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Weaver, Philip PE; Carter, Lionel; Neil, Helen L (1998): Planktonic foraminifera abundances and isotopes of Late Quaternary sediments off New Zealand [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Weaver, PPE et al. (1998): Response of surface water masses and circulation to Late Quaternary climate change east of New Zealand. Paleoceanography, 13(1), 70-83,

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A series of cores from east of New Zealand have been examined to determine the paleoceanographic history of the late Quaternary in the SW Pacific using planktonic foraminiferal data. Distinct shifts of species can be seen between glacial and interglacial times especially south of Chatham Rise east of South Island. Foraminiferal fragmentation ratios and benthic/planktonic foraminiferal ratios both show increased dissolution during glacials, especially isotope stage 2 to the south of Chatham Rise. The present-day Subtropical Convergence appears to be tied to the Chatham Rise at 44°S, but during glacial times this rise separated cold water to the south from much warmer water to the north, with an associated strong thermal gradient across the rise. We estimate that this gradient could have presented as much as an 8°C temperature change across 4° of latitude during the maximum of the last ice age. There is only weak evidence of the Younger Dryas cool event, but there is a clear climatic optimum between 8 and 6.4 ka with temperatures 1°-2°C higher than the present day. The marine changes compare well with vegetational changes on both South and North Island.
Related to:
Weaver, Philip PE; Carter, Lionel; Neil, Helen L (1998): NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Late Quaternary SW Pacific Foraminifer Data. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information,
Median Latitude: -43.664870 * Median Longitude: 179.474609 * South-bound Latitude: -49.995000 * West-bound Longitude: 172.025000 * North-bound Latitude: -35.310000 * East-bound Longitude: -171.500000
Date/Time Start: 1983-01-03T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1983-01-03T00:00:00
23 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core 90-594.
  2. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core 90-594.
  3. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Isotopic ratios and CaCO3 content in sediment core CHAT_1k.
  4. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core CHAT_1k.
  5. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core CHAT_1k.
  6. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Isotopic ratios and CaCO3 content in sediment core P69.
  7. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core P69.
  8. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core P69.
  9. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Isotopic ratios and CaCO3 content in sediment core Q200.
  10. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core Q200.
  11. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core Q200.
  12. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Isotopic ratios and CaCO3 content in sediment core Q585.
  13. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core Q585.
  14. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core Q585.
  15. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Isotopic ratios and CaCO3 content in sediment core R657.
  16. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core R657.
  17. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core R657.
  18. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Isotopic ratios and CaCO3 content in sediment core S794.
  19. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core S794.
  20. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core S794.
  21. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Isotopic ratios and CaCO3 content in sediment core U938.
  22. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminifera factor analyses in sediment core U938.
  23. Weaver, PPE; Carter, L; Neil, HL (1998): Planktonic foraminiferal abundances in sediment core U938.