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Augustine, John (2016): Basic measurements of radiation at station Sioux Falls (2012-07) [dataset]. NOAA - Air Resources Laboratory, Boulder, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2016-10-14DOI registered: 2016-11-11

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Other version:
Augustine, John (2016): BSRN Station-to-archive file for station Sioux Falls (2012-07).
Latitude: 43.730000 * Longitude: -96.620000
Date/Time Start: 2012-07-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2012-07-31T23:59:00
Minimum HEIGHT above ground: m * Maximum HEIGHT above ground: m
SXF (Sioux Falls) * Latitude: 43.730000 * Longitude: -96.620000 * Date/Time: 2003-06-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: 473.0 m * Location: South Dakota, United States of America * Method/Device: Monitoring station (MONS) * Comment: BSRN station no: 37; Surface type: grass; Topography type: hilly, rural; Station scientist: John A. Augustine (
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DATE/TIMEDate/TimeAugustine, JohnGeocode
2HEIGHT above groundHeightmAugustine, JohnGeocode
3Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiationSWDW/m2Augustine, JohnPyranometer, Spectrosun, SR-75, SN 73-31, WRMC No. 31104
4Direct radiationDIRW/m2Augustine, JohnPyrheliometer, Eppley, NIP, SN 30398E6, WRMC No. 31266
5Diffuse radiationDIFW/m2Augustine, JohnPyranometer, Eppley, 8-48, SN 33902, WRMC No. 31334
6Long-wave downward radiationLWDW/m2Augustine, JohnPyrgeometer, Eppley, PIR, SN 35471F3, WRMC No. 31192
7Station pressurePoPoPoPohPaAugustine, JohnBarometer (BARO)
210469 data points

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