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Margolis, Stanley V; Bowser, Carl J; Murray, James W; Mero, John L; Hardy, Wilton; Dudley, Walter C; Dugolinsky, Brent K; Binder, Kenneth; Hall, Roger; Boatman, Charles (1975): Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from R/V Moana Wave Cruise Mn-74-02 stations [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In: Margolis, SV et al. (1975): Annotated record and chemical analysis of manganese nodules from R/V Moana Wave Cruise Mn-74-01 and Mn-74-02 stations [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Margolis, Stanley V; Bowser, Carl J; Murray, James W; Mero, John L; Hardy, Wilton; Dudley, Walter C; Dugolinsky, Brent K; Binder, Kenneth; Hall, Roger; Boatman, Charles (1975): Ferromanganese deposits of the ocean floor: cruise report Mn-74-02, R/V Moana Wave, San Diego to Honolulu, 11 September to 10 October, 1974. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii, Technical Report, 10, 117 pp, 08025002_Indexed.pdf
Median Latitude: 12.462021 * Median Longitude: -133.368914 * South-bound Latitude: 8.764071 * West-bound Longitude: -140.033000 * North-bound Latitude: 16.113323 * East-bound Longitude: -124.981677
Date/Time Start: 1974-09-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1974-10-05T00:00:01
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
MW7402-13BC02 (Mn-74-02-13B-BC-002)  * Latitude: 14.966670 * Longitude: -125.016660 * Date/Time: 1974-09-24T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4840.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: MW7402 (Mn-74-02 IDOE DOMES) * Basis: Moana Wave * Method/Device: Box corer (BC) * Comment: Institute: HIG (Hawaii Institute of Geophysics)
MW7402-13D01 (Mn-74-02-13B-D-001)  * Latitude: 15.044990 * Longitude: -125.091677 * Date/Time: 1974-09-23T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4465.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: MW7402 (Mn-74-02 IDOE DOMES) * Basis: Moana Wave * Method/Device: Dredge, bucket (DRG_BU) * Comment: Institute: HIG (Hawaii Institute of Geophysics)
MW7402-13D02 (Mn-74-02-13C-D-002)  * Latitude: 15.033000 * Longitude: -125.083000 * Date/Time: 1974-09-23T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4465.0 m * Location: Pacific Ocean * Campaign: MW7402 (Mn-74-02 IDOE DOMES) * Basis: Moana Wave * Method/Device: Dredge, bucket (DRG_BU) * Comment: Institute: HIG (Hawaii Institute of Geophysics)
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other institutions. At the time it was the most extended data compilation on ferromanganese deposits world wide. Initially published in a proprietary format incompatible with present day standards it was jointly decided by AWI and NOAA to transcribe this legacy data into PANGAEA. This transfer is augmented by a careful checking of the original sources when available and the encoding of ancillary information (sample description, method of analysis...) not present in the NOAA-MMS database.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEventMargolis, Stanley V
Date/Time of eventDate/TimeMargolis, Stanley V
Latitude of eventLatitudeMargolis, Stanley V
Longitude of eventLongitudeMargolis, Stanley V
Elevation of eventElevationmMargolis, Stanley V
Sample IDSample IDMargolis, Stanley V
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmMargolis, Stanley VGeocode
PositionPositionMargolis, Stanley V
Deposit typeDeposit typeMargolis, Stanley V
10 Quantity of depositQuantityMargolis, Stanley V
11 Number of observationsNOBS#Margolis, Stanley Vnodules with size <2 cm
12 Number of observationsNOBS#Margolis, Stanley Vnodules with size 2-4 cm
13 Number of observationsNOBS#Margolis, Stanley Vnodules with size 4-6 cm
14 Number of observationsNOBS#Margolis, Stanley Vnodules with size 6-8 cm
15 Number of observationsNOBS#Margolis, Stanley Vnodules with size >8 cm
16 MassMasskgMargolis, Stanley Vtotal, of nodules with size <2 cm
17 MassMasskgMargolis, Stanley Vtotal, of nodules with size 2-4 cm
18 MassMasskgMargolis, Stanley Vtotal, of nodules with size 4-6 cm
19 MassMasskgMargolis, Stanley Vtotal, of nodules with size 6-8 cm
20 MassMasskgMargolis, Stanley Vtotal, of nodules with size >8 cm
21 Substrate typeSubstrateMargolis, Stanley V
22 ShapeShapeMargolis, Stanley V
23 Surface descriptionSurf descrMargolis, Stanley V
24 Sediment typeSedimentMargolis, Stanley V
25 CommentCommentMargolis, Stanley V
26 DescriptionDescriptionMargolis, Stanley V
623 data points


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Elevation [m]

Sample ID

Depth sed [m]


Deposit type
NOBS [#]
(nodules with size <2 cm)
NOBS [#]
(nodules with size 2-4 cm)
NOBS [#]
(nodules with size 4-6 cm)
NOBS [#]
(nodules with size 6-8 cm)
NOBS [#]
(nodules with size >8 cm)
Mass [kg]
(total, of nodules with size <...)
Mass [kg]
(total, of nodules with size 2...)
Mass [kg]
(total, of nodules with size 4...)
Mass [kg]
(total, of nodules with size 6...)
Mass [kg]
(total, of nodules with size >...)
Surf descr
MW7402-13BC02 1974-09-2414.9667-125.0167-4840MW7402-13BC02-10SurfaceMn nodule2001010.100.20Faceted. Botryoidal rim on larger nodule; appears like a fractured mushroom nodule.Top: smmoth, bottom: botryoidal, rough on large nodule; smooth on medium. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules; 3-20 mm for botryoids.ClaySiliceous clayDark brown. Benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-13D01 1974-09-2315.0450-125.0917-4465MW7402-13D01-10SurfaceMn noduleManyWide varietyClaySiliceous clay
MW7402-13D02 1974-09-2315.0330-125.0830-4465MW7402-13D02-10SurfaceMn noduleManyWide variety. Wide range for botryoidsTop: variable, bottom: variable. Mammilliation: Wide range for botryoids.ClayRed siliceous clayDark brown. Nodules in photograph represent only a small portion of whole dredge. Samples chosen for photograph may have been biased. Immediate storage and great number of nodules prohibited detailed study of significant portion.
MW7402-13D04 1974-09-2415.0000-125.0000-4515MW7402-13D04-10SurfaceMn noduleManyWide variety. Wide range for botryoidsTop: variable, bottom: variable. Mammilliation: Wide range for botryoids.ClayRed siliceous clayBrown. Nodules in photograph represent only a small portion of whole dredge. Samples chosen for photograph may have been biased. Immediate storage and great number of nodules prohibited detailed study of significant portion.
MW7402-13G01 1974-09-2216.0167-124.9817-4210MW7402-13G01-10SurfaceMn noduleSeveralClayRed clayMn nodule
MW7402-13G02 1974-09-2216.0489-125.1510-4284MW7402-13G02-10SurfaceMn nodule206131000.0100.2000.11Variable; many appear to be partially healed fragments. Many smaller nodules generally more angular; one shark's tooth covered with thin coating of manganese. Slight equatorial rim on some. Two 2-polylobes.Top: smooth, bottom: Rough on all medium-size nodules and some smaller nodules; smooth on others. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 3-20 mm for botryoids.ClayRed clayDark brown. Benthic foram tubes common.
MW7402-13G03 1974-09-2216.0811-125.5100-4368MW7402-13G03-10SurfaceMn nodule4127121100.0200.1000.050.11Large nodule ellipsoidal; medium-size nodules ellipsoidal; smaller ones variable. Many small, agglutinated angular rock fragments projecting from surface of many nodules. Two 2-poly, one 3-poly.Top: Smooth on all except small, spheroidal types, bottom: rough to gritty on all except small fragmental and medium ellipsoidal types. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 2-15 mm for botryoids.ClayRed clayDark brown. Benthic foram tubes common.
MW7402-13G04 1974-09-2216.1133-125.9833-4430MW7402-13G04-10SurfaceMn nodule12480000.0100.090Medium-size nodules discoidal- to ellipsoidal-fragmental; smallest ellipsoidal or spherical. Distinct angularity on some due to fragmentation and subsequent partial healing. One 2-poly.Top: smooth on larger nodules; gritty on smaller ones, bottom: gritty. Mammilliation: about 1 mmClayRed clayLight brown. Some nodules covered with red clay.
MW7402-13G05 1974-09-2215.0633-125.0017-4525MW7402-13G05-10SurfaceMn nodule4121321500.0100.2500.720.63Most nodules are faceted due to fragmentation and subsequent partial healing. Nodules not faceted are discoidal. Smaller nodules rounded, larger ones botryoidal. Equatorial rim on large nodules. One 2-poly.Top: smooth, bottom: rough, gritty. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules, 2-10 mm for botryoids.ClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown. Benthic foram tubes common on underside of equatorial rim.
MW7402-13G06 1974-09-2215.0311-125.0022-4511MW7402-13G06-10SurfaceMn nodule2200000.050Both 2-polylobate nodules with elongated shape. Two 2-polyTop and bottom: Rough and gritty. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules; 2-10 mm for botryoids.ClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown. Benthic foram tubes on both nodules.
MW7402-13G07 1974-09-2214.9989-125.0028-4482MW7402-13G07-10SurfaceMn nodule18533520.0100.0400.130.480.45Discoidal to elongate spheroidal for large nodules. Many faceted due to fracturing and re-healing. Well-developed equatorial rim large nodules. Large, deep crack on one large discoidal nodule.Top: smooth on all except small discoidal nodules, bottom: rough and gritty. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 5-20 mm for botryoids.ClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown. Large discoidal nodules are 'mushroom'- shaped with well developed equatorial rim of gritty botryoids.
MW7402-13G08 1974-09-2214.9667-125.0033-4460MW7402-13G08-10SurfaceMn nodule48152012010.0100.2500.390.18Larger nodules flattened discoids or elongate spheroids, whereas many medium and small nodules are faceted due to fracturing. Well-developed equatorial, botryoidal rim on many of large nodules.Top: smooth on large discoidal and medium discoidal, spheroidal, and faceted nodules, rough on others, bottom: rough and gritty. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 3-10 mm for botryoids.ClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown. Benthic foram tubes on bottom of equatorial rim.
MW7402-13G09 1974-09-2314.9330-125.0670-4590MW7402-13G09-10SurfaceMn nodule5142817200.0100.3400.460.20Variable. Larger nodules, spheroidal to ellipsoidal and discoidal. Smaller ones faceted due to fracturing. Septarian cracks on larger nodules. Coarse equatorial rim on many.Top: smooth, bottom: smooth on medium-sized spheroidal, small elongate and small polylobate nodules. Rough to gritty on rest. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 3-15 mm for botryoids.ClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown. Benthic foram tubes conspicuous by their absence.
MW7402-13G10 1974-09-2314.9830-125.0650-4520MW7402-13G10-10SurfaceMn nodule2020000.050One medium-size ellipsoidal nodule and one small faceted nodule (35 nun and 25 nun max. diameter, respectively).Top: finely gritty, bottom: finely gritty. Mammilliation: 1 mm.ClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown.
MW7402-13G11 1974-09-2315.0000-125.0610-4510MW7402-13G11-10SurfaceMn nodule6852832210.0100.3801.390.220.18Variable. Large nodules spheroidal, ellipsoidal-discoidal, medium ones discoidal, spheroidal, or ellipsoidal, smaller ones, faceted, ellipsoidal or polylobate. Large ones with slight equatorial rim.Top: smooth, bottom: rough. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 3-10 mm for botryoidsClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown. No foram tubes noticed on any surface. Partially healed cracks common on some larger nodules.
MW7402-13G12 1974-09-2315.0330-125.0600-4455MW7402-13G12-10SurfaceMn nodule9816757000.0500.8800.32Medium-size nodules, ellipsoidal or faceted with septarian cracks, smaller nodules are variable, ranging from ellipsoidal to spheroidal-discoidal and faceted. One medium-size 2-polylobate nodule.Top: smooth, bottom: finely gritty. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules; 3-5 mm for botryoidsClayRed clay, adhering to some of the nodulesDark brown.
MW7402-15BC04 1974-10-028.9333-139.9000-4940MW7402-15BC04-10In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralOozeMicro-nodule bearing radiolarian ooze.
MW7402-15BC05 1974-10-029.0000-139.8000-5010MW7402-15BC05-10In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralOozeMicro-nodule bearing radiolarian ooze.
MW7402-15G21 1974-10-018.7641-140.0030-5085MW7402-15G21-10SurfaceMn nodule20555230.0100.0100.240.180.68Core; shark toothVariable, from ellipsoidal to spheroidal and faceted for larger nodules; more variable for smaller nodules. Most have well-developed botryoids on all surfaces. Those of biological origin have shark's teeth nucleiTop: botryoidal, smooth, bottom: botryoidal, gritty. Equatorial rim very gritty, botryoidal. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 5-20 mm for botryoids.OozeSiliceous oozeLight brown. Benthic foram tubes on bottom side and on equatorial rim,red clay adhering to many.
MW7402-15G22 1974-10-018.8604-139.9730-5150MW7402-15G22-10SurfaceMn nodule1100000.005Core; shark toothSmall nodule with shape resulting from shark's tooth nucleus.Top: smooth, bottom: gritty. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm.OozeSiliceous oozeVery light brown. Calcified tube worm also found in grab sampler.
MW7402-15G23 1974-10-028.9941-139.9269-5050MW7402-15G23-10SurfaceMn nodule3113121410.0400.0600.070.250.08Variable; larger ones elongate-polylobate, tabular-polylobate, or ellipsoidal; smaller ones discoidal, ellipsoidal, spheroidal, or polylobate. Two small shark's tooth nucleated nodules. Many larger nodules have botryoidal rim.Top: smooth on all nodules, bottom: rough on all large and medium-sized nodules; smooth on all small nodules. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules; 5-25 mm for botryoids.OozeSiliceous oozeDark brown. Benthic foram tubes common.
MW7402-15G24 1974-10-029.1306-139.8873-5100MW7402-15G24-10SurfaceMn nodule2000110.070.10One large ellipsoidal nodule with botryoidal surfaces; one large discoidal nodule with botryoidal surfaces. Well-developed equatorial rim on both.Top: botryoidal, smooth, bottom: botryoidal, rough. Mammilliation: 5-20 mm for botryoids.OozeSiliceous oozeBrown.
MW7402-15G25 1974-10-038.9500-139.8830-4975MW7402-15G25-10SurfaceMn nodule17771110.0200.1000.040.060.08Larger nodules ellipsoidal or tabular; medium-size nodules discoidal or polylobate; smaller nodules spheroidal or polylobate. Well-developed botryoidal surfaces on medium and large nodules. Four 2-poly.Top: botryoidal, smooth on large and medium nodules, smooth on smaller nodules. Bottom: botryoidal, rough. Mammilliation: <=1 mm for granules, 5-15 mm for botryoids.OozeSiliceous oozeDark brown. Some benthic foram tubes on lower surfaces.
MW7402-15G26 1974-10-038.9862-139.8282-5000MW7402-15G26-10SurfaceMn nodule9302220.0100.150.350.72Large and small nodules are spheroidal; medium-size nodules are spheroidal or ellipsoidal. Equatorial rim on some nodules.Top: botryoidal, smooth on large and medium nodules, rough on smaller nodules. Bottom: botryoidal, rough. Mammilliation: <=1 mm for granules, 5-15 mm for botryoids.OozeSiliceous oozeDark brown. Benthic foram tubes common on equatorial rim and bottom surfaces, siliceous sponge.
MW7402-16G27 1974-10-0310.9327-139.9996-4850MW7402-15G27-10SurfaceMn nodule1100000.010Spheroidal.Top and bottom: rough, gritty. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granulesClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayDark brown. Benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G271974-10-0310.9327-139.9996-4850MW7402-15G27-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark brown. Benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G28 1974-10-0310.9689-140.0004-4845MW7402-15G28-10SurfaceMn nodule3001110.060.200.25Ellipsoidal to discoidal. Large botryoids on all surfaces; very well-developed equatorial rim with large botryoids.Top: botryoidal, rough on ellipsoidal nodules, botryoidal, smooth on discoidal nodule, bottom: botryoidal, rough. Mammilliation: 1-2 mm for granules; 5-20 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayDark brown. Benthic foram tubes common to all nodules.
MW7402-16G281974-10-0310.9689-140.0004-4845MW7402-15G28-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark brown. Benthic foram tubes common to all nodules.
MW7402-16G29 1974-10-0311.0637-139.9927-4850MW7402-15G29-10SurfaceMn nodule8051020.0900.050.83Large nodules are spheroidal, medium-size nodules are polylobate, discoidal, or ellipsoidal; small ones are discoidal or ellipsoidal. Well-developed botryoidal, equatorial rims common. One 4-poly.Top: botryoidal, rough, bottom: botryoidal, smooth on large spheroidal nodules, botryoidal, rough on others. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 5-25 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayDark brown. Well-developed mud lines marking sediment-water interface benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G291974-10-0311.0637-139.9927-4850MW7402-15G29-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark brown. Well-developed mud lines marking sediment-water interface benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G30 1974-10-0311.1118-139.9909-4825MW7402-15G30-10SurfaceMn nodule19882010.0200.1000.120.30Large nodule is ellipsoidal; medium nodules are spheroidal; small nodules vary from spheroidal to tabular and polylobate. Well-developed equatorial rim on many nodules. One 2 poly, two 3-poly.Top: botryoidal, smooth on large; smooth on tabular small nodule, bottom: Smooth on small, tabular nodule; botryoidal, rough on others. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 5-15 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayDark brown. Well developed mud lines; benthic foram tubes; siliceous sponges.
MW7402-16G301974-10-0311.1118-139.9909-4825MW7402-15G30-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark brown. Well developed mud lines; benthic foram tubes; siliceous sponges.
MW7402-16G31 1974-10-0411.0706-139.9824-4820MW7402-15G31-10SurfaceMn nodule5022010.1000.200.25Large nodule is ellipsoidal; medium nodules are discoidal; small ones are discoidal.Top and bottom: botryoidal, roughClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clay
MW7402-16G311974-10-0411.0706-139.9824-4820MW7402-15G31-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClay
MW7402-16G32 1974-10-0411.0659-139.9834-4820MW7402-15G33-10SurfaceMn nodule3011100.0400.120.18Tabular nodules of irregular shape. Edges rough, botryoidal.Top and bottom: botryoidal, rough. Mammilliation: <= 1 mm for granules; 5-12 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayDark brown. Six hardened clay balls of irregular shape (reddish, siliceous clay); nodules have mottled brown patches of hardened benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G321974-10-0411.0659-139.9834-4820MW7402-15G33-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark brown. Six hardened clay balls of irregular shape (reddish, siliceous clay); nodules have mottled brown patches of hardened benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G34 1974-10-0411.0688-140.0203-4775MW7402-15G34-10SurfaceMn nodule17740420.0100.0400.420.55Larger nodules, spherical, botryoidal, one large tubular (7.0x1.5 cm) nodule and one tabular, medium nodules are tabular; smaller ones, spheroidal to tabular and polylobate. Well-developed botryoidal surfaces except on small.Top and bottom: variable. Mammilliation:3-25 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayDark brown. Bottom determined by presence of clay (bottom of nodule) on nodules with rough top surfaces and smooth bottom surfaces. Benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G341974-10-0411.0688-140.0203-4775MW7402-15G34-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark brown. Bottom determined by presence of clay (bottom of nodule) on nodules with rough top surfaces and smooth bottom surfaces. Benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G35 1974-10-0411.0999-140.0000-4800MW7402-15G35-10SurfaceMn nodule3110010.0050.0050.15Tabular and ellipsoidal. Tabular nodules very irregular.Top: botryoidal, smooth, bottom: botryoidal, rough for large tabular; botryoidal, smooth for medium tabular; smooth for small ellipsoidal. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules, 3-25 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayBrown. One small (10-mm) hardened clay ball (siliceous), benthic foram tubes, 'rusty' encrustations (appear to be hardened foram tubes).
MW7402-16G351974-10-0411.0999-140.0000-4800MW7402-15G35-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayBrown. One small (10-mm) hardened clay ball (siliceous), benthic foram tubes, 'rusty' encrustations (appear to be hardened foram tubes).
MW7402-16G36 1974-10-0511.0959-140.0015-4800MW7402-15G36-10SurfaceMn nodule8440000.0050.050Spheroidal and polylobate (2-poly (3)). Botryoidal rim on some nodulesTop and bottom: botryoidal, rough on some, smooth on others. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules, 2-5 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayOne small (20 mm), flat clay ball (siliceous); benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G361974-10-0511.0959-140.0015-4800MW7402-15G36-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayOne small (20 mm), flat clay ball (siliceous); benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G37 1974-10-0511.0936-140.0045-4800MW7402-15G37-10SurfaceMn nodule5212000.0100.0100.07Faceted, tabular, spheroidal, and ellipsoidal. Faceted nodules angular due to fracturing and incomplete healing.Top: smooth, bottom: botryoidal, botryoidal, rough on medium tabular and faceted, rough on others. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules, 3-20 mm for botryoids.ClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayDark brown. One small (20 mm), flat clay ball (siliceous); benthic foram tubes. 40-mm max. diameter benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16G371974-10-0511.0936-140.0045-4800MW7402-15G37-20SurfaceMn crust2PlatyClayMicro-nodule-bearing siliceous clayTwo rust-colored platy crusts of 3.5 cm.
MW7402-16G371974-10-0511.0936-140.0045-4800MW7402-15G37-20In sedimentMn micronoduleSeveralClayDark brown. One small (20 mm), flat clay ball (siliceous); benthic foram tubes. 40-mm max. diameter benthic foram tubes.
MW7402-16BC07 1974-10-0411.0527-139.9903-4812MW7402-16BC07-10SurfaceMn nodule1000100.10Discoidal.Top and bottom: botryoidal, rough. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules, 3-10 mm for botryoids.ClaySiliceous clayDark brown. One large mud lump (11.0x9.0x4.0 cm, 45 Kg ), siliceous.
MW7402-16C02 1974-10-0511.0760-140.0330-4775MW7402-16C02-10SurfaceMn nodule1000000.15Ellipsoidal-discoidal. Botryoidal bottom and rimTop: smooth, bottom: botryoidal, rough. Mammilliation: 1 mm for granules, 3-25 mm for botryoids.OozeTan siliceous oozeDark brown. Found on strobe light housing of bottom camera.