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Mendoza, Irene; Peres, Carlos Augusto; Morellato, Leonor Patricia C (2016): Fruiting phenology in the Neotropics [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Mendoza, I et al. (2016): Continental-scale patterns and climatic drivers of fruiting phenology: A quantitative Neotropical review. Global and Planetary Change,

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Changes in the life cycle of organisms (i.e. phenology) are one of the most widely used early-warning indicators of climate change, yet this remains poorly understood throughout the tropics. We exhaustively reviewed any published and unpublished study on fruiting phenology carried out at the community level in the American tropics and subtropics (latitudinal range: 26°N?26°S) to (1) provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of fruiting phenology research throughout the Neotropics; (2) unravel the climatic factors that have been widely reported as drivers of fruiting phenology; and (3) provide a preliminary assessment of the potential phenological responses of plants under future climatic scenarios. Despite the large number of phenological datasets uncovered (218), our review shows that their geographic distribution is very uneven and insufficient for the large surface of the Neotropics (~ 1 dataset per ~ 78,000 km2). Phenological research is concentrated in few areas with many studies (state of São Paulo, Brazil, and Costa Rica), whereas vast regions elsewhere are entirely unstudied. Sampling effort in fruiting phenology studies was generally low: the majority of datasets targeted fewer than 100 plant species (71%), lasted 2 years or less (72%), and only 10.4% monitored > 15 individuals per species. We uncovered only 10 sites with ten or more years of phenological monitoring. The ratio of numbers of species sampled to overall estimates of plant species richness was wholly insufficient for highly diverse vegetation types such as tropical rainforests, seasonal forest and cerrado, and only slightly more robust for less diverse vegetation types, such as deserts, arid shrublands and open grassy savannas. Most plausible drivers of phenology extracted from these datasets were environmental (78.5%), whereas biotic drivers were rare (6%). Among climatic factors, rainfall was explicitly included in 73.4% of cases, followed by air temperature (19.3%). Other environmental cues such as water level (6%), solar radiation or photoperiod (3.2%), and ENSO events (1.4%) were rarely addressed. In addition, drivers were analyzed statistically in only 38% of datasets and techniques were basically correlative, with only 4.8% of studies including any consideration of the inherently autocorrelated character of phenological time series. Fruiting peaks were significantly more often reported during the rainy season both in rainforests and cerrado woodlands, which is at odds with the relatively aseasonal character of the former vegetation type. Given that climatic models predict harsh future conditions for the tropics, we urgently need to determine the magnitude of changes in plant reproductive phenology and distinguish those from cyclical oscillations. Long-term monitoring and herbarium data are therefore key for detecting these trends. Our review shows that the unevenness in geographic distribution of studies, and diversity of sampling methods, vegetation types, and research motivation hinder the emergence of clear general phenological patterns and drivers for the Neotropics. We therefore call for prioritizing research in unexplored areas, and improving the quantitative component and statistical design of reproductive phenology studies to enhance our predictions of climate change impacts on tropical plants and animals.
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Further details:
Median Latitude: -5.140862 * Median Longitude: -61.991947 * South-bound Latitude: -25.575000 * West-bound Longitude: -105.050000 * North-bound Latitude: 22.878056 * East-bound Longitude: -34.918056
Latin_America * Latitude: -8.000000 * Longitude: -60.000000
This file contains collated datasets including phenological information of fruiting in the Neotropics. They are part of an invited review submitted to Global and Planetary Change. Each dataset collated in our review was distinguished with a different ID. Complete reference, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), information about sampling procedures, sampling effort in terms of the number of individuals, species or seed traps used, study length monitoring, vegetation type and life herb forms are included.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
IdentificationIDMendoza, Irene
Reference/sourceReferenceMendoza, Irene
Uniform resource locator/link to referenceURL refMendoza, Irene
LATITUDELatitudeMendoza, IreneGeocode
LONGITUDELongitudeMendoza, IreneGeocode
Area/localityAreaMendoza, Irene
CountryCountryMendoza, Irene
Area/localityAreaMendoza, IreneBrazil State, empty cells = NA
ObservationObsMendoza, IreneDO = direct observation (were phenological data taken by direct observations?)
10 CodeCodeMendoza, Irenemarked = were observed individuals marked?
11 CodeCodeMendoza, IreneLT = did the study use litter traps for studying phenology?
12 HerbariumHerbariumMendoza, Irene
13 FecesFecesMendoza, Irene
14 CodeCodeMendoza, Ireneground.survey (were phenological data taken by ground surveys?)
15 Number of speciesSpec No#Mendoza, Irene
16 IndividualsInd#Mendoza, Ireneempty cells = NA
17 Number of traptrap#Mendoza, Ireneempty cells = NA
18 Surface of trapTrap Am2Mendoza, Ireneempty cells = NA
19 DurationDurationmonthMendoza, Irenestudy length
20 FrequencyFrequencyMendoza, Irene
21 Peak of fruitingFruiting peakMendoza, Irene
22 Vegetation typeVegetation typeMendoza, Irene
23 BiomeBiomeMendoza, Irenereference number used in Olson et al. 2001
24 TreesTreesMendoza, Irene
25 ShrubsShrubsMendoza, Irene
26 HerbsHerbsMendoza, Irene
27 LianaLianaMendoza, Irene
28 Plant, othersPlant otherMendoza, Irene
4889 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:



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(Brazil State, empty cells = NA)

(DO = direct observation (were...)
(marked = were observed indivi...)
(LT = did the study use litter...)
(ground.survey (were phenologi...)
Spec No [#]
Ind [#]
(empty cells = NA)
trap [#]
(empty cells = NA)
Trap A [m2]
(empty cells = NA)
Duration [month]
(study length)
Fruiting peak
Vegetation type
(reference number used in Olso...)
Plant other
1Alencar 1979-2.916667000-59.88333300Reserva Ducke, AMBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono2781.0480monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
2Amorim et al. 2009doi:10.1590/S0100-67622009000300011-6.583333000-37.33333300Serido Ecological StationBrazilRio Grande do Norteyesmarkednononono13130.024biweeklyrainy seasondesert and xeric shrublands13yesyesnonono
3Arbelaez & Parrado-Rosselli 2005doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.03077.x-0.489000000-72.36100000Caqueta RiverColombiayesunmarkednoyesnono267445.248sporadicdry seasonrainforest1yesyesyesyestreelets
4Ayres 1986-2.969000000-64.91100000MamirauaBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono174996.017monthlyrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
5Baider 2002-7.766667000-51.95000000PinkaitiBrazilParayesmarkednononono98500.024monthlytransition dry to wet seasonrainforest1yesnononono
6Barbosa et al. 1989-8.468056000-36.73416700AlagoinhaBrazilPernambucoyesmarkednononono1030.012monthlyrainy seasondesert and xeric shrublands13
7Barlow & Peres 2006-2.733333000-55.68333300Tapajos, Rio MaroBrazilParayesunmarkednononoyes1012monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
8Barlow et al. 2007doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.04.017-0.746389000-52.64972200Jari, primary forestBrazilAmapanoyesnonono1503000.2500014monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesindet.yesyes
9Barnett 2010-1.883889000-61.67333300IgapoBrazilRoraimayesmarkednononono891416.025monthlynon-availableseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
10Barnett 2010-1.883889000-61.67333300BorocotoBrazilRoraimayesmarkednononono127214.025monthlynon-availableseasonally flooded forests1
11Barnett 2010-1.883889000-61.67333300terra firmeBrazilRoraimayesmarkednononono241114.025monthlynon-availablerainforest1
12Batalha & Mantovani 2000doi:10.1590/S0034-71082000000100016-21.604167000-47.57027800Pe-de-GiganteBrazilSao Pauloyesunmarkednononono6717irregularrainy for zoochorous spp; dry for anemocorouscerrado woodland7yesyesyesnono
13Batalha & Martins 2004doi:10.1071/bt03098-17.816667000-52.65000000PN EmasBrazilGoiasyesunmarkednononono60112irregularrainy seasonopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesyesyes
14Batalha et al., EmasBrazilSao Pauloyesunmarkednononono35812irregularrainy for zoochorous spp; dry for anemocorouscerrado woodland7yesyesyesnono
15Bendix et al. 2006doi:10.1007/s00484-006-0029-8-3.971667000-79.07916700Reserva Biologica San FranciscoEcuadoryesmarkednononono12404.044biweeklyprimary in rainy season and secondary in dry seasonmontane formations1yesnononono
16Bentos et al. 2008-2.416667000-59.83333300Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, ManausBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono1330.048monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
17Berg et al. 2007doi:10.1111/j.1557-9263.2006.00080.x-2.116667000-80.07777800Cerro Blanco, Province of GuayasEcuadoryesmarkednononono10100.012weeklyrainy seasontropical dry forest1yesnononono
18Borges et al. 2002-20.815556000-49.38833300PotirendabaBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono1050.012biweeklyrainy seasontropical dry forest1yesnononono
19Boubli 19970.400000000-66.30000000Pico da NeblinaBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono145436.012monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
20Boyle & Bronstein 201210.422000000-84.01500000La Selva, 100 mCosta Ricayesmarkednononono19100.012weeklyaseasonalrainforest1noyesnonono
21Boyle & Bronstein 201210.371111000-84.04583300Braulio Carrillo, 300 mCosta Ricayesmarkednononono2272.012weeklyaseasonalrainforest1noyesnonono
22Boyle & Bronstein 201210.284167000-84.04638900Rara Avis, 750 mCosta Ricayesmarkednononono1374.012weeklyaseasonalrainforest1noyesnonono
23Brina 1998-19.466667000-44.01666700Matozinhos, Lagoa SantaBrazilMinas Geraisyesmarkednononono7012monthlydry seasontropical dry forest7yesyesyesnono
24Bullock & Solis-Magallanes 1990doi:10.2307/238871619.500000000-105.05000000ChamelaMexicoyesmarkednononono1081094.042monthly and biweeklyaseasonaltropical dry forest2yesnononono
25Camacho & Orozco 19989.515000000-83.71805600Cordillera de TalamancaCosta Ricayesmarkednononono12160.049monthlytransition dry to wet seasonmontane formations1yesnononono
26Cara 2006-9.000000000-35.86666700Usina Serra Grande, AlagoasBrazilAlagoasyesmarkednononono83400.024monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
27Carmo & Morellato 2000-24.011111000-50.74000600Rio TibagiBrazilParananonoyesnono261herbariumrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests1noyesnonono
28Carvalho 1980-3.066667000-54.90000000Floresta Nacional de TapajosBrazilParayesmarkednononono66473.032biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
29Cattanio et al. 2004doi:10.1590/S0100-84042004000400010-1.499528000-48.45163100Combu IslandBrazilParayesmarkednononono1512biweeklyrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
30Cesar 1988-22.666667000-48.16666700Fazenda Barreiro Rico (SP)BrazilSao Paulonoyesnonono10351.0000036monthlynon-availabletropical dry forest7yesyesyesyesyes
31Chiarello 1994-22.829000000-47.10900000Santa GenebraBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono7212bimonthlyrainy seasonseasonal forest1
32Colonnello 19918.406469000-63.11130000Varzea do rio OrinocoVenezuelayesmarkedyesnonono22244.02512monthlyrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests7yesnononono
33Conceicao et al. 2007doi:10.1590/S0100-84042007000300012-12.456944000-41.47222200Chapada DiamantinaBrazilBahiayesmarkednononono4358.024monthlytransition wet to dry seasonmontane formations7yesyesyesnono
34Cornejo-Tenorio & Manriquez 200719.995000000-100.16500000Cerro Altaminaro, MichoacanMexicoyesmarkednononono11212monthlydry seasontemperate evergreen forest3yesyesyesnono
35Cortes-Flores et al. 2013doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2012.10.03819.508889000-101.27388900Cerro El Aguila, MichoacanMexicoyesmarkednononono133660.024monthlydry seasontemperate evergreen forest3yesyesyesnono
36Costa & Magnusson 2003doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2003.tb00267.x-2.610000000-60.18300000Experimental Forest Management Station ZF-2, INPABrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono11124monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesyesnoarvoretas e pequenas palmeiras
37Costa et al. 2004doi:10.1590/S0102-33062004000400006-7.400000000-39.30000000Chapada do AraripeBrazilCearayesunmarkednononono10712monthlytransition wet to dry seasoncerrado woodland1yesyesyesyessub-arbustos
38COTERC unpublished10.593638000-83.52825000Barra del ColoradoCosta Ricayesmarkednononono3912monthlynon-availableseasonally flooded forests14yesnononono
39Croat 19759.150000000-79.85000000Barro Colorado IslandPanamayesunmarkednoyesnono1253irregularprimary in dry season and secondary in rainy seasonseasonal forest1yesyesyesyesno
40Daubenmire 1972doi:10.2307/225804810.425086000-85.08972200Finca la Pacifica, Canas, GuanacasteCosta Ricayesmarkednononono2212weeklydry seasontropical dry forest2yesnononono
41de Melo et al. 2013-19.166667000-48.38333300EE PangaBrazilMinas Geraisyesmarkednononono24421.024biweeklyrainy seasoncerrado woodland7yesyesyesyesno
42Defler & Defler 1996-1.070000000-69.51527800CaparuColombiayesmarkednononono3421162.058monthlynon-availablerainforest1yesnononono
43Develey & Peres 2000doi:10.1017/s0266467400001255-24.543333000-47.30222200Jureia-Itatins Ecological StationBrazilSao Pauloyesunmarkednononono7212monthlytransition dry to wet seasonrainforest1yesnononono
44Di Fiore 2004doi:10.1023/B:IJOP.0000029122.99458.26-0.683333000-75.46666700Yasuni National ParkEcuadoryesmarkednononono19512monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnonoyestreelets
45Dinerstein 1986doi:10.2307/238857410.300000000-84.80000000MonteverdeCosta Ricayesmarkednononono52520.017monthlyrainy seasonmontane formations1yesyesyesyesno
46Donatti et al. unpublished-19.570833000-56.24527800PantanalBrazilMato Grosso do Sulyesmarkednononono93700.038monthlyrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests9yesnononono
47Engel & Martins 2005-19.100000000-39.75000000Llinhares Natural ReserveBrazilEspirito Santoyesmarkednononono41205.0120biweeklydry seasonrainforest14yesnononono
48Estrada & Coates-Estrada 2001doi:10.1017/s026646740100147x18.416667000-95.06666700Los TuxtlasMexiconoyesnonono36biweeklydry seasonrainforest1
49Ferreira & Consolaro 2013-19.150000000-47.91666700Parque Santa CruzBrazilMinas Geraisyesmarkednononono1112weeklyaseasonaltropical dry forest7yesyesnonono
50Ferreira & Parolin 2007-3.033333000-60.28333300Rio Tamura-Mirim, ManausBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono29468.012monthlydry seasonseasonally flooded forests1nononono
51Figueiredo 2007-22.818611000-43.64222200Campus Universidade Rio de JaneiroBrazilRio de Janeiroyesmarkednononono31155.036biweeklydry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
52Flores 201217.066742000-89.39318100Yaxha PetenGuatemalayesmarkednononono15150.028biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
53Fournier 197610.086111000-84.48055600San Pedro de Montes de OcaCosta Ricayesmarkednononono42116.020biweekly (one year) and monthlytransition dry to wet seasonseasonal forest1yesnononono
54Frankie et al. 1974jstor.org10.422000000-84.01500000La SelvaCosta Ricayesmarkednononono185468.013monthlydry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
55Frankie et al. 1974jstor.org10.533500000-85.31500000Comelco RanchCosta Ricayesmarkednononono1131137.013monthlydry seasontropical dry forest2yesnononono
56Freire et al. 2013-22.744444000-42.85944400ItaboraiBrazilRio de Janeiroyesmarkednononono2191.012monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
57Frenedozo 2004doi:10.1590/S1516-89132004000200014-22.511111000-47.58333300Rio ClaroBrazilSao Pauloyesunmarkednononono9524biweeklyrainy seasontropical dry forest1yesyesyesnono
58Funch et al. 2002doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2002.tb00240.x-12.561408000-41.40283300rio Lencois montane forestBrazilBahiayesmarkednononono54243.063biweeklyrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests13yesnononono
59Galdino unpublished-8.975000000-36.06166700Sao Jose de Lages (Cachoeira fragment)BrazilAlagoasyesmarkednononono54189.013monthlynon-availablerainforest1yesnononono
60Garcia et al. 201317.243333000-89.81333300Reserva Biosfera MayaGuatemalayesmarkednononono12120.024unespecifiednon-availablerainforest1yesnononono
61Gautier & Spichiger 1985-4.922083333-73.75000000Arboretum Jenaro HerreraPeruyesmarkednononono34144monthlynon-availablerainforest1yesnononono
62Genini et al. 2009doi:10.1016/j.flora.2008.01.002-23.538167000-45.07750000Ilha AnchietaBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono57272.013monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononopalms
63Gentry & Emmons 1987doi:10.2307/2388339-11.750000000-71.50000000Cocha CashuPeruyesmarkednononono2812monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesyesyestreelets
64Glander 197510.425086000-85.08972200Finca la Pacifica, Canas, GuanacasteCosta Ricayesmarkednononono961699.012monthlyrainy seasontropical dry forest2yesnononono
65Gomes 2001doi:10.1590/S0100-84042008000400013-24.269167000-48.41555600IntervalesBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkedyesnonono36601.0000012monthlynon-availablerainforest1
66Gonzalez-Zamora et al. unpublished16.106947000-91.98794700Lancadona, CF1Mexiconononoyesno68601.7700013monthlynon-availabletemperate evergreen forest3yesyesnoyesno
67Gonzalez-Zamora et al. unpublished16.113958000-90.94012800Lancadona, CF2Mexiconononoyesno68601.7700013monthlynon-availabletemperate evergreen forest3yesyesnoyesno
68Gonzalez-Zamora et al. unpublished16.253008000-90.83161700Lancadona, FF1Mexiconononoyesno68601.7700013monthlynon-availablerainforest1yesyesnoyesno
69Gonzalez-Zamora et al. unpublished16.281708000-90.83886400Lancadona, FF2Mexiconononoyesno68601.7700013monthlynon-availablerainforest1yesyesnoyesno
70Gonzalez-Zamora et al. unpublished16.331667000-90.85297200Lancadona, FF3Mexiconononoyesno68601.7700013monthlynon-availablerainforest1yesyesnoyesno
71Gottsberger & Silberbauer-Gottsberger 1983-22.750000000-48.41666700BotocatuBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono27112irregularrainy seasoncerrado woodland7yesyesnonono
72Gressler 2010-23.333889000-44.83166700PinciguabaBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono2652532.036monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesyesnono
73Griz & Machado 2001-8.468056000-36.73416700AlagoinhaBrazilPernambucoyesmarkednononono42420.012biweeklyrainy seasondesert and xeric shrublands13yesyesyesyesCactaceae
74Guarim Neto et al. 1994-15.348333000-56.23916700Nossa Senhora da GuiaBrazilMato Grossoyesmarkednononono26187.012monthlyrainy seasoncerrado woodland7yesnononono
75Guevara de Lampe et al. 1992doi:10.2307/238847410.646383000-63.69767200Guarapo-Oturo, Araya Peninsule, State of Sucre, plot 2Venezuelayesmarkednononono5912biweeklydry seasondesert and xeric shrublands13yesyesyesnotreelets
76Guevara de Lampe et al. 1992doi:10.2307/238847410.492500000-63.69388900Laguna de Cocos plot2Venezuelayesmarkednononono8512biweeklydry seasondesert and xeric shrublands13yesyesnonotreelets
77Hasui et al. 2012doi:10.1016/j.actao.2012.10.001-24.278333000-48.40777800Intervales, HilltopBrazilSao Paulonoyesnonono8012monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesyesnonono
78Hasui et al. 2012doi:10.1016/j.actao.2012.10.001-24.304722000-48.36472200Intervales, Middle SlopeBrazilSao Paulonoyesnonono8036monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesyesnonono
79Hasui et al. 2012doi:10.1016/j.actao.2012.10.001-24.316389000-48.41666700Intervales, Valley BottomBrazilSao Paulonoyesnonono8012monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesyesnonono
80Haugaasen & Peres 2005doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00079.x-4.351389000-62.46666700Uauacu, igapoBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono45400.013monthlydry seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
81Haugaasen & Peres 2005doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00079.x-4.351389000-62.46666700Uauacu,terra firmeBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono76400.040monthlytransition dry to wet seasonrainforest1yesnononono
82Haugaasen & Peres 2005doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00079.x-4.351389000-62.46666700Uauacu, varzeaBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono76400.035monthlytransition dry to wet seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
83Hawes 2012doi:10.1111/btp.12315-5.526897550-67.33400000Jurua, terra firmeBrazilAmazonasyesmarkedyesnonoyes1201056.0960.5000012monthly for trees and biweekly for seed trapsdry seasonrainforest1yesnonoyesno
84Hawes 2012doi:10.1111/btp.12315-5.402215000-67.26500000Jurua, varzeaBrazilAmazonasyesmarkedyesnonoyes1201056.0960.5000012monthly for trees and biweekly for seed trapsdry seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnonoyesno
85Heithaus et al. 1975doi:10.2307/193629510.425086000-85.08972200Finca la Pacifica, Canas, GuanacasteCosta Ricayesmarkednononono4124monthlyrainy seasontropical dry forest2yesnononono
86Hilty 1980doi:10.2307/23877013.533333000-76.80000000Alto YundaColombiayesmarkednononono164621.014biweeklyrainy seasonmontane formations1yesyesnonoyes
87Ibarra-Manriquez et al. 1991doi:10.2307/238820118.416667000-95.06666700Los TuxtlasMexicoyesunmarkednoyesnono5912monthlyprimary in dry season and secondary in rainy seasonrainforest1yesnonoyes
88Ivizi & Araujo 1997-18.766667000-41.20000000UberlandiaBrazilMinas Geraisyesmarkednononono1418biweeklyaseasonaltropical dry forest1yesyesnonono
89Janzen 1967jstor.org8.647500000-83.20666700Golfito-Palmar SurCosta Ricayesmarkednononono28012irregulardry seasonrainforest1
90Jara-Guerrero et al. 2011doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011.00754.x-4.268056000-80.25000000dry forests in Loja and El Oro Provinces, S EcuadorEcuadoryesunmarkednoyesnono5412monthlyrainy for zoochorous spp; dry for anemocoroustropical dry forest1yesyesnonotreelets
91Justiniano & Fredericksen 2000doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00470.x-16.216667000-61.83333300LomerioBoliviayesmarkednononono39453.024monthlyprimary in dry season and secondary in rainy seasontropical dry forest2yesnononono
92Knowles & Parrotta 1997-1.666667000-56.40000000TrombetasBrazilParayesmarkednononono160216unespecifiedrainy for zoochorous spp; dry for anemocorousrainforest1yesnononono
93Koptur et al. 1988doi:10.1017/S026646740000298410.300000000-84.80000000MonteverdeCosta Ricayesmarkednononono107470.028monthlytransition wet to dry seasonmontane formations1yesyesnonono
94Kubitzki & Ziburski 1994doi:10.2307/2389108-2.394722000-60.92055600igapo Rio NegroBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono1523unespecifiedrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
95Kubitzki & Ziburski 1994doi:10.2307/2389108-3.233389000-59.93138900Ilha da MarchaneriaBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono1823unespecifiedtransition wet to dry seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
96Lee et al. 2014-13.131420590-69.60975663TambopataPeruyesmarkednononono871819.036monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
97Lemus-Jimenez & Ramirez 200211.689683000-69.81340800Paraguana Peninsula, mangleVenezuelayesmarkednononono1936monthlydry seasonseasonally flooded forests14yesyesyesnono
98Lemus-Jimenez & Ramirez 200211.843889000-69.85777800Paraguana Peninsula, grasslandVenezuelayesmarkednononono2936monthlydry seasondesert and xeric shrublands13yesyesyesnono
99Lenza & Klink 2006doi:10.1590/S0100-84042006000400013-15.932222000-47.96583300IGBEBrazilDistrito Federalyesmarkednononono19226.039biweeklyrainy for zoochorous spp; dry for anemocorouscerrado woodland7yesyesnonono
100Levey 1988jstor.org10.422000000-84.01500000La SelvaCosta Ricayesmarkednononono11612monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesnonono
101Lima & Rodal 2010doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2010.05.009-8.311944000-38.19583300Mauricio Dantas Private NR, PEBrazilPernambucoyesmarkednononono19196.036monthlyrainy seasondesert and xeric shrublands13yesnononono
102Lima et al. 2012doi:10.1007/s00468-012-0735-2-7.983333000-38.32111100Experimental Station Lauro Bezerra, PernambucoBrazilPernambucoyesmarkednononono24264.031biweeklyaseasonaldesert and xeric shrublands13yesyesnonono
103Lobo et al. 20088.550000000-83.50000000Peninsula de Osa and Golfo de DulceCosta Ricayesunmarkednononono73144monthlyprimary in rainy season and secondary in dry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
104Luna et al. unpublished18.735278000-101.68611100Llano de Ojo de AguaMexicoyesmarkednononono1548monthlynon-availabletropical dry forest2yesnononono
105Machado et al. 1997doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.1997.tb00006.x-7.983333000-38.32111100Research Station of Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (IPA), Serra Talhada, PEBrazilPernambucoyesmarkednononono19190.024biweeklyrainy for zoochorous spp; dry for anemocorousdesert and xeric shrublands13yesyesnonono
106Marques & Oliveira 2004doi:10.1590/S0100-84042004000400011-25.575000000-48.38700000Ilha do Mel, non-flooded forestBrazilParanayesmarkednononono2923monthlytransition wet to dry seasonrainforest1yesyesyesnono
107Marques & Oliveira 2008doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2008.00061.x-25.575000000-48.38700000Ilha do Mel, flooded restingaBrazilParananoyesnonono751200.2500024monthlytransition wet to dry seasonrainforest1yesyesyesyestreelets
108Marques & Oliveira 2008doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2008.00061.x-25.575000000-48.38700000Ilha do Mel, unflooded restingaBrazilParananoyesnonono551200.2500024monthlytransition wet to dry seasonrainforest1yesyesyesyestreelets
109Marques et al. 2004doi:10.1023/B:VEGE.0000029325.85031.90-25.425000000-49.31700000ParanaBrazilParanayesmarkednononono37216.026biweeklyaseasonaltemperate evergreen forest1yesyesnoyesno
110Martinez Sovero & Brightsmith unpublished-13.131420590-69.60975663TambopataPeruyesmarkednononono3371338.031monthlynon-availablerainforest1yesnononono
111Martos et al. 2009-6.521389000-79.45916700Reserva Ecol Privada ChaparriPeruyesmarkednononono1742.024monthlyrainy seasontropical dry forest2yesnononono
112Matthes 1980-22.916667000-47.05000000Bosque dos JequitibasBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono16516daylydry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
113McLaren & McDonald 2005doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2005.00075.x17.874000000-76.94300000Hellshire Hills protected area, costa sul da JamaicaJamaicayesmarkednononono63868.026monthlytransition dry to wet seasontropical dry forest2yesnononono
114Medeiros et al. 2007doi:10.1016/j.flora.2006.11.002-8.530000000-35.01805600RPPN Nossa Senhora do Outeiro de Maracaipe PEBrazilPernambucoyesmarkednononono51156.016monthlytransition dry to wet seasonrainforest14yesyesnonono
115Mendoza unpublished4.083333000-52.66666700Nouragues field stationFrench Guiananoyesnonono451600.50000120biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnonoyesno
116Mikich & Silva 2001doi:10.1590/S0102-33062001000100010-23.916667000-51.95000000centro-oeste do ParanaBrazilParanayesmarkednononono132108monthlydry seasonseasonal forest1yesyesyesyesno
117Miranda 1995-2.488333000-54.84238900Tapajos River, Alter-do-ChaioBrazilParayesmarkednononono191983.01420-daydry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
118Morellato & Leitao-Filho 1996doi:10.2307/2389073-22.829000000-47.10900000Santa GenebraBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono13036weeklydry seasonseasonal forest1yesyesnoyesno
119Morellato et al. 1989-23.218333000-46.93333300Serra do Japi, altitudinal forestBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono28150.012biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
120Morellato et al. 1989-23.218056000-46.96666700Serra do Japi, semideciduous forestBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono1666.012biweeklyrainy seasonseasonal forest1yesnononono
121Morellato et al. 2000doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00620.x-23.366000000-44.83300000Serra do Mar, site 1BrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono3241262.017monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesnononono
122Morellato et al. 2000doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00620.x-23.366000000-44.83300000Serra do Mar, site 2BrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono3241262.017monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesnononono
123Morellato et al. 2000doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00620.x-23.366000000-44.83300000Serra do Mar, site 3BrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono3241262.017monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesnononono
124Morellato et al. 2000doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00620.x-24.236000000-48.07800000Sabaidela, Site 4BrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono3241262.017monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesnononono
125Morellato unpublished-22.175000000-47.87300000ItirapinaBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono103120monthlyrainy seasoncerrado woodland7yesyesnoyes
126Mori et al. 1982-14.754167000-39.23305600Centro de Pesquisas do CacauBrazilBahiayesmarkednononono30120.072biweeklyaseasonalrainforest1yesnononox
127Munhoz & Felfili 2005doi:10.1590/S0102-33062005000400031-15.926500000-47.90577800DF, Fazenda Agua LimpaBrazilDistrito Federalyesmarkednononono61519.017biweeklytransition wet to dry seasonopen grassy savanna7noyesyesnono
128Muniz 2008doi:10.1590/S0044-59672008000400004-4.266667000-46.16666700MA, buriticupuBrazilMaranhaoyesmarkednononono8924monthlytransition wet to dry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
129Neves & Damasceno-Junior 2011doi:10.1590/S1519-69842011000500009-19.200000000-57.58333300Santa Cruz hillBrazilMato Grosso do Sulyesmarkednononono4812monthlyrainy seasonopen grassy savanna2noyesyesyesdwarf
130Norconk 19967.358525000-62.87555600Chiropotes IslandVenezuelayesmarkedyesnonono301000.0800012monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
131Norconk 19967.759444000-62.86194400Phitecia IslandVenezuelayesmarkedyesnonono301000.0800012monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
132Oliveira & Paula 2001-15.833333000-47.83333300Rio OncaBrazilDistrito Federalyesunmarkednoyesnono8712irregularnon-availableseasonally flooded forests7
133Oliveira & Paula 2001-19.183333000-48.40000000EE PangaBrazilMinas Geraisyesunmarkednoyesnono15512irregularnon-availablecerrado woodland7yesyesnoyesno
134Opler et al. 1980doi:10.2307/225925010.533500000-85.31500000Comelco Ranch, Hill forestCosta Ricayesmarkednononono2412monthlynon-availabletropical dry forest2noyesnonotreelets
135Opler et al. 1980doi:10.2307/225925010.422000000-84.01500000La Selva, mature forestCosta Ricayesmarkednononono9224every six weeksaseasonalrainforest1noyesnonotreelets
136Opler et al. 1980doi:10.2307/225925010.425086000-85.08972200Finca la Pacifica, Riparian forestCosta Ricayesmarkednononono2712every six weeksaseasonaltropical dry forest2noyesnonotreelets
137Opler et al. 1980doi:10.2307/225925010.533500000-85.31500000Comelco Ranch, Riparian ForestCosta Ricayesmarkednononono2712monthlynon-availabletropical dry forest2noyesnonotreelets
138Opler et al. 1980doi:10.2307/225925010.533500000-85.31500000Comelco Ranch, secondary ForestCosta Ricayesmarkednononono4024monthlynon-availabletropical dry forest2noyesnonotreelets
139Opler et al. 1980doi:10.2307/225925010.422000000-84.01500000La Selva, secondary forestCosta Ricayesmarkednononono4527every six weeksaseasonalrainforest1noyesnonotreelets
140Ortiz 19909.287222000-68.11333300CojedesVenezuelayesmarkednononono1412monthlydry seasonopen grassy savanna7yesnononono
141Palma et al. 2011doi:10.1002/ajp.209733.877222000-76.42944400Yotoco ReserveColombiayesmarkednononono50227.012biweeklydry seasonmontane formations1yesnononono
142Palminteri & Peres 2012doi:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20456.x-12.569167000-70.11111100Los Amigos Biological StationPeruyesmarkednononono129573.039monthlytransition dry to wet seasonrainforest1yesnononono
143Pedrao & Stranghetti 2001-21.042778000-49.46055600BoraBrazilSao Pauloyesunmarkednononono2018monthlytransition dry to wet seasonseasonally flooded forests7yesyesyesyesno
144Peetz 20017.358525000-62.87555600Danto MachadoVenezuelayesmarkednononono24178.012monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesnononono
145Penhalber & Mantovani 1997doi:10.1590/S0100-84041997000200011-23.633333000-46.60000000Fontes do IpirangaBrazilSao Paulonoyesnonono90400.0250012monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesyesyesno
146Pereira et al. 2008-22.500000000-42.25000000Poco das Antas (RJ)BrazilRio de Janeiroyesmarkednononono5824monthlydry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
147Peres 1994adoi:10.2307/2389114-4.846000000-65.26800000Urucu RiverBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono253996.014monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesnoyeshemiepifitas e treelets
148Persson 2005-0.683333000-75.46666700Yasuni National ParkEcuadornoyesnonono2412000.57000180biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesnoyesno
149Pessoa 2011-7.926111000-34.91805600Estacao Ecologica do CaetesBrazilPernambucoyesmarkednononono123580.02420-daytransition dry to wet seasonrainforest14
150Pirani et al. 2009doi:10.1590/S0102-33062009000400019-15.850000000-52.26666700Parque Estadual da Serra AzulBrazilMato Grossoyesmarkednononono841221.024monthlyrainy seasoncerrado woodland7yesnononono
151Putz & Windsor 1987doi:10.2307/23886319.150000000-79.85000000Barro Colorado IslandPanamayesmarkednononono6968.012biweeklyprimary in dry season and secondary in rainy seasonseasonal forest1yesnonoyesno
152Quirino 2006-7.479167000-36.90500000Fazenda AlmasBrazilParaibayesmarkednononono46368.024biweeklyrainy seasondesert and xeric shrublands13yesnonoyesno
153Ragusa-Netto 2004doi:10.1590/S1519-69842004000500017-19.583333000-57.33333300Miranda River, CorumbaBrazilMato Grosso do Sulyesmarkednononono29370.024monthlyprimary peak in rainy season and secondary transition from wet to dry seasonseasonally flooded forests9yesnononono
154Ragusa-Netto 2008a-17.316667000-52.65000000Emas National ParkBrazilGoiasyesmarkednononono16512.024monthlytransition dry to wet seasoncerrado woodland7yesnononopalms
155Ragusa-Netto 2008bdoi:10.1080/01650520701510859-19.216667000-58.56666700UrucumBrazilyesmarkednononono57270.018monthlytransition dry to wet seasontropical dry forest9yesnononono
156Ramirez 199717.225000000-89.61333300TikalGuatemalayesmarkednononono14140.013biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
157Ramirez & Briceno 2011doi:10.1093/aobpla/plr0145.491111000-61.36793600Canaima, brad-leaved meadowVenezuelayesmarkednononono9424monthlyaseasonalopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesnoparasitas/hemiparasitas
158Ramirez & Briceno 2011doi:10.1093/aobpla/plr0145.491111000-61.36793600Canaima, savannaVenezuelayesmarkednononono7624monthlyaseasonalopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesnoparasitas/hemiparasitas
159Ramirez & Briceno 2011doi:10.1093/aobpla/plr0145.491111000-61.36793600Canaima, secondary bushVenezuelayesmarkednononono9824monthlydry seasonopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesnoparasitas/hemiparasitas
160Ramirez & Briceno 2011doi:10.1093/aobpla/plr0145.491111000-61.36793600Canaima, shrublandVenezuelayesmarkednononono16024monthlydry seasonopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesnoparasitas/hemiparasitas
161Ramirez & Brito 19878.933333000-67.41666700Los LlanosVenezuelayesmarkednononono25250.012monthlytransition dry to wet seasonopen grassy savanna7noyesyesnono
162Ramirez 2002doi:10.3732/ajb.89.5.8368.933333000-67.41666700Los LlanosVenezuelayesmarkednononono17136monthlytransition wet to dry seasonopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesyeshemiparasitas
163Reys et al. 2005doi:10.1590/S1676-06032005000300021-21.148000000-56.41300000MS, Rio formoso (Serra da Bodoquena)BrazilMato Grosso do Sulyesmarkednononono29378.012monthlyrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests7yesnononono
164Reznik et al. 2012-22.458333000-42.03722200Reserva Biologica da UniaioBrazilRio de Janeiroyesmarkednononono5724monthlydry seasonrainforest1yesnononono
165Ribeiro 2011-2.642500000-42.87500000Lencois MaranhensesBrazilMaranhaoyesmarkednononono881167.024monthlyaseasonalrainforest1yesyesyesyesno
166Rios et al. 20074.719722000-75.03333300Otun-QuimbayaColombiayesmarkednononono139507.024monthlyrainy seasonmontane formations1yesnononono
167Rivas Romero et al. 200814.660833000-91.26472200ChuwanimajuyuGuatemalayesmarkednononono10100.012biweeklynon-availablerainforest3yesnononono
168Roldan & Larrea 2003-16.250000000-68.25000000CotapataBoliviayesmarkednononono1470.024monthlyrainy seasonmontane formations10yesnononono
169Rubim et al. 2010doi:10.1590/S0102-33062010000300019-22.416000000-47.51400000Mata Sao Jose, SPBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono90332.048monthlydry seasonseasonal forest1yesnononono
170Sabatier 19855.000072000-53.00018600Piste Saint ElieFrench Guianayesunmarkednononono1321926.021biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesnonono
171Salazar et al. 2012doi:10.1007/s11258-011-9973-4-15.933000000-47.05000000IBGE, cerrado densoBrazilGoiasnoyesnonono261080.3800013monthlytransition dry to wet seasoncerrado woodland7xxnoxx
172Salazar et al. 2012doi:10.1007/s11258-011-9973-4-15.933000000-47.05000000IBGE, cerrado sensu strictoBrazilGoiasnoyesnonono301080.3800013monthlytransition dry to wet seasoncerrado woodland7xxnoxx
173Salazar et al. 2012doi:10.1007/s11258-011-9973-4-15.933000000-47.05000000IBGE, campo sujoBrazilGoiasnoyesnonono251080.3800013monthlydry seasonopen grassy savanna7xxnoxx
174Santana et al. 2010doi:10.1590/S0104-77602010000400018-15.505278000-48.10500000Dolina da GarapaBrazilDistrito Federalnoyesnonono101001.0000024monthlyrainy seasontropical dry forest7xxxxx
175Santos et al. 2013doi:10.1590/S1676-06032013000300019-23.266667000-51.05000000Doralize Farm, ParanaBrazilParanayesunmarkednonoyesno1112weeklyaseasonalseasonal forest1
176Schöngart et al. 2002doi:10.1017/s0266467402002389-3.250000000-59.96666700Ilha da MarchaneriaBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono2366.027monthlytransition wet to dry seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesnononono
177Setz 1993-2.416667000-59.83333300Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, ManausBrazilAmazonasyesmarkednononono5521080.024irregularrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
178Silberbauer-Gottsberger 2001-22.750000000-48.43055600BotucatuBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono2612biweeklyrainy seasoncerrado woodland7xxnoxx
179Silva et al. 2009doi:10.1590/S0100-84042009000100015-18.301944000-52.95166700Emas National Park, hyperseasonal cerradoBrazilMato Grosso do Sulyesmarkednononono642353.012bimonthlyrainy seasonopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesnono
180Silva et al. 2009doi:10.1590/S0100-84042009000100015-18.292778000-52.97000000Emas National Park, seasonal cerradoBrazilGoiasyesmarkednononono1093327.012bimonthlyrainy seasonopen grassy savanna7yesyesyesnono
181Silva et al. 2011doi:10.1007/s13595-011-0071-5-21.966667000-47.85000000Sao Carlos, cerradoBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono19612monthlyrainy seasoncerrado woodland7yesyesyesyespalmeiras
182Silva et al. 2011doi:10.1007/s13595-011-0071-5-21.966667000-47.85000000Sao Carlos, swampBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono9712monthlyrainy seasonseasonally flooded forests7yesyesyesyespalmeiras
183Silverio & Lenza 2010doi:10.1590/S1676-06032010000300024-14.685833000-52.33583300PM BacabaBrazilMato Grossoyesmarkednononono1212biweeklytransition dry to wet seasoncerrado woodland7yesyesnonono
184Snow 1965jstor.org10.666667000-61.25000000Arima ValleyTrinidad and Tobagoyesmarkednononono4036sporadic across 2 yearsrainy seasonrainforest1yesyesnonono
185Solorzano et al. 2000doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2000.tb00498.x15.655556000-92.81388900El TriunfoMexicoyesmarkednononono2024monthlydry seasonmontane formations1yesnononono
186Souza-Alves et al. 2011-11.200000000-37.23333300Itaporanga d'Ajuda (Sergipe)BrazilSergipeyesmarkednononono1413monthlydry seasontropical dry forest1yesnononono
187Spina et al. 2001doi:10.1590/S0102-33062001000300006-22.831944000-47.10916700CampinasBrazilSao Pauloyesunmarkednononono13412monthlydry seasonseasonally flooded forests1yesyesyesyesno
188Staggemeier & Morellato 2011doi:10.1007/s00484-011-0482-x-25.103000000-47.91300000Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, foothillBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono1061027.024monthlytransition dry to wet seasonrainforest1yesyesnonono
189Stevenson et al. 1998doi:10.1111/j.1744-7429.1998.tb00376.x2.666000000-74.16600000Tinigua National ParkColombiayesunmarkedyesnonono203000.0800013biweeklyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
190Stutz de Ortega 1986-25.523811000-54.81271900Alto ParanaParaguayyesmarkednononono11052irregularrainy seasonseasonal forest1yesnonono
191Swamy et al. unpublished-11.750000000-71.50000000Cocha CashuPeruyesmarkednononono103407.030biweeklynon-availablerainforest1
192Talora & Morellato 2000doi:10.1590/S0100-84042000000100002-23.366000000-44.83300000PicinguabaBrazilSao Pauloyesmarkednononono46296.012monthlyrainy seasonrainforest1yesnononono
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