Krause, Gunther (2016): Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IV/1, Bremerhaven - Longyearbyen, 1987-05-14 - 1987-06-06 [dataset]. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA,
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Published: 2016-10-26 • DOI registered: 2016-11-23
Related to:
Krause, Gunther; Meincke, Jens; Thiede, Jörn (1989): Scientific Cruise Reports of Arctic Expeditions ARK IV/1, 2 & 3 (Wissenschaftliche Fahrtberichte der Arktis-Expeditionen ARK-IV/1, 2 & 3). Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research, 56, 146 pp,
Further details:
Median Latitude: 73.541344 * Median Longitude: 3.627066 * South-bound Latitude: 53.616080 * West-bound Longitude: -5.753700 * North-bound Latitude: 79.398920 * East-bound Longitude: 9.566800
Date/Time Start: 1987-05-14T00:21:05 * Date/Time End: 1987-06-06T23:52:28
PS11/1-track * Latitude Start: 53.563960 * Longitude Start: 8.548130 * Latitude End: 78.300000 * Longitude End: 15.650000 * Date/Time Start: 1987-05-14T09:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1987-06-07T09:00:00 * Campaign: ARK-IV/1 (PS11) * Basis: Polarstern * Method/Device: Underway cruise track measurements (CT)
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