch (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
4Species, common nameSpecies commonWegner, K Mathiasspecies of fish investigated (herring, sprat, stickleback, sandeel)
5Fish, wet massFish wmgWegner, K Mathias
6Fish, total lengthFish TLmmWegner, K Mathias
7SexSexWegner, K Mathiasof fish
8Liver, massLiver mgWegner, K Mathias
9Hysterothylacium auctumH. auctum#Wegner, K Mathias
10Contracaecum osculatumC. osculatum#Wegner, K Mathias
11Contracaecum rudolphiiC. rudolphii#Wegner, K Mathias
12Contracaecum septentrionaleC. septentrionale#Wegner, K Mathias
13Acanthocephalus luciiA. lucii#Wegner, K Mathias
14Gyrodactylus sp.Gyrodactylus sp.#Wegner, K Mathias
15Mazocraes alosaeM. alosae#Wegner, K Mathias
16Labratrema minimumL. minimum#Wegner, K Mathias
17Brachyphallus crenatusB. crenatus#Wegner, K Mathias
18Scolex pleuronectisS. pleuronectis#Wegner, K Mathias
19Bothriocephalus scorpiiB. scorpii#Wegner, K Mathias
20Diphyllobothrium dendriticumD. dendriticum#Wegner, K Mathias
21Triaenophorus luciiT. lucii#Wegner, K Mathias
22Caligus elongatusC. elongatus#Wegner, K Mathias
23Lernaeenicus sprattaeL. sprattae#Wegner, K Mathias
24Thersitina gasterosteiT. gasterostei#Wegner, K Mathias
6822 data points

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